After a short rest, Zhang Yang did not continue to return to the Infinity Tower to fight, but looked at the sky.

If you look at it this way, Zhang Yang may be in a daze.

But in fact, Zhang Yang was communicating with Zebeixiu.


This fellow Zebesh hasn't been killed yet.

Moreover, according to what Cebesius himself said, his status in the blood clan has even been improved.

All because before the second attack of the shadow avatar, he was stuck in time to deliver a message to Dracula.

This move won him the trust of the blood clan.

Therefore, although he brought two disasters, he did not lose the trust of the blood clan, and even two blood gods were protecting him.

One is his paternal line, the blood god Cain.

One is his maternal line, the blood god Dracula.

These two gods are the existences of the upper gods, and they are the strongest people in the whole world.

Returning to the Star of the Blood God, this planet is full of demigods and quasi-gods, and even the realm of true gods is constantly infested, but Cebexiu's status far exceeds his 660 strength.

Blood God Conference.

This kind of meeting, which had only been heard in rumors, would affect the entire blood clan and even the entire heaven and earth every time it was held. Cebexiu participated in an extremely shocked situation.

Facing the thirteen blood gods who had only heard of legends, Cebexiu was at a loss for words.

After some inquiries, Cebesius said everything he knew, and then he retired.

Thirteen blood gods remained, pondering.

"Now let's talk about that strong assassin.

The old blood god looked at it, and it was no way to go on like this. He knocked on the table: "Cain, you say."

"He's explosive.

Cain held back for a long time before he stammered out this sentence: "I was defeated in an instant, even if I opened the Blood God Domain (cjfe)."

"In the end, I also wanted to defend the dignity of the blood race, and wanted to drag him to hell, but I didn't expect..."

What happened next, they all knew.

Nothing more than jade ruined, stone is fine.

"Dracula, tell me too. 359

The old blood god looked at another blood god who had faced the shadow incarnation: "How do you feel about the strong assassin?


Dracula spit out a word with a serious face: "Extremely strong!


"No more. 35

In the face of Dracula, who cherishes words like gold, the old blood god feels a little headache.

"Others have their say.

The old blood god said helplessly.

But what followed was endless silence.

Although the remaining blood gods have not faced the shadow incarnation, whether it is Cain or Dracula, they are the strongest among the blood gods.

They are all defeated, and the others face the shadow incarnation, and the chance of victory is no more than 10%.

Well, maybe not even 1%.

Seeing this, the old blood god sighed: "According to the existing information, the attack of that strong assassin has reached the level of the main god, or even the peak of the main god, this point, no one here can defend it, and can only rely on Blood pools avoid damage."5

"Then is the speed, although that one did not show too fast speed, but the speed of the general assassin is not slow, so he can be regarded as the speed of the upper god or even the main god.

"Defense... neither of you hit him?"

The old blood god looked at Cain and Dracula with suspicious eyes, but what he saw was their lowered heads.

"Defense is unknown. 99

The old blood god summed it up helplessly: "In other words, we can regard this strong assassin as a god-level..."

"He's just a true god..."

In the end, Cain still expressed the true state of shadow incarnation, and said it,

In an instant, there was an uproar.

True God?

A mere true god actually went against the upper gods, and could even burst out a main god-level attack?

how can that be?

Facing everyone, even the old blood god looked at Cain with suspicion, and he lowered his head.

no way.

A high-ranking god was actually defeated by a true god, which is no longer shameful to describe.

Most importantly, this is not to beat one, but two.

No, it's three.

The old blood god looked at Cain, he knew why Cain concealed this matter, and understood, but he couldn't accept it.


The old blood god pointed at the two blood gods and wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

"Let's do it first."

The old blood god stopped the blood god meeting, and the figure walked out for a while.

The other blood gods also walked out of the council in turn.

Cebexiu, who was in the outside world, looked at the old blood gods who suddenly came out, and the blood gods who came out one after another, a little puzzled.

"The meeting is suspended."

Cain and Dracula who came out looked at Zebesius: "Let's go."

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