When they arrived at the spaceship base, Ningbing took Zhang Yang out of the car.

"See? This is our newly developed intra-galactic quantum engine spacecraft, called Star Chaser!"

Ningbing pointed at the spaceship that was several kilometers long and hundreds of meters high and said, "It's a multi-functional shuttle ship based on the wreckage of the blood and wolf battleships salvaged on the moon."

Zhang Yang looked at this giant ship, and suddenly saw the Pangu, which once gathered the efforts of all the Blue Star human beings, the power of the main guns, even reached the main god level!

It was only destroyed by those betrayers, and finally Pangu disappeared into the flames without firing a shot.

Thoughts return.

Zhang Yang has followed the condensed ice to the interior of the spacecraft.

What they are now in is the preparation area, which extends in all directions, and there are windows everywhere. They can drop fighter jets at any time to attack or harass the enemy.

It didn't take long for his 643s to come to the residential area, because it is a battleship, so don't think about how good the living area is.

An area 80 cm high and 200 cm long is where everyone sleeps.

This kind of condition makes these young people who are almost all pampered and raised a little bit unbearable.

On the contrary, those older people have no complaints.

They wanted to protest, but were ruthlessly suppressed.

"Remember, you are from the Secret Service!"

As the leader of the team, Leng Bing's tone to others was not as good as Zhang Yang's: "The Secret Service belongs to the military, in other words, you are all soldiers."

"Soldiers, obey orders."

"Actually, it's pretty good here, do you know submarines? Do you know what their living conditions are like?35

"Now, everyone has it, go to the restaurant to gather.


After finishing speaking, Leng Bing didn't care what these guys wanted to do, pulled Zhang Yang and ran towards the restaurant.

Others, you look at me, I look at you, very speechless.

After eating in the restaurant, it didn't take long before I started training some necessary common sense in space (cjfe).

For example, don't jump too hard, because the gravitational force outside is too small, if you don't pay attention, you may get out of the gravitational force of the planet.

If the ticket goes to outer space, then wait to die, there is no way to save it.

These Zhang Yang are all clear, because in the later period, the ground war has disappeared, it is all space station, over-the-horizon warfare.

After about 3 days of training, the various preparations for the spacecraft were completed, and it officially set sail today.


In outer space, Zhang Yang looked at the blue star that was getting smaller and smaller, and the condensed ice beside him suddenly said: "When I first came here, I thought how terrible the universe is and how beautiful the blue star is."

"Beauty. 95

Zhang Yang is telling the truth.

In the entire universe, most of the planets are the kind of planets without life.

Planets like Blue Star are extremely rare.

Some scientists even suspected that the Blue Star test field was a test field to test how life and civilization were born.

This is not an alarmist.

Because everything is too coincidental.

As if it was deliberately arranged.

Moreover, the creatures and civilization on the Blue Star have undergone several major baptisms, and they were all destroyed by a sudden disaster when the race and civilization reached their peak.

It seems to be done deliberately, to prepare for the civilization of the next season.

Whether it is true or not, Zhang Yang does not know, but he knows that the crisis facing the Blue Star civilization today is far more dangerous than the crisis facing other civilizations.

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