Savika trembled all over, and his soul body was a little unstable. He wanted to burst out with divine power, and directly killed Riel, who seemed to be drawing silk in front of him.

But the chain in his hand limited his strength, making him incompetent and furious.


Riel looked at the incompetent and furious Savika, and his face flushed even more: "Did anyone tell you that you look pretty when you rise?

"Damn you!"

Savika is now in a state of rage, almost forgetting what his purpose is this time.

Until another summoned creature of Zhang Yang appeared, making him tremble even more.

It's Andariel.

Savika had seen Andariel in human form, so she recognized her right away.


Little Lil looked at Savika in front of him and felt a little familiar.

But after thinking about it, it should be unfamiliar. After all, those who can make a deep impression on her have now become great existences.

Well, the last one should also be the king of gods, right?

Little Lear thought so.

What appeared next was not a knight of virtue, but another, almost forgotten lazy person.

Guardian Dragon - Tagao.

"My old bone, I don't give it when I'm idle.

Tageo appeared in the form of a bone dragon less than the size of an arm. As soon as he appeared, he complained to Zhang Yang: "Master, I advise you to be kind (cjfe), respect the old and love the young!

"Do not talk!"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and continued to summon.

Next, is Malygos.

After that, Zhang Yang didn't call anyone.

Because he intends to use the power of the artifact.

So, in Savika's shocked eyes, the incarnation of the full force exudes a powerful coercion, and appeared in front of him.

Two of them are very similar to the figures he saw in the wolf clan and the blood clan.

"It turns out that it's all you..."

Savika looked at the shadow incarnation and the natural incarnation, and recognized the existence of these two god-level combat powers.

Unexpectedly, these two are actually just incarnations of the god of death?

Savika felt that the next battle was difficult.

Since two of them have main god-level combat power, I believe that the others are not bad.

He believes that he is not a weak person among the main gods, but in the face of so many strong people who can match the main gods, he estimates that he is very hanged.

However, the contract has already been signed, if he admits defeat at this time, not only himself, but also the entire Ming clan will become subordinate to others.

Eternal fall.

Soon, one minute was up, and the shackles that bound Savika's main god-level combat power fell.

After recovering the main god-level combat power, Savika set his sights on Zhang Yang.

The body is the only weakness of the summoning profession.

No matter how powerful the summons are, as long as the body of the summoning class is killed, no matter how powerful the summons are, they must return!

These are the rules of heaven and earth, and no one can change them.

Therefore, Savika's only chance of winning now is to kill Zhang Yang under the many main god-level combat powers.

"The soul returns to heaven and earth!

Savika murmured, and directly unfolded the rules and skills that he only learned from the rules after he was promoted to the main god, and the whole person disappeared in this arena.

Saying it disappeared is not accurate.

Instead, he turned into a ghost that ordinary people could not see, and floated towards Zhang Yang.

"My skill, even the main god who majors in soul can't see through, I don't believe you can see through it!

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