"Hello, I'm here to complete the career advancement."

Zhang Yang looked at Sharan, who was in front of him, and said.

"Everything related to magic is with me.

Sarah lowered her head.

Yes, keep your head down.

Sharan's height is more than 1.9 meters, and for Sailia, he is simply a little giant.

Even Zhang Yang is a little lower than her.

"Which direction do you want to go?"

"Seven Seven Zero" Shalan explained softly: "You can go to the elemental master who uses the power of the four elements."

"If you are interested in summoning, you can also go to the summoner who has concluded contracts with the elves and those monsters with guns.

"Tell me, there is a powerful existence named Katie among the summoners, and even signed a contract with an apostle!

"If you're interested in science, you can study Monica, combining magic and science enough to handle the vast majority of situations that may arise.

"Or if you like to use magic in close combat, you can choose to go the battle mage route.""

After briefly introducing each profession, Shalan looked at Zhang Yang and waited for the other party to make a choice.

"I choose Summoner."

Without a doubt, Zhang Yang continued to choose the summoning profession.

He admits that other advanced directions are indeed very attractive to him, but now Zhang Yang is used to letting his subordinates do everything, and occasionally chooses to do it himself when his hands are itchy.

Mainly, if you choose other professions, can you hang up offline?


So, Zhang Yang chose the summoner.

"As you wish. 35

Sharan waved, and the brilliance of magic appeared on her hand: "Next, you can go to Hutton Marr and find Sherlock, he will tell you how to communicate with the monster.

"Hint: You have obtained a job transfer mission, please go to Hutton Marr and find Sherlock.

Looking at the prompt that appeared in front of him, Zhang Yang nodded to Sharan and left the magic union.

"Trust me, it's definitely sterling silver!

In the business district of Hutton Mar, a goblin who is completely different from the wild is explaining to an adventurer.

But in the end, he still returned a little bit of gold to the adventurer to solve the crisis.

"It's a loss again!"

Sherlock thought for a moment, and a pained expression appeared on his face.

Just then, he noticed that the sun was being blocked..

Looking up, he found a man looking down at him.

"what do you need?""

Sherlock quickly entered the state.

"I was introduced by Sharan."

Zhang Yang lowered his head and looked at this funny goblin: "She said, do you have a way to communicate with monsters here?

"Of course, my friend.

Hearing this, Sherlock came to the spirit: "But this is the top secret of our goblin family. If you want to know, you have to pay a small price."

"Tell me about it." 9

Zhang Yang was a paladin in his previous life, and has always been a paladin, so he is not clear about the advancement of a summoner.

But he knew one thing.

Sherlock is a greedy goblin.

Some even consider 5.4 Sherlock a goblin!

All are green.

"2W gold coins, then 210 small blue crystal blocks, 210 small red crystal blocks, and 120 steel pieces.""

Sherlock quickly exploded a series of materials.


Zhang Yang stared at the greedy goblin in front of him with a black line, and that look caused cold sweat to ooze out of Sherlock's head.

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