When Zhang Yang returned home, he began to think about what was in the ancient secret of Neptune.

He has memories of this secret, but the time when the secret was born is different.

He remembered that it was only one year after the opening of the Infinity Tower that this secret was discovered by a wanderer, and then countless explorers were ushered in.

Some come back full, while others stay on Neptune forever.

"It should be an ancient god's rule fragment, right?

Zhang Yang can't remember clearly.

Because he didn't go at that time, he didn't know some details.

This time Zhang Yang wanted to join in the fun, entirely because after the eighth floor, everyone had to come into contact with the ghastly thing called rules.

For example, the monsters on the eighth floor, some will have physical immunity, and some will have this immunity and that immunity, all of which are the ghosts of the rules.

Only rules can fight against rules.

Although Zhang Yang still has several divine positions on his body, he has not mastered a single rule.

Mainly because the level is not enough.

However, starting from the eighth floor, it was different.

On the 8th floor, if you work hard and get lucky, you can master the 2% rule, but it's hard to say what the rule is.

It's a bit early to say this. Zhang Yang's current purpose is to get the ancient god rules located on Neptune, and after the death power in his body is swallowed, he will give birth to his own death rules.

The next day, Zhang Yang received a notice from Condensed Ice, saying that a week later, everyone will take the latest quantum engine spacecraft to Neptune to prepare him.

Because the distance is too far, the spaceship provides a large number of game helmets and a small number of game compartments. Lengbing asked Zhang Yang if he wanted to leave him a game compartment.

But Zhang Yang refused.

It's not because I don't want to owe the ice, but it's not necessary.

The game warehouse will record the player's data, which was originally a monitoring method to prevent the player from being uncomfortable during the battle of the Endless Tower, but under certain operations, the user's ID can be read.

Zhang Yang couldn't accept this.

He is not afraid of being exposed. He secretly controls Blue Star and can erase all information about himself at any time.

It was mainly because of a series of things caused by his exposure that made him not want to be like this.

So, a gaming helmet will do.

A week passed quickly, Zhang Yang's level has also reached level 40 (explain, it is level 40 of Azeroth occupation, not level 40 of Sanctuary World.).

As long as you can get the attribute points of the seventh floor, you can go to the eighth floor.

On this day, Zhang Yang was fighting in the dungeon of the Scarlet Monastery. After killing the dog-girl duo, he received a communication from Foyego.

"…|| Got it"~.

Zhang Yang disconnected the communication, picked up the spoils on the ground, and returned to reality.

Opening the door, a pure and beautiful face appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

is condensed ice.

She personally drove to pick up Zhang Yang.

This is what Foyego told him.

"Let's go!"

Leng Bing looked at Zhang Yang and pointed at his off-road vehicle: "Get in the car, or you won't be able to catch up with the gathering (how are you, Wang)!

"it is good..."

Zhang Yang actually wanted to summon Malygos, but the current appearance of Malygos is too characteristic, and Zhang Yang didn't want to summon it.

Anyway, if you take a car, you can't drop a piece of meat.

Zhang Yang followed the cold ice and got into the car.

I have to say that the car of Lengbing drove very steadily and quickly, achieving an unimaginable unity.

This is something Zhang Yang can't do.

He rarely drives, and his driving skills are not very good.

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