Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

217: I'd rather die than yield!

The most important thing to do this is to rely on one's own strength. Now Zhang Yang's strength can be said to be the top group among the heavens and thousands of clans, but there is still a period of distance from the top group. distance.

With the star map in hand, Zhang Yang can conquer those civilizations that are relatively close to the Blue Star at any time.

But he glanced at it, and he didn't say anything about the solar system. The entire Milky Way was only a mere hundreds of civilizations.

And the distance is quite far, even at the speed of the latest quantum engine battleship, it will take 180 years to reach the next civilization.

Now, unless you build a quantum matrix engine, or a black hole fission device, or build a wormhole tunnel, it is too difficult, too difficult to go to other planets.

Of course, if you borrow the battleship of the blood clan, it will only take a short time to reach it, but... is it time to expose your own dark child?

Zhang Yang thought it was not worth it.

Therefore, he just asked Zebesius and Luxey to collect some information on the battleships that had been eliminated from the two civilizations.

As for the role, it is very simple, find a time and sell it to the Blue Star Federation.

Although it is the left hand and the right hand, although Zhang Yang is not short of money now, but he can't train his subordinates to eat for free, and he is exhausted.

Isn't this upside down?

After Zhang Yang arranged what he could do so far, he rubbed his temples and continued to return to the game.

After receiving Zhang Yang's order, Zebeixiu and Luxi immediately began to execute it.

Because it was only some eliminated information, they were quickly queried by means of their identities.

Without attracting attention, they copied the information and handed it over to Zhang Yang the next time they saw it.

"Cebexiu" ~. 35

Just as Cebesius had just finished copying the data, a voice suddenly came.

He turned around and it was Dracula.

"Lord Dracula.

Cebesius hurriedly bowed his head in a salute.

"I have some things for you to do.

Although Dracula's current situation is a little better than Cain's, it's not much.

Because the planets are gone, there are not many people under him who can use them, but there is not even a single person like Cebexiu.

So, Dracula was going to tell Zebeixu something.

"I heard you helped Cain take down a planet?"

Dracula looked at Cebesius: "And it's still perfect, taking the entire planet almost without a single shot? 35


Cebesius was modest.

But Dracula didn't believe it was luck.

If it was luck, he wouldn't have only one planet under his name, and it was now destroyed by the shadow incarnation.

|| I am in the same situation as Cain, and also need a planet. 35

Dracula also took out a star map: "It's not far from here, similar to that of Planet Alpha."5


Cebesius nodded, did not ask any other information, and set off directly.

On the way, he only glanced at the destination.

It is a life planet of a small (Wang Wang's) type not far from the Star of the Blood God.

After Cebesius came, he still did the same thing, but this time, the life forms of this civilization were more stubborn and would rather die.

For this reason, Cebexiu had no choice but to use the ability of the blood clan to forcibly transform the leaders of the two races into the blood clan.

But in the next second, the two race leaders who transformed into the blood clan blatantly exploded.

This is rather die than give in!

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