Yusuke went down the motorcycle at the Nanbo Elementary School gates examined on the map.

Look up at the school building and sigh.

"I don't think so..."

Zombies are already wandering through the school yard.

I've also explored the inside of the school building, but there's no sign of any survivors.

The desks and chairs in the classroom were pulled over on one side, cardboard and sheets were scattered over them with luggage.

There are traces of many humans here. But now there are only zombies. Their age, gender, was varied and they were probably refugees.

At the classroom, there was a dry red and black stain. The state of the broken windows makes me wonder how confused I am here.

"I wish I was a beautiful girl"

Half the zombies in the corridor are injured or missing parts. Except for the mysterious developer, the zombies attack him and infect him, so it's only natural that he's injured.

After zombification, they would also attack and fight humans, and I guess there aren't many five-body satisfied zombies.

As I walked alone in that, I also got used to looking like a grotesque zombie. It's not a threat here, so it's easy.

When I found a girl about a college student walking around shaking her broken neck, she put her hand in her shirt and let her rub her chest.

Bob cut on dyed hair. The milk was good, but the face was about inside. Kurose Naomi's beauty might have brought it back, but it wasn't that far.

I watched the girl up close and noticed that there was a thin skin membrane strained on the bitten part of her right hand. Come to think of it, they move around like animals, albeit corpses, or maybe they have pseudo-life activities. With milk, Yusuke fell into his thoughts.

Looking around all the way and making sure there were no survivors, Yusuke returned to the third floor.

while fishing for the luggage of the evacuees left in each classroom.

"A ledger and a seal... I know how you feel, but it doesn't make sense."

He throws it out when it looks like it. I don't have much food or tools. Batteries and pen lights are appreciated. There was a mobile radio, so I tried to turn it on, but it never connected anywhere.

If I go to a nearby home center, I can get as much of this stuff as I want, but I stretched my legs. It's not bad to see it at last.

I stretched out my hips, and when I stretched out my back, through the classroom window, I saw something strange.

On the walls of the distant building, a white cloth flickered.

"What the hell?"

Ride yourself out the window and stare.

It is blurred, but it said SOS.

The location reached was a large three-story supermarket with large parking. From the rooftop, a cloth of SOS is hanging for rescue.


Yusuke tours while straddling the bike in the parking lot.

I headed to Nanbo Elementary School, a shelter, because I wanted information. I don't care about food, but I don't know what's going on around here.

To this end, it is better to contact as large a number of controlled populations as possible.

A small group can also be attacked in this state of confusion. It's about two weeks since the pandemic broke out, and food will be uncomfortable.

The bike approached me slowly, so I don't think they've noticed this one yet...

"See how it goes? Zombies are on our side."

If you have to, you can run inside the zombies.

Yusuke got off the bike. The helmet rested on the motorcycle, carrying the field bag behind the seat, and headed to the entrance to the supermarket.

It looks like groceries on the ground floor and groceries on the second floor.

Slip between the zombies fluttering between the display shelves and look around.

In the corner of fresh food, there was only a slight odor. The vegetables are numb and have lost colour. If you leave the meat and fish like this, the maggots may start scratching.

"Neighborhood stores go around in my spare time, and I have to finish."

Even just a small supermarket of rice, cans and retorts, one Yusuke would have it for a year. Stretch your legs and you'll get almost infinite food. I will take care of you for a while, so I want to avoid deteriorating the environment.

"Thinking about it, do you keep fresh meat and fish for a while... And vegetables. nutritional bias."

Will some group make sure it's safe to farm and hunt? That way, we can take supplies and barter.

Anyway, Yusuke has infinite supplies left over from a crumbling human society.

"Trader, Yusuke Takemura"

Sounds like a lot of fun.

"Or can we get back up from here? Humanity."

Find a way to deal with the virus, and the day may come when the zombies will be banished. In five or ten years, civilization will not return, but we do not know what lies ahead.

Yusuke's ideal is for zombies to dominate the earth and mankind to survive to an indelible degree.

Yusuke originally had a hater. I have a sense of loss like I left my hometown, but I don't even want to go back to that shitty day.

"There's Toko too."

Apparently, zombies don't rot, and if you don't be impotent, they'll last.

"Do you want me to find a fishing pole later? You can't have as many fish."

Singing his nose, he goes upstairs.

On the dance floor, I had my aunt's zombie and eyes sitting in a bench for a break. We'll have a meeting, but naturally there was no reaction.

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