"God Punishment?"

When Hades heard Mo Qinglan's words, he laughed loudly: "It is one thing whether the god of death exists or not, and you are stupid. 35

"If there is really divine punishment, then let him punish me? 39

"I'm sure!

Hades looked at Mo Qinglan playfully: "I'm here now, please, punish me quickly!

"a ha ha ha..."

Just as Hades finished speaking, while he was still laughing, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared between heaven and earth and slashed straight into Hades' head.

Hades didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was a coincidence.

But the power of thunder and lightning just broke out, but his face changed greatly.

Because among this power, there is a power that is very similar to his Hades, but more advanced.

Death power.

Different from Mo Qinglan's death power, this power is more advanced and more energetic.

"Is there really a god of death in this world?"

At this time, the power of the Pluto in the body was dissolved by the power of death, and the fighting power of the entire god was damaged, and even the power of the middle god could not be exerted.

For this reason, he didn't even dare to fart, glanced at Mo Qinglan, and left in despair.

In the process of running, He was still making excuses for himself.

"I'm not running, but now the situation is unknown, I have to retain my strength to deal with this unknown force"~.

"That woman Mo Qinglan definitely knows something, otherwise it wouldn't be so coincidental!

"The god of death... Is there really a god of death in this world?

Hades didn't notice at all, an emotion called "fear" was buried deep in his heart.

"Thank you Lord God of Death for your shot. 35

Mo Qinglan returned to the statue and continued the unfinished worship and prayer.

Realistic, sunny bachelor pad.

Zhang Yang scratched his head, a little confused.

Just now, he rarely slept because he was too tired.

But in the dream, he heard someone praying to him.

But the content of the prayer made him a little bit incomprehensible to the dreamer.

God's punishment!

Prayer, actually praying to himself for divine punishment?

This will make trouble for Zhang Yang.

Just when Zhang Yang felt that the dream was too nonsensical, a voice asked Zhang Yang if he answered the prayer.

Zhang Yang decisively chose to respond.

As a result, Zhang Yang felt a force suddenly appear, and flew towards the prayer in an instant.

Not surprisingly, this should be the so-called divine punishment.

Zhang Yang wanted to know what the prayer looked like, but he woke up immediately after urinating.

"...||Is it a dream?"

Zhang Yang scratched his head: "It feels so real."

I got up to pee, then patted my face with cold water, trying to refresh myself.

Explain here, don't think that the strong will not get tired.

As long as their life form does not change, there will be exhaustion.

Moreover, even if the life form changes and becomes something like a tireless skeleton, it will have attributes similar to tiredness.

Such as Skeleton Action (Wang Wang's), ignoring physical strength, but consumes the fire of the soul.

This is much more serious than physical exertion.

When you are finished with physical exertion, just rest and rest.

When the fire of the soul is consumed, it means that the consciousness will fall into a deep sleep forever, and it can only be recovered unless someone helps you ignite the fire of the soul.

Metal life has a similar mechanism, which is called wear extension.

Therefore, there is no existence in this world that will not get tired, even if it is a god, it is no exception.

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