Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

197: The whole people are crazy!


The whole world is crazy.

They looked in the direction of the foot pot chicken, and what appeared in their eyes was the look of a hungry wolf.

Even their own nationals are like that.

In Shihuang Palace, Shihuang and the Prime Minister were directly confused.

They looked at the same blank Snow Maiden, full of question marks.

Is this... to help them, or to harm them?

"Damn, the Infinity Tower actually intervened?

Snow Girl's face showed shock: "How is it possible, it shouldn't interfere in the Infinity Tower!"

"Yes, it's still in the early stage of the Tower of Infinity. I'm stuck in a bug when I come by myself, but summoning Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is something that the Tower of Infinity can't tolerate!"

"It's broken, I will be punished by Amaterasu-sama now."

Xue Nu's already pale face, at this moment, can't see a bit of blood.

She glanced at Shi Huang and the Prime Minister who were dumbfounded, and their figures turned into flying snow and disappeared in place.

She needs to find a way to fix it!


"Forgive me..."~"

A young man who looks like the Prime Minister of the Footpen Chicken vomited blood, his eyes were full of despair, and he kept begging Zhang Yang, who was like a devil: "I am the son of the Prime Minister of the Footpen Chicken, as long as you bypass me, I can do anything under any conditions. Satisfy you.""

"You said, is there such a possibility.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and looked at the onmyoji who was taking pleasure in humiliating people and taking the way of harvesting yin and replenishing yang, with a serious face: "As long as I want to, the whole chicken has to submit to my feet? "

The despair in Amber's eyes was even worse.

As a descendant of Seimei Ampei, he is the most outstanding onmyoji in the contemporary era, and even disturbed Gao Tianyuan, and specially prepared the ghost of the legendary big monster Datengu as his shikigami for him.

Relying on the phantom of the Great Tengu at the pinnacle of the demigod realm, An Pei's soul is invincible, even among the gods, he is one of the best.

But now, his pride was shattered by that ordinary bone spear.

The kind that can't be recovered.

He couldn't imagine that he was just an ordinary person, not even an ordinary person who was favored by God, to have such terrifying power.

"The flower grower is indeed a terrible country.

At this time, Ampei thought of Gao Tianyuan's cautious attitude towards flower growers. At first, he thought that Gao Tianyuan's people were as timid as mice, but now it seems that the great gods of Gao Tianyuan already knew that the water of flower growers was too deep.

It's just that he was too young and too arrogant, which led to such consequences.

Ampei Hundan swore that if he could go back alive this time, he would definitely inform everyone about the dangers of the ancient oriental flower family, and make them vigilant about everything about the flower family.

But now it looks like he doesn't have this chance.

Zhang Yang used a bone spear to pierce Ampei Hundan's head directly, and while watching him die, a reminder from the Tower of Infinity was heard in his ears.

“…|| Oh?”

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of Blue Star: "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk? Sounds interesting."

His understanding of (Wang Ma Hao) Yu Baigui Yexing is limited to the ancient legend of the foot pot chicken, and he has never really seen it.

But until now, Zhang Yang has another question.

Since Gao Tianyuan exists, the legends that represent Blue Star are not groundless.

But why did these ancient legends not appear in this world when the Blue Star civilization collapsed?

Or, they have already appeared, but were wiped out by the strong shot?

This is a mystery that Zhang Yang wants to explore.

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