"For now..."

Lie down on the bed and look down at Kurose. I've got more or less an idea, but I should still look into my body as well.

Fu, Kurose's eyes pointed this way. My mouth remains bitten by my belt.

When you wave in front of your eyes, it slowly gives you a reaction to follow it. Seems to recognize it as an object.

"Can I take my clothes off? I'm taking off the other half."

Saying, grate the jeans of Kurose. When I could take my socks off with me, the white thighs even revealed themselves to the candle.

Keep your nose close to Kurose's sock and smell it in your mind.

"I'm not a pervert..."

There is no smell at all. Even if Kurose has less body odor, his metabolism would have stopped quite a while ago.

Eyes on the thick crotch. Lift one foot at a time and observe to the back, but nothing scratchy.


Sit on top of your stomach with Kurose hips together. Slip the sweater up to your shoulders and roll it from your clavicle around your white breasts, lightly hairy sides, underneath it, to your back. Thin, but beautiful everywhere.

Raise the arms of the sweater one by one and examine both arms as well. There are no scratches on either.

Put the sweater back on and head for the shorts. A light grass was revealed when caught with a finger and gently grazed.

"Can I just finger you for a second?... Oh, okay. Thanks."

Sprinkle the bush and sink your index finger into a slightly open strand. I felt dry meat. I push around, but Kurose doesn't keep staring at this one slightly.

I pulled out my index finger and brought it to my nose, but I didn't smell it at all. After washing her body, she must have died before time went by.

"I thought you were the first victim of a pandemic? Not even after he bit me."

On the net, the cause of this plague was assumed to be unknown.

Probably Kurose was infected and died when Yusuke was playing the game.

Kurose was infected and I was not infected. Despite being on the same floor of the apartment.

Maybe the infection route is a workplace in Kurose or something else. It's hard to be convinced that a zombie virus develops completely suddenly.

"Nevertheless, there are mysterious cosmic radiation, poisonous radio waves, genes exploded into time bombs,"

Speaking of which, about a month ago, news was popular that asteroids would crash into the Earth. The X-Day went by without a thing, but it was a constant story of the hand.

Well, a great scientist says it's unexplained. Yusuke just thought about it, it won't be anything.

The fact that it didn't smell corrupt also showed that the zombies wouldn't rot. I don't know the reason, but it's convenient for Yusuke. If I poke it, it was drooling inside, then it shrivels.

"Let's just rubber it..."

Remove the container of the lotion and the six series of condoms from the convenience store bag brought from your room.

There was information that if a zombie bit me, I would be infected, but there is no way that if I commit a zombie, I would be infected, etc. Just in case I thought about it and brought it.

Take off your clothes quickly and get naked.

"Toko, open your crotch a little bit"

I force my thighs open as I say, lifting them with both hands, and pushing my hips underneath them. At the end of the crack in Kurose, the tip, which had already been erected, hit.


Drop the lotion from the top, put your finger in and apply it into the black water. A thin pubic hair stuck to the hill of shame.

Put rubber on your own too, cover the lotion, and soak your hands with sheets.

"If you're milking like this, you'll be sexually harassed."

Slip up the sweater and do not hesitate to wrap around the two swells. Her breasts change shape, slightly in the palm of her hand. My groin feels stiff when I suck.

As for his chest, he and Yamamoto made fun of him many times. You were trying to prove it later, it was on the books.

"I'm gonna be a little sexually harassed, too, okay? 'Cause I'm just gonna put it in."

Kurose stares around Yusuke's belly and says nothing.

Yusuke slowly advanced his hips and sank his tip in the painted one in the lotion. The feeling of cracking open the inorganic vagina of Kurose.

"Kitsuko... were you a virgin?

Loosen hips back and forth to tame core meat bars. In time, it became easier to move.

Yusuke begins to feel like a woman for a long time. Every time I hit my hips, the shaped breasts of Kurose shake. I don't think about their pain, it's my real move.

"This is Onaho..."

enjoys inside, waving his hips at his shin. A tight entrance squeezes up the meat stick.

"I wanted juniors like this, too. She's beautiful. Don't even know what it's like to be an old man who wants to be sexually harassed. I don't need rubber. You won't get infected anyway. If it gets infected, it's time."

It doesn't mean I'm not afraid to die, but there are thoughts that I can't help but live forever in a collapsed society. It was a feeling of nothingness. I don't hold a woman's body in my sanity.

Pull it out once and remove the rubber. Poking again, he was wrapped up in the feeling of losing his hips. Hold your breath and reduce the sense of ejaculation raised.

"Yes, no, it was the first time I had ever lived... I'm sorry, Toko. You can write it down later. He said he was sexually harassed, spermed."

Move your hips with the delusion that you are committing junior ol. As I hold my legs down and wave my hips staring into my eyes without light, I feel like I'm raping you. Closely wrapped around the tip of pleasure is the vaginal meat of the Black Seeds, which does not sandwich one thin skin. Limits came so that they were squeezed out by that soft, tangled sensation.

"Uh, out, out."

The pleasure of falling out of your hips is thrown up in the black waters. I try to scrub my tortoise head around my uterus and squeeze the cloudy fluid out to the end of my urethra.

Weak ol, dirty the womb of Kurose and inside out felt great.

Slowly pulling through the wet, he faintly opened it, from where the white dripped, passing on his buttocks and flowing off into bed.

With his face up, Kurose stared at this one blurred with his hands tied.


Breathe and fall over the black water. Nodding his face on its chest, Yusuke stopped thinking and left himself to the loose ends.

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