Chapter 152 Sexy Tutor, Apply Online

Hu You turned his head and looked at Luo Jin, almost instantly confirming that the voice was not from her, and Luo Jin also looked at him with an indescribable look in his eyes.

Since it wasn’t the two of them who made the sound, then…who else could it be?

“Red… Red Dragon spoke?” Luo Jin’s voice trembled a little, but from her voice, she could easily tell that she was already trying her best to control it.

“If it wasn’t for someone to play with us with a tape recorder, then that’s right.”

Hu You pulled Luo Jin’s hand and pulled her back.

The moment the Red Dragon Lord spoke, the situation was out of control!


Hu You made a decisive decision, immediately let go of Luo Jin’s hand, and took Ji Ji out again: “How far can you run!”

If the danger level of a red dragon is one, and the danger level of the red dragon lord is one hundred, then a red dragon lord who can speak human words… in a sense, it is at least nine hundred!

As for letting Luo Jin go first…

It’s not heroism, and it’s not about pitying jade, but… he understands that the goal of the Red Dragon Lord is always himself!

No matter how he runs, he needs to face it! That being the case… why not die more heroic?


The same two words, the Red Dragon Lord repeated it again. But compared to the jerky just now, the pronunciation is obviously more standard!

“Brother Honglong! Have a discussion!”

Hu You didn’t shoot easily, but shouted at the front: “Do you need a Chinese teacher? I can give you a tutoring class! 10% off for monthly subscription and 10% off for annual subscription!”

All he has to do now is to delay time!

Not only for Luo Jin to leave smoothly, but also…Han Ruier!

He believed that this prophet wearing black Lolita would definitely come to him!

Nothing else…Just for the materials in his warehouse, she will definitely come!

He left this on the back of the Red Dragon Lord at the beginning!

Since she can survive, it proves that she must have the means to deal with the Lord of the Red Dragon, not to mention that the genuine Nirvana is still in her hands!

Hold it!

As long as you hold it back, there is still a ray of life!

“Tutoring class…” The Red Dragon Lord repeated Hu You’s words, his tones and pronunciation were almost exactly the same, and he still spoke Chinese!

With this accent, it is no different from the crooked nuts that Life has been in Kyoto for more than ten years!

Yes, it seems that my position as a Chinese teacher has been lost…

and many more! How about… Give it a try with tongue twisters? The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. If you don’t believe it, you can’t help this stupid lizard!

“Hu You…”

Luo Jin’s voice suddenly sounded behind him: “Let’s go together, its state…seems something is wrong.”

“Why haven’t you left?”

Hu You frowned and wanted to watch Luo Jin speak, but the black shadow in front of him made him afraid to look away: “I have my own arrangements here! Don’t worry about it!”

“Then I’m leaving.” Luo Jin replied quickly, and there was no more sound.

Hu You didn’t look back either. He didn’t have time to confirm whether Luo Jin had left, and shouted to the front again: “Hello? If you don’t speak, I will just take it as your default!

The make-up fee…”


A long roar suddenly sounded, interrupting his question!

A light red dragon’s breath that was more than ten times stronger than before hit his face, Hu You couldn’t help closing his eyes, his feet slid scratches on the ground, but still desperately covering the silk scarf on his mouth and nose!

Damn it!

With so many gems in the family, it is impossible to be stingy with the supplementary tuition fees!

After Long Xiao was over, Hu You found that the pink mist had disappeared completely.

Visibility returned to its original appearance again, and the red dragon appeared in front of him!

The original shape of a mountain shadow shrank to only one-tenth the size of a legendary red dragon! Although his size can still crush Hu You, he is only about three as big as him…

“The corpse…”

The red dragon didn’t take off, but stood with his head high, standing opposite Hu You, chanting two words repeatedly in his mouth: “corpse…corpse…”


Is it possible that he wants his son’s corpse?

You said it earlier!

I knew I would rather eat more of your elder nephew’s meat than touch your son!


Now your son’s corpse is missing one piece in the east and one piece missing in the west. If you see it… you won’t fill in me!

How about betting on the possibility of red-green color blindness and pretending to be the son of the Green Dragon Lord?

“Hu You…”

Luo Jin’s voice sounded again: “You… look over there!”

Haven’t left yet? !

Hu You didn’t listen to what Luo Jin was talking about for the first time, but turned to look at her: “I said… You are not in love with me, right? Let you go and you won’t go?

Or simply let Brother Honglong be our witness, and just worship here! ”

Luo Jin rolled his eyes, did not speak, pressed both hands on Hu You’s head, and turned him to the direction of his fingers: “Look there!”

Hu You’s entire face froze in an instant…

At first, he was blocked by the huge figure of the Red Dragon Lord, and later blocked by the Dragon’s Breath, he never found anything behind the Red Dragon Lord.

But now the body of the red dragon lord has shrunk, the dragon breath mist has also disappeared, and the scene behind it is only exposed to the two of them…

A corpse piled up, and a total of six hills of similar size were piled up, and every rock on this mountain was a red dragon corpse!

The smallest one above is at least three-quarters of the growing red dragon that Hu You personally slaughtered, and the largest one…even is almost one-tenth of the true body of the red dragon lord. !

But unlike the corpses in Hu You’s warehouse, every corpse here only has a layer of scale armor on the surface!

To be precise, the flesh and blood of these corpses are gone!

Could it be…this is the tomb of the dragon clan? The lair of the Red Dragon Lord was built on this tomb?

Do not!


It doesn’t matter if you have one head and two ends, you can’t have so many red dragons. The cause of death is all excessive indulgence! Even if the dragon’s nature is obscene, it is impossible to lose to the point of skinny!

So… there is only another possibility left!

Another creature other than them used some means to cause them to end like this!

But… is there another creature here besides the Lord of Red Dragon?

The old saying goes: Tiger poison does not eat its seeds! Obviously, Chinese culture has obviously not been passed on to Otherworld, and…the old saying does not say that dragons do not eat their children!

Hu You choked for a while, completely unexpected that things unfolded like this.

“Did you see it?”

Luo Jin confirmed it again, and then put his hand off Hu You’s face: “I think… it wants the corpse of its own heir, what kind of ritual it should complete.”

“What do you say?”


Luo Jin pointed in that direction again: “Didn’t you find that the six hills are arranged according to the six-pointed star?”

“Did not notice.”

Hu You replied, after being reminded by Luo Jin, he also discovered this: “Six-pointed star…

Could it be that its current mutation is also related to this ritual…”


Before Hu You could finish speaking, the Lord of the Red Dragon seemed to go crazy and rushed towards the two of them!

If it was the former Red Dragon Lord, he could still walk in a leisurely courtyard to dodge calmly, but when the Red Dragon Lord shrank, his speed changed qualitatively!

As soon as a red light flashed through Hu You’s eyes, the Lord of the Red Dragon came to him!

Hide, it must be impossible to hide, then there is only…


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