It turns out that Pluto's vigilance was right.

It didn't take a few days for the large army of the Church of Death to have arrived at the outermost periphery of his self-proclaimed underworld.

Guarding this area is a death knight who is his confidant.

It is the pinnacle of a lower god.

"Stop coming, this is the underworld!"

This dead soul cavalry saw the army of the Church of Death, although his rotten face could not show his emotions, but the solemnity exuded from his body represented that he was very nervous now.


As a battle commander, Leoric didn't even mean to talk nonsense with this low-level god, and directly commanded the various skeleton knights to charge.

At the same time, 690 charged, there was also a skeleton giant with a height of over 20 meters.

Although these skeleton giants seem to be a little slow because of their large size, they are actually not slow because of their long legs.

Moreover, they are extremely powerful, even the city walls built by the dark stone are completely vulnerable in front of these skeleton giants.

The Death Knight also knew that the skeleton giant couldn't get close to the city wall, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Although he is the pinnacle of the lower gods, he can be called a strong man in the whole world, and even in some backward civilizations, he has become the only main god.

But he didn't dare to show his face at the moment.

Because in the Church of Death, those strong men are eyeing him.

Now, he can only pray that Pluto will come sooner, and maybe even pick up one or two of his bones.

If it's too late... the undead hound he covets might leave him with nothing left.

However, when his skull was swallowed by a very ugly undead hound, he could not see the support of Hades.

Hades City.

Pluto's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he looked at the sand table in front of him, which represented his green units, which were decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

And it represents that his territory is being eroded.

"Damn the Church of Death!"

Hades really couldn't understand why Mo Qinglan, who had been salting fish for so long, suddenly started to act.

Could it be that the god of death gave her an oracle?

As for revenge, Wang Ming (cjfe) thinks he knows Mo Qinglan better.

This woman who doesn't care about anything may even thank herself and let her rest for a while.

I will never seek revenge on myself.

Apart from the arrival of the oracle, he could not have imagined that the second Mo Qinglan would take the initiative to open up the site one day.

And if an oracle really comes... isn't he dangerous?

Therefore, he has been huddled in Hades City and never went out. If there is any danger, he will evacuate this place at any time.

He was afraid that if he left too late, he might be controlled by Mo Qinglan using special means.

Afraid that he would leave early, the knight Mo Qinglan did not have any special means, and he lost his territory in vain.

This tangled heart continued until the army of the Church of Death surrounded his Hades City.

"Mo Qinglan."

At this time, Hades couldn't hold back any longer, so he stood up directly and talked to Mo Qinglan: "Are you really going to fight with me to die?"5

"Submit, or die!"

Mo Qinglan's light-hearted words were full of domineering.

And Pluto is such a simple person to be persuaded?


A person who can become a god must have a firm mind.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold on to that period of time.

And being able to become the Lord of Pluto in a short period of time, would he be persuaded so easily?

Naturally neither.

So, a war is about to break out.

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