Chapter 153 This…this is definitely not Xiaobai!

Hu You picked up Silence, and aimed a shot at the Lord of the Red Dragon who was slowly falling in front of him!

The killing mode is cooling down, so this shot is just ordinary bullets…

The bullet hit the head of the Red Dragon Lord, but before he could cause any damage, Hu You turned and fled to the rear!


This kind of bullet can’t even break the legendary green dragon, and still want to kill the lord of the red dragon? Unless Hu You’s mind is filled with bean curd, he would not even dream of doing this!

This is at most… it can only delay for a while.

But the moment Hu You turned around, he actually saw Luo Jin still standing in place!

This stupid woman… shouldn’t she still think that she has a hole card to fight back!

“Run! What do you dare to do!” Hu You shouted as he ran.

The Red Dragon Lord behind him does not know when he will come after him. If Luo Jin does not leave after he reminds him, he will abandon her without hesitation!

As the saying goes, when a bear is chasing you and your teammates, you don’t have to run faster than the bears, just run past your teammates…

Although it is very realistic, but… the reality is so cruel!

But as soon as he ran out for the third step, there was a whistling sound behind him!

An afterimage passed over his head and landed right in front of him with a bitter wind…

Damn it!

It’s no wonder that bears are used in the saying, not leopards, creatures like Soaring Dragon! If it’s these creatures, it’s useless even if you run past your teammates!

No matter how many of you, as long as there is no means to cause fatal injuries to it, when you see it, you are already surrounded by a beast…

“Corps…body! Corpse!”

The Lord of Red Dragon was still chanting these two words, and Hu You also retreated to Luo Jin’s face at this moment.

“You want your son’s body, don’t you?”

Since you can’t escape or kill, there is only the third method…

Natural talent-Fudge!

As long as the Red Dragon Lord’s IQ is high enough, Hu You can mediate from it!

If it’s too low… have you ever seen a scammer scam someone with mental retardation? No matter how much benefit you promise him, he doesn’t have that concept!

“Corps! Corpse!” The Red Dragon Lord responded with a very anxious tone.

“It’s over…”

Hu You couldn’t help muttering, judging from the performance of this old man, it is really difficult for him to exceed sixty IQ!

How about… Give him a piece of meat to try?

Do not!


If Luo Jin’s guess is correct, then the corpse of his son is likely to be the source of its power!

Now that the corpse is handed over to it, isn’t it the same as an enemy? Unless you are really desperate, you can’t use this method!

“Hu You…”

Luo Jin suddenly approached and whispered: “Do you have any other tricks?”

“Han Ruier.”

Hu You didn’t conceal it, and said directly: “She is on the way here, as long as she arrives, we will still have a chance to live.”

“Then have you tried to contact…” Before Luo Jin finished speaking, the ground suddenly trembled!


Hu You personally watched the Lord of Red Dragon raise a front foot, but he didn’t expect that this guy stomping could produce such an effect!

At the moment the tremor occurred, he tried his best to stabilize his figure, but he still couldn’t resist, and finally fell to the ground.

Luo Jin next to him was the same, the two of them just lay on the ground.

“Human… Corpse! Give me the corpse!”

It seems that the Lord of Red Dragon still has a quick temper…

In a hurry, I actually completed the evolution from vocabulary to short sentences! Really ridiculous!

“Damn stupid lizard!”

Hu You cursed, and when the shaking stopped, he turned himself over.

This turn… made him completely stunned!

The Lord of the Red Dragon stretched his neck in front of him, and a row of fangs came out of his mouth, and the distance between the two of them was less than two meters!

It just stared at Hu You intently, and slowly uttered a complete sentence: “Humans…give me the corpse!”

If this is the case, it is not enough to make Hu You sluggish, but…

He saw the face of the Red Dragon Lord begin to change!

The jaws that were originally long and protruding began to shrink, some resembling the transformation from apes to humans!

Once the jaw is retracted to be almost parallel to the cheekbones, then… it is not much different from the shape of a human face!

“Hu You, get ready to run!”

Luo Jin’s voice rang in his ears. Hu You didn’t understand what it meant for a while, and turned to look at her: “Huh?”

Run off?

This guy’s teeth almost hit my face! How can I run? Can’t run into its mouth?

“It’s now!”

Luo Jin didn’t have time to answer Hu You’s doubts, suddenly got up, holding something in his hand, and jumped directly to the blood basin of the Red Dragon Lord!

Special mother…you really intend to run into it!

At this moment, Hu He didn’t hesitate to suspect that she wanted to commit suicide!

But the next moment…

Luo Jin landed steadily, and the things in his hand disappeared, seeming to be stuffed on top of the head of the Red Dragon Lord!

And she hurriedly hurriedly ran ahead of Hu You!

Hu You also reacted and quickly moved closer to her, but trying to surpass her… it was still a bit difficult.

That’s right, Luo Jin said that he was also the person who found that food had a bonus to attributes. Like himself, he had eaten a legendary Jiuyan vying for the first prize.

Although the attributes are not as good as the self who has a gluttony, it is not much worse if you want to.

The two ran in tandem, and Hu You asked the doubts in his heart: “How did you do it?”

“Perfect props.”

Luo Jin did not conceal: “However, this item must be attached to the dragon’s body to be effective. It’s like the situation just now… but it’s hard to find.”

“How long can it last?”

“Look at the grade, it takes half a minute for the epic level, and the legendary level and above don’t know…”

“That’s it…”

Just as Hu You spit out four words, there was a roar behind him!


no solution anymore!

Hu You took a small piece of red dragon meat out of the warehouse, threw it behind him, and ran forward without looking back!

“How long will Han Ruier you said will be there!” Luo Jin asked beside him.

“I don’t know, I can’t get the notebook out, I can’t send her a message or pop up the trading interface!”

Hu You replied that the Lord of the Red Dragon hasn’t chased it yet, proving that the piece of red dragon meat did indeed work!

“Someone can!”

Luo Jin pointed to a huge stone bunker ahead: “Over there!”

Hu You looked in the direction of her fingers and found that a figure just came out of the bunker. If he guessed correctly, it should be…Shi An!

“Shi An!”

Hu You hurriedly yelled at the front and threw a second piece of red dragon meat: “Contact Han Ruier! Ask when she can arrive!

Don’t run! If you run, I will send you to see the Buddha first! Trust me, I can do it! ”

The figure ran two steps forward, stopped again, and immediately took out the notebook and quickly wrote, not forgetting to complain: “The big lizard is indeed a beast, but Hu, you are really not a human…”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Have you asked daddy!”

Hu You was not in the mood to joke with him, the third piece of dragon meat had already been thrown out, but the fishy wind behind him became even heavier!

He didn’t look back, but it is estimated that… the Lord of the Red Dragon is not far away from them!

“I asked! But no…”

Da… Da… Da…

Three soft sounds echoed in the cave, Hu You and Luo Jin couldn’t help looking forward, and Shi An also looked back at the same time.

A Daoist shadow appeared in front. From the outline, it is not difficult to see that she was wearing a small skirt, stepping on high heels not less than five centimeters under her feet, and holding an oval object in her arms…


Han Rui’er’s voice sounded in the silence, and the oval-shaped object jumped out of her arms and ran in the direction where Hu You was!

That is… Xiao Bai?

Do not!

This is not Xiaobai! Absolutely not!

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