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218: Life and death, endless reincarnation!

The actions of these two racial leaders gave Cebesius a headache.

After finding the seniors of the two races, and converting them into blood races, the result was the same.

This time Zebeixiu was troubled.

No way, he once again captured the current highest level of the two races, and directly cast the talent fascination.

Only later did Zebeixu realize why these two races were so hard-headed.

It turns out that they are all people with firm beliefs.

On the one hand, they believe in the supreme god of death. They believe that death is only a return to the embrace of the father, so they are not afraid of death.

One side believes in the same supreme God of life. The believers on this side believe that death is the most noble honor, and if they die for their faith, they will be reborn in the 660 kingdoms of the God of Life.

Seeing the teachings of these two civilizations, Zebeixu scratched his head.

"God of death? God of life?"

Ze Beixiu suddenly thought of his master, Zhang Yang.

He knew that his master was not only a god of death, but could also summon an incarnation of the god of shadows.

Moreover, in the body of his master, there is the power of the god of life.

In other words, the civilizations on this planet believe in their own masters.

"It's gotta be a way."

The newly born Cebei Xiu naturally took Zhang Yang's interests as the highest standard, so let's go with any blood clan.

It is absolutely impossible for him to hurt his master's believers.

After learning about this, Cebexiu solved the fascination of talent, and when the two were about to explode, he subdued them and said, "I know that you are the believers of the god of death and the god of life, but in fact Me too.

Seeing that the leader who belonged to the Death Believers didn't believe it, Cebexiu directly released the aura of death that he had hidden so deeply that even the old blood god hadn't discovered it.

"Sir God!"

After feeling the strong death power, the leader of the death believers knelt directly to the ground, his eyes full of fanaticism: "Have you ever brought an oracle?

"I am the oracle!"

Zebexiu completely conquered the leader of the Death Believers with a very strong word.

The next step is to deal with the believers of the God of Life who still want to blow themselves up.

"Similarly, I am also a believer in the God of life."

Ce (cjfe) Beixiu contacted Zhang Yang and borrowed the life force from him.

Under the shocked gazes of the leaders of the believers of life and the leaders of death, Cebesius had a strong life force.

All of a sudden, the life leader believers also knelt.

But the faces of the two leaders of believers were full of doubt and shock.

They don't know why the angels of the god of life and the god of death are a blood race?

Cebesius saw the doubts of the leaders of the two sides and said: "Although I am a blood family, I have been favored by the two supreme gods and have become an unprecedented double apostle. 99

"I came this time, on the bright side, to conquer this civilization for the sake of the blood."

"Actually, I'm here to help you, to get you out of the blood clan's sphere of influence and to find the two supreme gods, the God of Life and the God of Death."

To be honest, what Cebesius said was pretty bad.

But with the status of his divine envoy, he added official certification to every word he said.

The leaders of both sides did not speak, but looked at Cebexiu firmly.

"Everything, obey the oracle!"

Afterwards, Cebesius made the whole planet move.

The believers from the two sides, who used to be beaten to death as soon as they met, were a little confused at first when they learned that the envoys of the two sides were the same person, but then they became firm.

The two churches merged to form the Church of Life and Death.

The Pope is still Cebesius, and the two vice-popes below are the original leaders of believers.

After setting up the framework, under the command of Cebei Xiu, the divine envoy who knew the blood clan extremely well, the entire planet was made to look like the blood clan didn't like it very much.

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