Chapter 151 “Human… Kind…”


A dragon roar echoed in the cave, and even creatures who did not understand dragon language could hear grief and wailing…

Han Ruier held Xiaobai, stood in the empty base group, and stopped to look into the distance: “That guy…didn’t he attack the Red Dragon with a low-profile version of Nirvana? That’s really… stupid!”

She hurriedly called up the transaction column and sent out invitations to those who were unsuccessful in the last transaction!

One second…two seconds…

A full five seconds passed, but no one responded!

“Stupid! How stupid!”

Han Ruier knew that the own conjecture was established, so she looked at the chat interface: “The fifth prophecy!

Everyone! Stay away from the Red Dragon Lair immediately! No matter what happens, stay away! do not want! near! ”


Half a minute ago.

Holding the silence, Hu You walked out of the stone platform and aimed his gun at the Red Dragon Lord who was performing the’summoning technique’ in the air.

“Activate the killing mode.”

Just in case, Hu You also deliberately read the instructions in a low voice.

He put his finger on the trigger and tapped it lightly!

A light blue light beam shot out from the barrel, directly at the head of the Red Dragon Lord!

One hit!

Hu You didn’t bother to look at the injury of the Red Dragon Lord, and immediately hid under the slate!

Even if the Lord of Red Dragon is killed, he is not necessarily safe!

Once its huge body loses its support, the chain reaction produced is definitely not something anyone can bear!

Hiding under the stone platform… can only be regarded as a psychological comfort.

But what happened next was unexpected to Hu You and everyone!


The Red Dragon Lord did not fall, but let out a wailing, and then a pink mist fell in the sky…

The stench is coming!

This is… Dragon’s Breath!

The moment Hu You smelled the smell, he immediately took out three square silk scarves.

He soaked it in the mythical dragon’s blood for a moment, and then hurriedly took it out and squeezed it dry, leaving only a little dragon blood on it!

“Cover your mouth and nose!”

Hu You handed the two silk scarves to Luo Jin and Shi An, and covered one of them on his mouth and nose.

This is what Balluff gave him!

Infiltrate any silk fabric with dragon blood of the same level, and then cover it on the nose and mouth, so that it can resist the judgment of dragon’s breath.

Although they saw how Hu You made the silk scarf, Luo Jin and Shi An did not hesitate to cover their mouth and nose with the bloody silk scarf.

In times of crisis, even if there is urine on the silk scarf, as long as you can save your life, no one will hesitate!


[Detection of your inhalation of red dragon breath (myth), resistance is being determined! 】

[Successful resistance! 】

It’s done!

No attribute determination was made, but a direct success. It seems that the dwarf goblin did not lie to himself!

“Hu…Boss Hu.”

Shi An’s voice trembled: “Didn’t you say you are sure?”

“Don’t make a noise!”

Luo Jin replied and turned to look at Hu You: “Which link is the problem? Can it be remedied?”

“It’s hard.”

Hu You only answered her last question: “Wait for it to calm down before speaking, and see the situation.

If something goes wrong, you should withdraw immediately. ”

“Yeah.” Luo Jin nodded. She and Hu You are in friendship, but they have not yet reached the point where they live and die together.

Soon, it became quiet outside.

Under the stone platform, Hu You could even see the body of the Red Dragon Lord shrinking inside, as if he was afraid and wanted to seek some kind of protection!

“Replenish the gun! Mr. Hu, why don’t you replenish the gun?” Shi An shouted anxiously behind him.

“To shut up.”

Hu You didn’t turn his head, but he replied with a cold voice.

Talkative boy…not cute at all.

Make up the gun?

If repairing a gun is useful, won’t you repair it yourself?

When he heard its roar, Hu You knew he was wrong…

He wrongly considered Xiaohong’s proposal!

The killing mode of ‘nirvana’ that Xiaohong said at the beginning is very likely to be the real nirvana! Not the counterfeit in his hand!

But now that the bullet has been sent out, the Red Dragon Lord has also begun to furious, wanting to leave… it is obviously too late.

“Fifth prophecy!”

Han Rui’er’s voice suddenly sounded, pulling Hu You out of contemplation!

He just wanted to hear what Han Ruier wanted to say, but the voice stopped abruptly! It’s like… blocked by something!

Hu You frowned and wanted to play a trading box for Han Rui’er to ask what was going on, but before he opened the notebook, an exclamation came from beside him!

“Hu You!”

Luo Jin suddenly spoke and pointed forward: “Look ahead! The Lord of the Red Dragon seems to be…”

“Shrink!?” Hu You and her said at the same time!

One person may read it wrong, but two people minimize this probability!

The majestic body of the Red Dragon Lord is indeed shrinking, and the speed is not slow!

Originally, looking straight from under the stone platform, he could only see its heels, but now it’s about to see its calves!

“It proves that the gun just worked!” Hu You muttered. He glanced at Ji Ji in his hand, and then at the front.

If you can wait for it to shrink further, and then shoot a few more shots at the key, maybe this big lizard will die!

In this way, I can obtain the corpse of a mythical red dragon! And… don’t worry about being chased anymore!


What’s more, the Lord of the Red Dragon only played a friendly match with the Lord of the Green Dragon last night. How can I say… I should have suffered some injuries!

As long as… as long as I make up the knife well enough! The treasure that came that day is right in front of you!

The roots of greed emerged from the depths of his mind. Hu You didn’t know why he thought so, but he agreed with the echo in his heart.

The original idea of ​​sending the trading interface disappeared instantly!

Try a few more shots!

Hu You walked forward with Ji Mie with one hand, and found that the pink mist had approached pale red, and visibility dropped again.

He can no longer see the figure of the Red Dragon Lord now!

“I’ll go and take a look!”

Hu You made a decisive decision, and prepared to move forward with the silence: “You are here to wait for me!”

The protective measures of the dragon’s breath prove the weakness of the red dragon lord from the side!

It is said that taking advantage of its illness, killing it! It is impossible for him to miss this opportunity!

“and many more!”

Luo Jin grabbed the corner of his clothes: “I’m with you!”

Hu You looked back at her: “Huh?”

“You know……”

Luo Jin gave a bitter smile and shrugged helplessly: “I’m going back now, the situation may be worse than going forward.”

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Hu You still nodded: “Okay, it’s your own decision.”


“Then I…I…”

Shi An struggled for a while, but still stood still and said, “I am here to meet you!”


Hu You didn’t have any opinions, everyone had their choice.

He covered his mouth and nose with a silk scarf with his left hand, put Ji Mian away with his right hand, grabbed Luo Jin’s other hand, and walked slowly into the pink mist…

This is the easiest way to prevent the two from getting separated!

Luo Jin didn’t have any comments, so he just followed behind him.


A dragon-shaped figure gradually appeared in front of the two of them. Just as Hu You was about to let go of Luo Jin’s hand and prepare to shoot, a hoarse and low voice suddenly sounded!


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