"During my absence, the underworld has changed a lot!"

Pluto came and looked at all the gods present, especially the God of Skeletons: "Especially you, little skeleton, you can't even do anything with a little skeleton, but you have lost all of our faces."

"That skeleton is unusual!

After the God of Bones defended for two sentences, he simply put it to pieces: "Yes, I failed, what's wrong?


Pluto is also just joking.

"Right now, the most important thing for us is to unite 29 to contain the Church of Death."

It is because of this matter that Pluto came from his own kingdom of God.

He has been planning the underworld, preparing to use his own kingdom of God to devour the entire underworld, thereby promoting the god king.

At that time, the entire underworld, together with these gods born in the underworld, will automatically become his gods.

Naturally, he was reluctant to let these guys suffer.

You must know that it is easy to lower the realm, but difficult to improve.

He doesn't want to wait for the day when he will control the underworld by himself, but his subordinate gods are a group of scumbags that are nothing but middle gods or even lower gods.

At that time, he will be a god king, where will he put his face?

"Next, I'm going to deal with Mo Qinglan. You guys deal with the Church of Death, right?"

King Hades recalled Mo Qinglan's appearance, and his heart burst into flames: "No opinion, it's settled like this."

After speaking, Hades left, leaving behind a few gods who looked at each other, but did not dare to speak at all.

Church of Death.

Mo Qinglan is paying homage to the god of death, the statue of Zhang Yang.

It's something she does every day.

It usually lasts for half an hour. Everyone in the Church of Death knows about her habit, and usually no one bothers her.

But today, it is different.

Mo Qinglan, who was visiting and praying, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

She noticed that a terrifying force was attacking rapidly, without the slightest restraint.

Destination, the Church of the Dead!

"It's him?

Mo Qinglan's beautiful brows knit together: "Why did he come?"

Just when she was thinking about why Hades came at this time, a voice suddenly appeared and echoed in the entire Church of Death.

"Mo Qinglan, I haven't seen you for a long time, why don't you come out to see an old friend?

"Or, shall I go in?"

The domineering voice made the believers who were lower than the demigod realm very uncomfortable, and even the seven orifices bleed.

This is still the loss caused by the formation method isolating most of the divine power. It is conceivable how powerful the Pluto is.

"The King of Pluto is here, what advice do you have?"

Mo Qinglan's body burst out with the divine power of death, and after stabilizing the injuries of the more seriously injured believers in the church, the whole person flew into the sky and looked at Hades through the formation: "Also, as soon as it comes, it will hurt my death church. crowd?"

"Qing Lan, after so many years, 660 you are still so beautiful. 35

The King of Pluto looked at Mo Qinglan, and his heart was extremely fiery: "As I said, why do you still believe in the god of death, why don't you follow me, sooner or later, you will become the supreme god queen, and the mother is beautiful in the world, isn't it beautiful?

Pluto's words made Mo Qinglan frown.

"Pluto, I respect you as a strong man, so I'm a little more polite in my words. Do you think that the Church of Death is easy to bully?"

The divine power of death on Mo Qinglan began to boil: "As a subordinate of the god of death, it is a great sin for you to disrespect the god of death. 39

"Go back now, and I can forgive your sins.

"If not, God's punishment will come, and even I can't save you!"

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