"Plus the underworld!"

Hades gritted his teeth: "If I lose, I am willing to bring the underworld to join your command, and from now on, I will die for you! 99

"not enough."

Or the feedback of the power of the contract.

"Plus my Pluto position, my everything!"

In the end, Hades closed his eyes and mortgaged everything he owned.

"It's still not enough, but since the goal has already overwhelmed everything, may I ask the master, is there a contract? 35

The power of the contract is still not enough, but after its test, Hades has bet everything, no matter how much, he can't take it out.

So I asked Zhang Yang for instructions.

"Yes." 9

Zhang Yang nodded.

"The contract is established.

The voice of the power of the contract appeared in the ears of the two, with the bet of the two, and the reward and punishment after winning or losing.

Of course, what Hades saw was completely different from what Zhang Yang saw.

What Pluto saw was what they had agreed to before, betting on Zhang Yang's god status with everything Pluto had.

What Zhang Yang saw here was all the bets made by Hades, betting on Zhang Yang's words.

Who put Zhang Yang in charge of the contract power?

And, from the beginning to the end, Zhang Yang didn't agree to use the God of Death as a bet, right?

Here again, Zhang Yang, he is not a good person!


So doing all this is not surprising at all.

After the two parties signed, the power of the contract directly changed the surrounding space attributes, magnified everything, and formed an arena with only the two of them.

On the side, there are also many audience seats.

"The preparation time is 1 minute, please pay attention"~. 35

The voice of the contract power sounded in the ears of the two, and at the same time, a countdown appeared in the sky.

The same is true for the shackles on Hades' hands, and a countdown appears.

Obviously, when the time is up, the shackles will come off.

"Your profession is a necromancer, right?"

Pluto looked at the countdown, and his eyes were full of excitement: "I advise you to call quickly, or when the countdown ends, I will kill you mercilessly!

"as you wish.

Zhang Yang nodded calmly, raised his hand, and a black and purple magic circle appeared on the ring.


Riel, who was holding a pot under construction, appeared on the arena with a dazed expression, his mouth filled with rice, and he looked a little funny.


When Hades saw that Zhang Yang had summoned such a funny existence, he burst out laughing.

And Zhang Yang is also full of black lines.

"Master, you summoned me to fight?"

Riel quickly swallowed the rice in his mouth, and at the same time, after two or three mouthfuls of rice in the basin, wiped his mouth: "Who is the enemy?

"it's him!"

Zhang Yang nodded to Hades: "But wait a minute, I still need to summon a few people.

"it is good!"

Riel nodded his head, looked back, and said happily: "Hey? Isn't this Savile? This time the enemy is you?"

"You are..."

Pluto's real name is Xavier Pluto Mox, but his real name has not been called for a long time.

Apart from a few of the same clan, there are only a few of the same level or even higher level who know his real name.

Now suddenly there is a person who can call his real name, which makes him a little confused and a little guilty.

"You don't recognize me?

Riel looked frustrated, but then thought of something: "That's right, you've never seen me like this.

"Remind you, the ninth floor, the Tomb of Ta Rasha, the last time."

Riel said the key time node expectantly, hoping to see Savile's surprised expression.

"It's you?!!!"

Savile was stunned.

He remembered.

During that time, he encountered only one existence.

The Lord of Pain - Duriel.

It was a day that he could not forget even after he became a god. It was also that after he met Duriel, he surrendered very neatly and obtained the permission to go to the next floor through other conditions.

In fact, he couldn't even beat Andariel in front of him. He only went to the next floor after meeting the corresponding permissions.

The body of these demon gods, even if he is now the main god, the strength of the group that is the strongest among the heavens and the races, cannot detect their strength.

too strong.

He just glanced at Andariel from a distance, and he was hit by a poison that the upper gods could not avoid. After dying many times in a row, he used the secret method Jin Chan to escape, and he did not fall.

Durrell too.

Just being glanced at by him, it was as if he was stuck in hell, unable to extricate himself for a long time, until his soul was tortured beyond recognition.

These (Wang Nuo's) demon gods are terrifying, and he never wants to see them again in his life.

|| Do you still remember the new technique I experimented on you?"

Riel looked nostalgic: "Remember that you should still be a Paladin at that time, with rough skin and thick flesh, and it is the most perfect experimental material."

"Only you are the only one who has completely endured the improved new technique mania."

"Listening to your wailing every second, I was so excited that I accidentally let you..."

When Riel spoke, his face was flushed and his eyes were drawn, as if he was saying something he couldn't say.

But Savika the Hades is different.

After hearing Riel's words, he seemed to be in that near-eternal torture.

"Damn, you damn!"

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