Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

216: The road to becoming a god!

Cebesius, who returned from the mission, was soon received by Cain.

Because this time the task was accomplished very well, Cain gave Zebesius an unexpected reward.

This reward is blood, spirit and blood.

An item that can help Zebesh set foot on the Blood God.

Ce Beixiu once coveted this item, especially when offering a reward to Zhang Yang, he wanted to swallow that drop of blood more than once.

The treasure that he once dreamed of was now within easy reach, and even though Cebexiu was no longer just himself, his face was full of ecstasy.

With this drop of blood essence, he can step through the demigod mirror, set foot on the quasi-miracle mirror, and maybe even spy on the true god. 29

In the following time, Cebesius devoted himself to digesting this drop of blood, spirit, essence and blood.

It has to be said that the power of the blood god is still powerful, even if the blood god Cain's current strength is only a lower god, but his original life level is the level of the upper god, so the level of this drop of blood essence is also the level of the upper god level.

After absorbing and digesting the blood essence, Cebei Xiu found that he had already stepped into the demigod realm and set foot on the quasi-god.

. He estimated that when the blood essence stopped working, he would be able to reach the peak of the Quasi-God Realm for the first time, and maybe even break through to the True God Realm. At that time, he would become a new Blood God. This is the preciousness of blood, spirit, blood, and blood, and it is also the main reason why every blood clan dreams of it.

With blood, spirit and blood, there is the capital to become a god.

Here, Ce Beixiu has already obtained the key to becoming a god, while Zhang Yang is scavenging the resources of the entire eighth floor.

All the regular monsters cannot escape his poisonous hands, including the resurrected Andariel.

Yes, Zhang Yang killed Andariel once again, using all her power as nourishment, and letting the divine power seed absorb and bloom several times before it was considered that Andariel was drained.

At this time, the rules in Zhang Yang's body have already scaled.

According to estimates, Andariel will probably be killed 1,800 times. It should be able to give birth to the first rules of death.

At that time, he will no longer be a false god with only divine power and no rules, but one of the supreme gods with the power of death and the rules of death.

Oh, by the way, the other supreme god, the God of Life is also him, but now he has no chance or resources to accumulate the laws of life. Otherwise, he will merge the two into one and break through to become the only Chaos God.

At that time, his strength will not be the same as it is now.

If he gathers together the rules of space, time, soul, reality, etc., he will become the Godhead of Creation and become the creator of this world.

At that time, even the Tower of Infinity will be under his control. This is also one of the ambitions that he burst out after obtaining the dual gods. Although this road is difficult, Zhang Yang believes that he should be able to make it to the end.

If 660 died on the way, he would not regret it, because he died on the way forward.

Of course, it's better if this kind of thing happens or not, because I feel like I haven't lived enough.

There are still many things in this world that he has not seen or done, such as stepping on all the heavens and all races under his feet.

And there are too many tribes, Zhang Yang decided to simplify them, and then he will start a physical war.

Only civilizations dominated by human form are qualified to survive, and the others will either become vassals or die. Buried together with the entire planet in the cosmic graveyard.

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