Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

219: What about the power of Lao Tzu's belief?

"Remember, during this time, keep a low profile."

After completing all this, Cebesius stepped down as the Pope of Life and Death and handed it over to a new generation of young people.

In the past, the struggle for power and profit in the decaying church will not happen in the living and dead church.

These people are all mad believers, and none of them have expressed any different opinions on the decision of the angel of Cebesius.

In the same way, the new pope who took over was a young man, but he was also the best among young people.

Not only did he quickly accept his identity as a member of the Church of Life and Death, but he also accepted that he suddenly became the Pope.

For the understanding of the doctrine, he is not biased, and both life and death must be grasped and hardened.

For this young man, Zebesius was very satisfied.

After making arrangements again, Cebesius took the spaceship and left here.

He's going back to recover.

Blood God Star.

"you failed?"

Dracula looked at Zebeixu with some doubts: "In principle, you shouldn't fail.

"The people on that planet are all iron-headed babies."

Zebeixu had long been prepared for Dracula's doubts.

Directly took out the record of the spacecraft.

Dracula couldn't find anything wrong with Zebeixu's series of actions after seeing that he had come to the planet.

Whether it is good words to persuade, or both soft and hard, these iron-headed boys are one word, no!

After reading everything, especially Zebei Xiu pretended to use the talent fascination, turned the third leader of the believers into his own, forced them to merge together, believed in Dracula, and finally led to the emergence of the rebel army. , The entire planet was shrouded in flames of war, and after it eventually became a waste star, nothing could be said.

Judging from the picture, Cebesius really tried his best.

But the two races are really too strong, and they would rather be annihilated by the dead than to believe in other gods... This kind of fanatical believer, Dracula looks at it as a pity.

"I know, I still have a planet here, I believe you can win it.

Dracula took out a star map again, and patted Cebesius on the shoulder encouragingly: "Cain's side, I'll talk about it."


Cebesius was not surprised at the fact that Dracula continued to send the mission.

Because he knew that Dracula's strength was not as good as before because of the demise of the kingdom of God.

If he can't find a suitable planet and a stable source of believers, he will fall from the upper god, become a middle god, or even a lower god.


Dracula, who is accustomed to being at the top, naturally does not want his strength to be damaged, so it is the right thing to prepare and act.

With almost no rest, Cebesius embarked on the journey again.

"How can there be living and dead believers in such a remote place?


Zhang Yang was stunned: "What the hell is going on here..."

He previously guessed that the future self should have returned to the past at a certain node before spreading the reputation of the God of Death.

But as Zhang Yang is getting stronger and stronger now, and he knows more and more things, he realizes that the world is not as simple as he imagined.

In such a distant planet, there are mad believers who belong to life and death. With so many planets in the heavens and the world, how many mad believers are there?

And what about the power of faith that these mad believers generate?

Where did it go?

The power of faith that Zhang Yang can absorb now is still passed down by the Church of Death in the Underworld, which can help him better condense the rules of death.

But what about other powers of faith?

Swallowed? Wide.

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