When Zhang Yang left Hutton Mar and was about to go to the Dark Thunder Ruins, he didn't know that another accident happened on Linus' side.

The cause was the splendid cosmic soul that Caesar, the son of the adventurer's guild president, brought out as a very precious building material.

The splendid cosmic soul will only have a chance to explode if it defeats the powerhouse of the terrifying cosmic demon family.

And the powerhouses of the cosmic demon clan generally only appear in front of those who hold the invitation letter they issued.

This devil's invitation is not so easy to get.

Only those powerful lords will have some.

Only by defeating these lords can there be a chance to get these invitations.

Now, do you know how difficult it is to fight against the cosmic demon clan?

And the splendid cosmic soul is so rare, naturally it has its corresponding value.

It is one of the necessary materials for creating legendary and epic props!

It can be said that no matter how powerful the weapon is, if it is not baptized by the splendid cosmic soul, it will not be able to complete the transformation and reach the legendary or even epic level.

When Caesar took out this precious material, a powerhouse with a level of 47 who came to see it, immediately shot, trying to snatch the splendid universe soul in Caesar's hands.

But Herder's shot made him come back in vain.

"A low-level cyborg goblin"~?"

The powerhouse saw that what was blocking him turned out to be the most low-level summon in a magician profession, a cyborg goblin, his eyes widened: "How is that possible.

"You are strong."

Held looked at the enemy in front of him, eager to try with his mace: "It's different from everyone else! 99

"That's natural!

As a strong man who was only one step away from entering the second career advancement, Gasth was very confident in his own strength.

But this goblin in front of him made him feel a little tricky.

Because of this thing, it can actually stop himself.

You know, this is the lowest level summoned creature in the magician profession.

This lowest-level summoned creature is so strong, so how strong should the master behind him be?

"Quick fight!"

Garth made a decision.

So, he shot.

Accompanied by the deafening dragon roar, he turned into a dragon, passed through the crowd in the blink of an eye, and came to Held.

All the adventurers who stood in front of Gass, one counted as one, were all shot and flew out, and they fell into the distance without knowing their lives.

"||It's the Raptor Breaking the Sky! He is a powerhouse above level 40! 99

Some knowledgeable adventurers exclaimed when they saw this scene.

A powerhouse above level 40!

In the Principality of Bell, they are already considered to be the top group of people.

Only a few people, such as the Grand Knight of the Principality and the leader of the Adventurer's Guild, could hold him back.

"I really don't know how this iron (Zhao Zhao's) craftsman will get through this."

All the adventurers stepped back in unison to prevent themselves from being involved in this battle.

And the consequences?

Can't you see those people who fall on the ground and don't know their life or death?

Speed ​​is power.

This, Herder realized.

Originally, he could easily resist Gass's attack, but after the acceleration of the Raptor's Slash, Gass's slash was able to break his defense under the blessing of various divine powers?.

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