Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

198: Amaterasu who faces Gao Tianyuan!

Before exploring these mysteries, what Zhang Yang needs to do is to clean up the favored ones hidden in the entire Neptune secret.

At present, he has cleared more than half of the area, and the remaining area is not too much, so he should be able to catch up.

Of course, he did not plan to take the spaceship back, but planned to return to Blue Star directly through the teleportation array.

Before that, he needs to find the cold ice and take her back with him.

It wasn't that Zhang Yang liked Leng Bing, but that the other party treated him well, and he also kept it in his heart.

Although there was no way to respond to the other party's intentions, it was still a trivial matter to bring her back to Blue Star.

"Damn it! 35

Leng Bing looked at the favored person who was hacked to death by the bone, and looked at the environment like hell around him. He didn't like people with chicken feet, and now he is even more disgusted to death.

However, I have to praise them, the strength of these gods favored is still very good.

If there is no Gu Yi, there must be no way for the cold ice to escape.

Even himself will become a member of the surrounding hell scene.

This made her start to worry about other people.

As for Zhang Yang?

Gu Yi is so strong, as its master, Zhang Yang's strength is definitely stronger.

In this regard, Leng Bing is even more confident than Zhang Yang himself.

She also kept pushing forward, occasionally asking Gu Yi to see where Zhang Yang had reached.

When she learned that Zhang Yang had not moved for a long time, she knew that this secret treasure should be over.

In fact, freezing ice feels good.

Zhang Yang is now in the deepest part of Neptune's secret treasure.

Seeing the three figures in front of him exuding a powerful aura and the realm of strength above the demigods, Zhang Yang smiled.

"Is that you, the one who swept away the favored god of my high heaven??"

The head is a guy with a naked upper body, his body is burning with hot flames.

If Zhang Yang guessed correctly, this guy should be the god of the legendary Kusanagi family - the ghost of Amaterasu.

Amaterasu is also the most powerful god in the entire Gao Tianyuan, known as the head of the gods.

Of course, just listen to the myth of the foot pot chicken. If you really want to be honest, the planes don't give them face.

Faced with Amaterasu's inquiry, Zhang Yang didn't bother to answer at all, so he shot directly.

The bone spear instantly pierced through Amaterasu's phantom, and even the phantom with Susanoo and Yagi Orochi behind him also disappeared.

Having achieved such a victory, it stands to reason that Zhang Yang should be happy.

But there was no happy expression on Zhang Yang's face.

Because these phantoms were not killed by him, but were taken back by the other party.

In other words, he was shaken.

Oh no, it was swayed by God.

(cjfe) Zhang Yang raised his head, as if he could see the Gao Tianyuan in the inexplicable space, his eyes were cold.

After a long time, he picked up the ancient law that fell on the ground and absorbed it with the power of death.

A trace is very strange, as if the power that can change the whole world appeared in his body.

This is the power of rules.

Mastering the rules means that you have taken the first step towards becoming a god.

When the rules are mastered to 5%, the whole person's life level will be strengthened. At that time, when facing a person of the same level who has not experienced the strengthening of the rules, remember that it is the same level, the same level, not the same enemy.

Just using the strength of the flesh is enough to suppress it to death.

The gap in life level is the most desperate gap in the world, and there is no way to make it up.

After absorbing the rules of the ancient gods, Zhang Yang began to arrange the teleportation array to Blue Star, and by the way, let Gu Yi bring the cold ice over.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps came, Zhang Yang raised his head, it was Gu Yi and Leng Bing.

"You'll be fine.

The condensed ice is a soy sauce all the way, and the strong enemies are dealt with by the bones.

For Gu Yi's strength, Leng Bing has a deeper understanding.

Originally, she thought that Gu Yi's ability to instantly kill a king-level powerhouse was already the limit, but now even a demigod-level powerhouse can instantly kill with a snap of her fingers, which made Leng Bing's evaluation of Zhang Yang's combat effectiveness a level higher.

"Let's go.

Zhang Yang pointed to the teleportation array that had been drawn on the ground: "We will return directly to Blue Star now, and we should still be able to catch the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk."

"This is... a teleportation array?",

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