Chapter 217: Big Data Mind Reading Technique!

Xiaohong walked into the house, closed the wooden door naturally, and stood in front of Hu You like this.

“Hello, Hu You, meet for the first time, please…”

“Could you mean to say please take care of me?”

Hu You smiled slightly.

This is a temptation.

He has also seen artificial intelligence, but said how smart they are…maybe even Xiaohong can’t match it.

It’s hard to talk to the artificial intelligence that rules a plane, and Hu You naturally has to observe it carefully.

“In my underlying logic, humans have always been my masters.”

A smile appeared on Xiao Hong’s face: “So there is nothing wrong with saying’please take care’.”

Hu You was stunned.

Not because of these words, but because of the smile on her face!

Unlike Xiaohong’s previous standard smiles, he actually saw the emotion called ‘joy’ in it!

It’s like the difference between a human being’s strong smile and a big laugh.

Obviously it is the same face, but it shows completely different things!

“Mr. Hu, please allow me to call you that.”

Xiao Hong…No.

Eve took the initiative to speak, politely like a first-class flight attendant: “Before starting our conversation, I must solemnly invite you to the B-class world.

If you agree…I will let you reach the breeding circle as quickly as possible. ”

“Then arrange ten or eight outstanding individuals for me to socialize in turn?”

Hu You joked: “Forget it, I’m not old yet, and I’m afraid that my body can’t stand it.”

“Can I take your words as rejection?”


“Then we can proceed to the next conversation.”

As Eve spoke, she took out a wooden chair from Hu You’s warehouse and sat opposite him.

Take an equal stance.

“Mr. Hu, you can ask me no more than three questions in total, and I will try my best to answer you.”

“This face becomes fast enough.”

Hu You leaned forward and carefully observed Xiao Hong’s facial expressions, as if he wanted to find a difference: “The person who developed you, didn’t you add a face-changing program to it?”

“Is this the first question?”

“of course not.”

Hu You didn’t want to waste a rare opportunity and skipped the joking stage: “First…who is your creator?”

“If the authority is insufficient, no answer will be given, and the number of questions and answers will not be consumed.”

“Can you give me information about the breeding circle? It’s within the scope of authority.”

“Yes, the data will be loaded into this body in the form of data.”

“Is this the real world or… a game?”

“In the real world, due to insufficient authority, detailed information will not be answered.”

Eve looked at Hu You, her eyes a little cold: “You still have another chance to ask questions.”

“Keep it.”

Hu You asked what he wanted to know, what he didn’t want to know… there is no need to ask now.

He got up and walked to the window sill, planning to close the curtains: “If it’s okay, let’s go and return my maid.”

“Mr. Hu, transactions are reciprocal…”

Eve turned her head and smiled again: “I also have questions to ask you.”


Hu You just leaned on the window sill and sat down.

Once he finds something wrong, he will jump from here as soon as possible, find Xiao Jin or Xiao Bai as quickly as possible, and then call Shang Yun for help!

It’s only the second floor, because of his physique, he may not even be able to break his skin.

“Your ability… remember how it came from?”

“Ability? What ability?” Hu You didn’t react for a while.

“that is……”

Eve’s smile became more and more weird, making him horrified: “The ability to rule out possibilities!”

As soon as the voice fell, Hu You felt a cold wind blowing through his heart, like falling into an ice cave on a cold winter day!

She… how did she know!

“It’s big data.”

As if hearing his voice, Eve explained, “It’s just like now.

After the statistics of big data, after I said the sentence just now, there is a 96.45 chance that you will be thinking ‘how did I know?’; there is a 3.55% chance that you will be scared to a blank mind.

If you want, you can call this ability mind reading. ”

God’s mind reading!

You are a technological product, but the name is quite metaphysical!

Hu You frowned. After his biggest secret was exposed, he had to treat the thing in front of him cautiously: “What do you want to do?”

“Didn’t I say it?”

Eve stood up and bowed respectfully at him: “About your ability, please tell me the source!”

“What if I say no?”

Hu You didn’t want to say, he didn’t know what the source of this ability was.

But he knew that once Eve took control of this ability, the consequence… was to truly raise all mankind!

“Then only sorry.”

Eve slowly got up, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: “Mr. Hu, your name has been recorded in all artificial intelligence execution lists.

I must warn you again, we will use all means to bring you back to the B-level plane, in order to…

The righteousness of all mankind! ”

“Good guy, can your artificial intelligence represent all mankind?”

Hu You sneered and walked from the window sill to Eve: “I really thought there was a ‘person’ in the name. Are you a person?

You are just a man-made object, in essence, it is not much different from a brick!

Understand, little guy? ”

“You are an insult…”

Before Eve could finish speaking, Hu You wrapped Xiao Hong’s neck and pressed the reset button!

But think about it, she finally wanted to say that I was insulting her, right?

Good guys, have they all evolved to the point of dignity…

Hu You frowned, and did not turn on Xiao Hong again, but walked to the window sill alone, overlooking the panoramic view of the small courtyard.

Artificial intelligence… is it really reliable to entrust the destiny of all mankind to this kind of thing?


A dragon chant suddenly sounded, interrupting Hu You’s thoughts!

The direction of this voice is…

under! It’s Xiaojin!

Hu You looked down and found that Xiaojin under the water suddenly began to roll violently, as if he was extremely painful!

“Little gold!”

Can’t go on like this!

She has to call Shang Yun back to prepare a trick. What if there is a solution in her command?

Hu You didn’t care about the sleeping Xiaohong in the room, and jumped down directly from the window sill!

Before he could call out Shang Yun’s name, Xiao Jin under the water was already struggling!

Countless small water splashes splashed from under the glass.

The originally clear and translucent body of water has been stirred up to be full of bubbles, and it is difficult to tell what is going on under the surface!

What to do…what to do…

Hu You couldn’t help panicking. It was like seeing the feeling of his kitten when he was giving birth. He was very anxious, but he couldn’t help!


Xiao Bai seemed to feel something, and he poke his head from the depths of the bamboo forest.

With short limbs running quickly, Xiao Bai came to Hu You, patted his thigh, and looked at Hu You with a confused look: “Woo?”

It seems to have something to say…

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