Chapter 216 Artificial Intelligence-Eve

“About a hundred, what’s wrong?”

As soon as Shang Yun finished speaking, as if remembering something, she turned her head to look at Hu You: “You…do you still want to continue this mission?


This is simply impossible! ”

“Then what to do?”

Hu You asked, “There are still more than 400 truth units left, do you have them?”

If you want a person to agree with the own plan, the focus is not how to persuade, nor how to help her recognize the pros and cons, but… to guide.

Guide her to start from a certain angle, and then give her mental guidance, and then she will draw the same conclusion as you.

The approval obtained in this way is much more determined than the previous two!

Of course, this method is only suitable for humans with normal brain circuits.

Generally, the brain circuit is not normal, no matter how you guide, he will only think more and more outrageous.

After all, ‘captive’ all mankind…

This plan was too shocking, and it was impossible for Shang Yun to agree to it directly.

Only try this way first.

“More than four hundred…”

Shang Yun frowned slightly, as if she was really thinking about this question: “I have three hundred more here, if I ask Rui’er to borrow some more…maybe you can!”


This is true love!

But Hu You didn’t want to accept this love.

He stepped forward, pushed the wooden door open, and walked into the own courtyard: “Why bother?

Shang Yun, think about it…

I may not be able to accomplish this task alone, but… aren’t you still there? ”


Shang Yun turned her head and looked at Hu You’s back: “You mean… let me protect these people?”


Hu You didn’t look back, and walked towards the tea pavilion: “Is there anything in the F-class world that can threaten you?

As long as we gather everyone together and deal with all dangers together, can this task not be completed? ”

Xiao Hong is at the tea pavilion.

She must be Hu You’s senior when it comes to “captive” all mankind!

If you can, you should naturally learn from seniors.

“There is a chance, but…”

Shang Yun was a little tangled. She lowered her head and stepped into the courtyard, following Hu You all the way.

Her own purpose is to save the human beings in the D-class world, and Hu You is her hope.

Following the will of ‘hope’ and protecting the human beings in the F-class world once, it seems…not too much.

“But what?”

Hu You turned his head and almost didn’t install it directly with Shang Yun who followed him: “Shang Yun!

Is it possible that people in the D-class world are humans, and those in the F-class world…are not humans!

You… you really disappoint me! ”

The last sentence directly poke Shang Yun’s heart.

She immediately defended: “No… I didn’t mean that! People in the F-class world are also human, but I can only make shots within the rules.

If I’m facing a myth-level creature, I can’t…”

“You don’t need to do it.”

Hu You interrupted her, took a step closer, and looked into her eyes: “I only need you to answer me…

Help, or not. ”


How could it not help?

It’s good for everything to say, unless Shang Yun approached her for other purposes, and there was an irreconcilable conflict with this matter, she couldn’t help but agree!

Pull the tiger skin, pull the banner.

This trick is not too good to deal with a girl like Shang Yun who may not have read online novels much!

How did she know what a sinister heart is and what a flicker is!

“Help, can’t I help!”

Shang Yun nodded and agreed, then the conversation turned around: “But…say it in advance.


As long as the number of humans drops to more than half, I will forcibly end your mission! Is this okay? ”

“I promise you.” Hu You didn’t have any comments.

What can be wrong with this?

The back road to the door is in front of you, who will refuse?


Shang Yun suddenly pulled out Zhan Lu and swiped her left index finger across the blade, dripping a drop of blood: “Take the sword as proof!

If anyone wants to break his promise, he will be condemned by the sword! ”


Although Hu You will not repent, but when he heard these two words, why did he suddenly feel a little angina?

“Can you change to a gentler notarization method?”

Hu You asked tentatively: “For example… hanging on the hook, no change in a hundred years? Or we can swear to the sky!”

Shang Yun did not speak, just spread her left index finger, expressing her own thoughts in a silent manner.

“Let’s do it.”

Hu You stretched out his hand and approached Zhan Lu. Just when Shang Yun thought he was going to cut his hand, he suddenly took it back: “Has your sword been disinfected?

Will you get tetanus if you step on and cut your hands with your foot? ”


Before Shang Yun could speak, Zhan Lu in her palm shuddered!

It seems to be very dissatisfied with what Hu You said!

“Don’t say I didn’t tell you, the divine sword is alive, if you say bad things about her…”

Shang Yun showed a slight smile: “Then don’t turn over when you sleep at night. I’m not responsible for any damage.”

Hu You hurriedly shut up, and quickly drew a line across the blade with his right hand.

The reason why I didn’t use my left hand was because of authority!

If Hu You guessed correctly, even if Shang Yun’s authority is not Zhan Lu, it definitely has something to do with Zhan Lu!

She was able to see some of it last time she used the truth unit to build the blueprint.

So… it’s better to be more cautious!

The blood dripped from the fingertips, and after condensing into a drop of blood, it slowly flew from the fingertips to the sword body, as did Shang Yun.

The two drops of blood met on the sword, and finally turned into nothingness.


Shang Yun spit out two words and put Zhan Lu under her scabbard: “What plans do you have in the future, why don’t you tell me about it?”

“No hurry, this big afternoon… I’ll take a nap first, and you will call me when the four guys come back.”



Looking at Shang Yun’s surprised expression, Hu You said naturally, “You are so interested, do you want to be together?”


Shang Yun spit out two words, her cheeks flushed slightly.

“Eh! What you said is wrong! You know that a man always thinks with his lower body. What does this mean?”


The corner of Hu You’s mouth raised, and he turned and walked towards the main house: “It shows that he has the roots of wisdom.”

Shang Yun stayed in place, stunned for a while.

After she understood what it meant, her pretty face became even redder…

“Little Red.”

Hu Youcai ignored her and walked to the tea pavilion and shouted: “Go make the bed, Master, I’m going to take a nap!”

“Good host.”

Xiaohong responded and immediately walked out of the tea pavilion and walked towards the main house.


That is just an excuse.

What Hu You really wanted was the space to get along with Xiaohong alone.

Otherwise, how to discuss the plan of ‘captive’ all mankind?

Walking into the main house all the way, Hu You looked back and found that Shang Yun had left the small courtyard.

Either I went to help find someone, or I went to find a coconut tree.

Just now at the speed of her drinking coconut, Hu You suspected that she was killed by a coconut in her previous life, and this life was dedicated to revenge.

Close the wooden door and walk up to the second floor.

Before Hu You could speak, Xiao Hong, who was waiting at the door, spoke first.

“Master, Eve asked for a communication, do you accept it?”


“It’s what you call…artificial intelligence.”

It came really fast.

Hu You also happened to want to talk to this master, he always talked to a ‘polluted’ primary artificial intelligence, which was meaningless.

He pushed open the door of own room, walked over to the bed and sat down: “Accept.”

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