Whether it was in the world of Sanctuary or Azeroth, Zhang Yang had almost never had a close fight after going through the novice stage.

Now, also in the rookie stage, Zhang Yang has encountered an evenly matched opponent.

For this, I still have to thank the thirteenth floor of the Infinity Tower for suppressing his power.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the Bone Prison Breath is, it is just a little boss who is not a master, how can it be possible to fight against Zhang Yang?

However, with a level of 15, Zhang Yang was able to face the bone prison breath of less than a grandmaster, and it was enough to witness his own strength and understanding of the profession of magician.

Bone Prison Breath did not expect that a little guy who looked like he was about to complete his career advancement could actually be on an equal footing with him from 787.

Feeling that it lost all face, it directly released the big move.

The endless power of darkness awakened the sleeping bodies in the earth and woke them up.

This move is not much different from the Bone Prison Breath on King level difficulty.

The only thing to say is that in addition to the power of darkness, these undead are also endowed with the power of ice and the ability to be immortal.



Because of the magic circle behind the Bone Prison Breath, those zombies killed by Zhang Yang will be revived,

Therefore, under the attack of (cjfe) Zhang Yang, the number of these zombies did not change a little bit.

But Zhang Yang discovered one thing.

As more zombies were resurrected, the light of the magic circle became weaker.

The speed of this change is very slow, and if Zhang Yang's mental power is not different from ordinary people, he will not be able to find it.

Therefore, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry, and eliminated the zombies in front of him, who were no threat to him, step by step, as if he was doing useless work.

Gu Yuxi looked at Zhang Yang like this, with his brain capacity less than the size of a walnut, he didn't understand why this guy did this.

But then a mental force came, letting him know the reason.

Looking back, he saw the magic circle that had dimmed by at least 30% compared to before, and was angry.

You know, this is the task that his creator has given him.

If it weren't for this magic circle, he, the corpse robber, would not exist anymore.

If the magic circle was destroyed, he would have no meaning to exist.

This is something he cannot accept.

No life wants to die, and he is no exception.

For his own life, he rushed directly to Zhang Yang.

But he missed one point.

He is not guarding by the magic circle, only relying on those zombies that have just been resurrected, how could he be Zhang Yang's opponent?

A few cute little snowmen are bouncing towards the blue magic circle.

After one of them blew up in the zombie swarm, the cold force froze all the nearby zombies, creating excellent conditions for the other snowmen.

Then, the remaining snowmen blew themselves up near the magic circle in turn, directly shaking the foundation of the magic circle's existence.

When the bone prison breath found a little, he had already come to Zhang Yang, the claws that were enough to freeze the soul, only a little bit could touch Zhang Yang.

But at this moment, he was unable to move forward even one centimeter again.

Because his body was resisted by a flame.

Bone Prison Breath lowered his head, looked at the bigger and bigger Jack bomb, and his body that had melted, revealing his torso with a burnt hole in his body, and finally chose to accept his own destiny.

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