He breathed a sigh of relief, slumped on the co-pilot, looked at the nearby sky, and felt an indescribable sadness and grievance in his heart.

Obviously he should be the one who won, but in the end, he was so embarrassed.

However, before his hypocrisy lasted for a few seconds, he found a familiar beam of light rushing towards his car from the sky.

At the same time, a very familiar voice sounded in his ear.

"Yo, Zhou Hua, why did you run away? I thought you would share weal and woe with our combat classmates there."

Only at this time did Zhou Hua realize that Xu Hai had been waiting here for a long time beside his car.

And that beam of light that I felt very familiar with turned out to be a good trick that I learned for a long time, Rachel.

"Xu Hai, how could you be here!"

He hurriedly took out the jewel hanging around his neck, thinking that as long as he could launch an attack inside, Xu Hai would surely die.

But what he didn't expect was that Xu Hai's strength was much stronger than Zhou Hua, and Zhou Hua was directly penetrated by Xu Hai's Leiqi before he could react.

Until his death, Zhou Hua never imagined that such an ending would happen between him and Xu Hai.

"Huh? What is this?"

During the explosion, the gem that stored the general-level full-strike blow was also blown away, and Xu Hai, who had opened the two-hooked jade writing wheel, was naturally keen to discover the unusualness of this gem.

He took this gem by hand, and then quickly backed away.

At the moment when he retreated, a very cold mechanical voice also sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations on your success in conquering forest lizards and wild orangutans, and helping them kill a large number of native humans.

Your mission has been successfully completed, and this third-level mission is rated as the highest level.

Due to the high degree of completion of the task and the achievement of the hidden condition of the task - expelling the alien race, the will of the world will give you a reward, atomic breath.

This move can be used in conjunction with other ranged moves. "

Xu Hai was stunned, he knew this move, and the Forest Lizard had been using this move, Atomic Breath.

"This thing can also be used with long-range attacks, which means that when I use Rachel, I can add the special effect of atomic breath. Isn't Rachel's power going to a new level."

Seeing the reward he got, Xu Hai couldn't stop laughing.

Strictly speaking, the benefit he got this time was definitely not much less than that of the fantasy dungeon.

At the same time, Hao Rong, who had just arrived, said to Xu Hai very excitedly: "Xu Hai Xu Hai, I just received a reminder that our mission seems to have been completed."

Chapter 94

Seeing the reward he got, Xu Hai finally felt comfortable.

Strictly speaking, the benefit he got this time was definitely not much less than that of the fantasy dungeon.

At the same time, Hao Rong, who had just arrived, said to Xu Hai excitedly, "Xu Hai Xu Hai, I just received a reminder that our mission seems to have been completed.

"Don't worry, I don't think our mission is completely over yet. If possible, I'd like to see if we can get a higher score."

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai curiously and said, "I got a first-level score, what score did you get?"

This time, the scores are actually graded. Although there are specific values ​​for refinement, the notification will not notify the values.

Level [-] is already equivalent to the highest level in the primeval forest dungeon. Of course, Xu Hai broke this tradition.

He smiled. "Oh, I got the highest level."

"The most advanced? You are too powerful! But it's normal. You are the one who really completed the task. I'm just following you to get some benefits."

Xu Hai smiled and rubbed Hao Rong's head, but he didn't intend to end there.

He looked at Hao Rong and said, "According to my previous experience, the highest level is not necessarily the highest level, there may be hidden levels, and there are similar hidden conditions in the mission prompt.

So I want to see if it is possible to raise the highest level by one level, and then the rewards will be much more powerful. "

This highest level can get the reward of the will of the plane, so if there are any hidden conditions that can be met, will it be rewarded with something better?

After thinking of this, Xu Hai directly used his flying technique to fly to the upper end of the clouds. He looked at the copy below and found that the place where he was was actually just a huge island.

"If you count it carefully, the dungeons of the primitive forests that we can reach will only occupy an area as large as one province. If I destroy the entire province..."

He didn't go on, because the idea was just too crazy, relatively speaking.

If it were someone else, then it is estimated that he would definitely not think from this angle.

However, at this moment, Xu Hai has secretly condensed a compressed beam of light in his hand.

This beam of light is unusual. It not only integrates the ability of the Shaker, but also adds the upgraded version of Rachel and the Atomic Breath skill he just acquired.

Even Xu Hai himself didn't know what would happen after this beam of light hits.

One minute, two minutes, half an hour passed.

At this time, Xu Hai trembled violently. In his hand, a ball of light that was almost as big as him could not restrain himself and wanted to escape.

He looked at the chaotic human capital below, hesitated for a moment, and finally threw the ball of light in his hand.

After a while, a mushroom cloud rose on the ground. Xu Hai didn't carefully observe the situation below, but he generally judged the outcome of the capital where the human race was located below.

At the same time, on another island in this world, in a very modern base.Suddenly I remembered the sound of an alarm siren.

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