"Mo Qinglan!

Hades roared: "Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Afraid or not, it's not to see who shouts loudly.

Mo Qinglan stretched out his plain hand: "~Death is a finger!

Red, full of the power of death - the ray flew towards Hades.

Hades stretched out his hand and blocked the attack.

Apparently, the talks broke down.


Pluto is also ruthless, ready to fight a wave.

Win, the clubhouse... win, the underworld is the only one.

If you lose, you can't stand up and die.

Anyway, he has a backer in the Ming clan and can come back to life.

He, but Pluto.

How could it be so easy to die?

With such a mentality, Hades' attacks became more and more rhythmic, blocking all Mo Qinglan's attacks.

Even occasionally find time to fight back.

This is hard.

Mo Qinglan frowned, and gradually turned from attack to defense, to guard against the more and more powerful offensive of the Hades.

As the war between the kings of the two sides began, the battle of the people below also began.

The battle between the two sides seemed to be evenly matched at first, but when Leoric and the God of Bones joined the battle, everything changed dramatically.

Because the God of Bones is a mid-level god of combat power, ordinary people simply cannot withstand his attacks.

However, the elites who were also the median god were stopped by the people of the Church of Death.

With the addition of a median god-level combat power, the scale of victory is tilting toward the Church of Death.

"Aguru, if you don't take action, it will be too late!"

Seeing that the army under his command was retreating, Pluto couldn't sit still, and after a reckless fight with Mo Qinglan, he shouted loudly.


A very gloomy voice suddenly appeared behind Mo Qinglan, accompanied by a wisp of knife light.

It is Aguru, the god of shadows!

He had long been hidden in the shadow of Hades, and when the two were fighting, he secretly came to Mo Qinglan's shadow.

At this moment, when he heard the call of Hades, Aguru immediately shot.

This knife slashed towards Mo Qinglan's neck.

If President Minghui, Mo Qinglan will be annihilated again like before.

This time, no one knows whether there is the power of death to protect the soul.

Including Mo Qinglan.

However, after having already experienced such a sneak attack, how could Mo Qinglan stumble on the same place twice?

The majestic death energy erupted, this so-called unique assassination technique, and even surpassed the terrifying assassin of the higher level, but he was knocked out by this force.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

far away.


Hades didn't expect that the trump card that he had hidden, he couldn't get Mo Qinglan, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to fight with Mo Qinglan.

The battle lasted for more than a week.


Under the leadership of Skeleton King Leoric, the Church of Death won a great victory, defeating tens of millions of enemies, and its own damage was only five figures.

This victory also means that the entire underworld can only have one voice from now on.

The voice of the Church of the Dead.

It was also Mo Qinglan's voice.

And what about the defeated Pluto?

Seeing that he couldn't beat him, He decisively used a very precious City Return Scroll and wanted to leave here.

However, his return to the city scroll was a bit late.

Because Mo Qinglan had anticipated this for a long time, she arranged a magic circle that could isolate the space, in other words, make the city return scroll invalid.

Therefore, Pluto was unable to escape, but was placed in a shackle that the gods and kings could not break free, and was escorted to the final heresy inquisition, where he was handed over to the butcher to take care of Guang.

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