
This is another race that Zhang Yang has never heard of.

Because in the previous life, he did not come to this layer, and the whole world fell.

Therefore, he didn't know if Void was the monster that this layer needed to face.

Barr saw Zhang Yang's doubts and shook his head: "The main enemy on this floor is still me, not the group of monsters who call themselves the Void Clan.


Just when Baal was about to say something, a black wave suddenly appeared in the distance.

No, not the waves.

But endless monsters!

And not black, but purple!

Only because of the large number, it will appear a little dark.

When the wave of monsters approached, Zhang Yang discovered that these monsters were actually huge bugs.

"This is the Void Worm, the cannon fodder of the Void Clan!"

Baal explained weakly: "But don't underestimate their combat power, which is enough to rival the tenth order! 99

"Tier 10?"

Zhang Yang looked at the boundless wave of monsters and felt a little headache.

Tenth grade!

At present, among the Blue Stars, besides him, there is only Lei Long, a grandmaster-level powerhouse, and the first-tier people are only tenth-tier!

The number is sparse, not necessarily one in 100,000 people.

And how many of these monsters are there?


This is just cannon fodder.

What if the stronger ones?

Don't you want to reach the master level?

What about the leader?

Demigod? Quasi-God?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang's face became solemn.

To be reasonable, he has already regarded this place as his own territory, and now someone wants to grab the territory, can this be tolerated?

"Come out!"

Zhang Yang directly summoned his undead army.

Although the quantity is not as good as these Void Insects, but in terms of quality, they have the power of God to absolutely crush these Void Insects!

As the battle began, the undead army first came with a wave of range AOE damage.

You must know that Zhang Yang's undead army is not just a single unit, there are skeleton warriors responsible for anti-damage, and skeleton mages responsible for large-scale AOE killing.

There are also advanced units such as skeleton knights and skeleton priests.

Commanded by high-level undead, there is no need to worry about command.

With the continuous AOE damage, these Void Insects suffered heavy losses and could not even get close to the Undead Legion, and were eliminated.

But there are too many of them.

Although there were Skeleton Mages on all sides, eliminating wave after wave of Void Insects, there was still no significant reduction in the number.

However, the situation is still stable!

"Be careful, there are stronger creatures hiding among them!

Baal saw that the undead army had an advantage, as if he saw his former self again, in the World Stone Temple.

As soon as his voice fell, the ground trembled.

A crack suddenly appeared at the foot of the undead army.

A huge figure jumped out from under the earth, disrupting the formation of the undead army.

This huge figure is a monster like a sandworm.

One, two... Until all the undead legions were washed into the sky, these huge bugs stopped.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang frowned.

Because he discovered that the blood volume of his undead army has dropped a lot?!

This is basically impossible.

Unless they are demigods, under their own talent, all undead army will be reduced by 99% when they are damaged!

"It's the talent of the Void family!"

Barr also saw Zhang Yang's doubts and explained with a wry smile: "They can cause real damage to the enemy." Guang.

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