Hearing this sentence, both Zhang Yang and Tyrell fell into silence.

real damage.

This is at least an A-level talent in the Endless Tower.

Now, is this the racial gift of man?

Is the difference that big?

Immediately after, as the undead army fell to the ground and fell into the sea of ​​worms, the continuously falling blood bars proved that what Baal said was true.

After all the undead army was killed, the Void Worm Sea surrounded Harrogath City, but "Seven-Five-Three" did not launch an attack.

"The real leader is coming.

Barr looked into the distance, the figure the size of a mountain was slowly advancing towards this side, and said softly.

"Let's not talk about that.

Zhang Yang glanced at the huge mountain-like figure, then looked at Baal: "Would you like to be my knight? 35

"Are you going to attack me?"

Barr glanced at Tyrrell, who was blond, blue-eyed and long-legged beside Zhang Yang, and sighed: "Come on!

"You bastard!"

Zhang Yang swears that he has absolutely no other intentions, he just wants to add a fighting force.

But now it seems, Barr is definitely misunderstood.

But there is no time to explain.

Zhang Yang channeled the power of the god of knights and enveloped Baal.

After the light passed, a new Baal appeared in front of the two of them.

"Doom Knight - Baal, see Master."


That's right!

Baal, become Baal!

A beautiful woman with a tall body and healthy wheat-colored skin.

Barr looked at his body and sighed.

Zhang Yang didn't want to explain anymore.


"Get ready for battle! 35

Zhang Yang looked at the huge figure who could clearly see the fall, and summoned his senior thugs.

Tageo, who hasn't shot for a long time.

Once the king of death knights, Arthas is now the same name as the arrogant knight.

Once the Dark Pope, now the High Priest of Death!

Just these two, now that they have advanced to the true gods, their strength cannot be compared with the same day.

What's more, Tagao, who had devoured two of his own corpses, had recovered some of his strength.

Finally, Zhang Yang summoned the fusion stone devil.

The four summons rushed out in four directions.

The King of Death Knights is the fastest.

He, who has the same name as Alsace, has passed by, leaving only death.

The same goes for the High Priest of Death...

He flew slowly in the air, various spells fell on the ground one after another, and the explosive power destroyed all the void worms within the range.

Then there is the fusion stone devil. It has four stone devil attributes. Just walking, the endless flames turn the nearby void worms into ashes.

Nearly all the Void Worms on the entire battlefield are greatly reduced in movement speed under its talent.

Those insects that were lucky enough not to die and attacked it were killed by a more terrifying attack.


In the end, it was Tageo, who rushed in the direction of the huge figure.

Just flap the wings, and the hurricane filled with the power of death will crush all the Void Worms.

Soon, Tagao collided with the huge monster.

That monster like a mountain is a monster with a 5.4 face.

And its name is—[Void Fear—Ke Gasth]!

"Void fear..."

Zhang Yang looked at the monster's name and repeated: "Ke Gas?

As a giant dragon guarding the world, Tagao's real body is also huge.

Although it can't show its true body now, with its current size, it is enough to crush all existences under the upper gods.

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