When the fire element dissipates, the darkness here has been completely dispelled.

In the distance, a gate was flashing light, telling Zhang Yang that the portal to the next room was here.

But Zhang Yang didn't rush over, but looked at the holy soul that suddenly appeared in front of him with some doubts.

"Thank you for freeing our souls.

This holy soul lowered its head towards Zhang Yang, turned into a ray of light, and landed on Zhang Yang's body.

"Hint: You are blessed by the Holy Spirit."

"Hint: Darkness will no longer obstruct your vision.

Two system prompts appeared, letting Zhang Yang know the function of this light.

Although Zhang Yang didn't know why, but since this light was a BUFF, he accepted it with a smile.

When he entered the next room, he had to admit that the buff given by this light was really good.

Not only can you ignore the obstruction of black fog, but also can see through.

Let him be able to see clearly how many undead are sleeping on the ground under his feet, and whether there are any traps in the distance.

Even the best route was planned for Zhang Yang.

Although he could easily break through this dungeon without relying on this buff, but with the help of the buff, it made him even more relaxed.

It was very easy to deal with the sleeping undead under his feet and destroy the trap. Zhang Yang went through all the difficulties and finally came to the boss's room again.

I have to say that on Hell difficulty, even a small boss is difficult to deal with.

Zhang Yang wasted a bit of energy before he came here.

Entering the lord boss room again, this time, Zhang Yang did not see the terrifying zombie army, but only saw the blue magic circle and the corpse guards guarding the magic circle—Bone Hell Breath.

The two sides met without any greetings, and fought directly together.

The provocative puppet was thrown out by Zhang Yang and landed next to Bone Prison Breath.

Although the bone prison breath quickly reacted and destroyed the provocative puppet, he still missed the opportunity because of this delay.

As a jumping frost snowman came to his feet and exploded, the power of extreme cold froze him, and what followed was an attack like a torrential rain.

All kinds of magic are easily obtained by the opponent, and they continue to attack with dazzling techniques.

Bone Prison Breath, this lord boss who can be called a nightmare for newcomers, has no chance to fight back for a while.

Until the health bar on his head dropped to 70%, the blue magic circle suddenly released a force to help him temporarily resist Zhang Yang's attack.

Taking a deep look at Zhang Yang, Gu Yuxi knew that he had to get serious.

He casually threw a halo mixed with the power of extreme cold and the power of darkness towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang tried to dodge, but found that the halo seemed to have the property of tracking, even if Zhang Yang changed his position, the halo still hit the paper in his direction.

Since it cannot be avoided, destroy it.

(Zhao Qianzhao) Zhang Yang charged up the shadow cat demon and charged towards the halo.

The shadow cat demon was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the front of the halo and collided with it.

The halo shattered, and the shadow cat demon also transformed into the power of darkness, dissipating between heaven and earth.

have equal shares!

This wave can be called evenly divided!

Zhang Yang didn't expect that an ordinary boss would be able to equalize with him?

This...is simply fantastic!.

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