"Alert, alert, large amount of radiation detected as well as explosion, target location island nation."

In an instant, everyone in the base made a mess.

"What's going on? How could there be a huge explosion in the island country? What the hell happened?"

"They didn't blow up the nuclear bomb because of an internal war, did they?"

"Internal war, they are almost crippled by those alien beasts in the primeval forest, and they still want internal war."

For a time, a large number of forces that did not belong to this island began to send their own satellites or reconnaissance planes to survey the situation on the island country's side.

And a moment later, the information sent back by their investigative tools allowed them to see a shocking scene that they had never seen in their lives.

Half of the entire island country sank into the sea.

At the same time, in a certain place in the primeval forest, a small number of combat students looked at an island that was almost destroyed and remained silent.

"In the end, what happened? I'm not mistaken, all the humans we want to help are dead."

"No, I haven't completed this task yet."

"Who the hell did this kind of thing, is it a general-level expert?"

"For this world, this is already the end of the world."

In a corner that has not been affected at all, a large number of students from the Department of Science and the hostages they carry are gathered here.

As early as half an hour ago, they received the information from Hao Rong. Although they were dubious, they were both students of the Department of Science. They believed what Hao Rong told them and brought their own hostages. We arrived at the location designated by Hao Rong.

"I'm not mistaken, that light wave just now must have at least general-level strength."

"Why do I look at the light wave just now that looks like Rachel."

"It's funny, who hasn't seen Leiqi before? Isn't that Zhou Hua from the Combat Department? Can you see how powerful he can be? Zhou Hua's Leiqi can only knock down a building if he dies. ."

While these students were talking, some of the more rational students in the back also fell into contemplation.

How could Hao Rong know this kind of news in advance?

Could it be that it has something to do with her that this large island of the entire primeval forest copy was broken in half this time?

Since it's related to Hao Rong...

Is it also related to Xu Hai?

Finally, a student stood up. He looked at the devastated virgin forest not far away, hesitated and said, "Tell me, could this be done by Xu Hai?"

"How could Xu Hai do it, are you joking?"

"I hope not. If he really did it, then his current strength can only be described as horror..."

And at the same moment, outside the copy.

The atmosphere here is far quieter than the interior of the dungeon, and the entire Imperial City Martial Arts University teachers are going crazy.

On the big screen, a large number of students began to disappear, and even by the end, even the staff of the army began to wonder if there was an error in their system.

And the teacher who was mocking Sun Qiang was even more red-eyed at the moment, he grabbed a staff member of the army tightly, widened his eyes and said to him: "What's wrong with your system, why are our students' names all the same? has disappeared?"

Chapter 95

"You can't think that all of our students died in battle. It's normal for one or two, or even ten or eight to die, but how could only ten or eight of our combat students be left alive!"

He has gone completely crazy, and it is within his acceptable range that [-], [-] or even dozens of students have problems, but there are at least hundreds of students who died in this batch, right?

Even Meng Xiaotian, a master whose combat power index was close to [-], who only stepped into the extraordinary level, died here. It was really hard for him not to suspect that it was a problem with the system.

"Teacher, please don't get excited. We also suspect that there is a problem with our system. We are arranging technicians to carry out various maintenance and testing. Please be patient."

"It should be a system problem, otherwise there is no way to explain why there are so many casualties in such a dungeon. Please wait a moment, we will see the results when the time comes."

After a while, a man also wearing a military uniform walked up to the man, whispered a few words to him, and then left.

After hearing that sentence, the army staff was silent for a while, and then said bitterly: "Just now, the test results have come out, and our system and data have not found any problems, that is to say... this is real…"

To be honest, this kind of situation has never happened since the dungeon of Primeval Forest was opened.

After hearing this, the other teachers were also silent.

Even Sun Qiang and Zhang Jian from the Department of Science and Science, who had not lost many students, and Li Changsheng, who came to watch the play, bowed their heads and said nothing.

Although it is said that they do not deal with the combat department, the students present are also students of Imperial Martial Arts University!

This level of loss is unbearable for anyone.

And just under this silence, suddenly, in another huge instrument at the door of the copy, a black light flashed.

"Warning, warning, someone in the dungeon has completed the third-level task beyond the most advanced hidden conditions. The dungeon of the primeval forest has been impacted by extremely strong energy, and the will of the world is about to intervene. All the survivors in the dungeon of the primeval forest will be forcibly teleported. Come out, please prepare yourself."

At the same time, various data began to change continuously on the big screen, and soon, a score appeared in front of all teachers.

"Hao Rong, primeval forest, alien beast camp, complete the third-level task, the task evaluation is the highest."

"The most advanced task evaluation of the third-level task!"

"What the hell did this Hao Rong do inside?"

For a moment, all the teachers present even forgot their grief. They were almost speechless when they saw Hao Rong's achievement.

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