"Well, adventurer, what's the problem?"

Sherlock, who was seen by Zhang Yang with a guilty conscience, stammered: "If there is, you can say it.

"This material, not right. 35

Zhang Yang looked at Sherlock viciously: "You greedy guy, do you want to die?"

"Did Sharan tell you the true price?"

Seeing Zhang Yang like this, Sherlock said what was in his heart: "This woman does not abide by the spirit of the contract at all!

"ok I admit it.

Sherlock lowered his head: "I did say a little bit more material.

"2000 gold coins, 21 small blue crystals, 2129 small red crystals, and 12 rusted iron pieces are enough."

Zhang Yang laughed angrily when he heard this new offer.

This guy actually took advantage of the poor information to directly increase it tenfold!

Zhang Yang casually threw the required materials to Sherlock, in exchange for a sentence.

"Enough materials, but you still need to do me a favor.

Sherlock quickly put away the materials: "Please go to the Sky City [Upper Yamon], where is Held's good friend Sigen trapped."


Zhang Yang was stunned.

How come you are still related to the apostle when you have advanced in your profession?

But then, what Zhang Yang asked, Sherlock didn't say anything, and he could only helplessly walk towards the Sky City.

Sky City, a rumored only passage to the heaven, is a castle towering over the clouds.

From the top of the castle, you can see the sea of ​​the sky.

There are even more rumors about the heaven and the sky city than the introspection in the sky, but no one can prove the existence of the heaven.

This situation continued until a woman whom adventurers loved and hated at the same time, Kelly, fell from the sky and confirmed the existence of the heavens.

From this, I also learned that the former apostle, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar now rules the heavens, and it was he who gave the order that the city in the sky would be banned.

Even the monsters inside the Sky City were sent by Bakar to prevent anyone from passing through.

Zhang Yang came to the outskirts of Sky City, looked at the towering tower, and walked in.

Soon, Zhang Yang swept all the way, broke into the room of the final lord BOSS, killed the conqueror Dao Ge, and rescued Held's friend Sigen.

After completing the task, Zhang Yang brought Sagan to Sherlock, and learned from it that he had to go to the [Dark Thunder Ruins] to kill the lord who threatened the name of the living being - the corpse thief's Bone Hell Breath.

Most importantly, the difficulty must be above the hero level!

For this, Zhang Yang is not surprised at all.

Because of the Paladin's job transfer, he also needs to go to the Dark Thunder Ruins to defeat the Brave-level Corpse Robber Bone Hell.

Came to the Dark Thunder Ruins... Yes, 770 is right, the place that was once occupied by Kaino.

I don't know if this place is famous, or what special reason, these monsters like this place very much.

Since the second sister summoned by Zhang Yang last time completely destroyed this place, the human side has abandoned this place, so there are no human buildings here.

But because of a dark force, a special corpse was resuscitated.

That's the corpse thief - Bone Hell Breath!

After the resurrection, the Bone Hell Breath used his own ability to revive the corpses around him, and became the same existence as him - a zombie.

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