Chapter 218 Hu You Who Was “Captured”!

“Don’t be cute at this time, okay!”

Hu You put this guy into own’s arms and rubbed his round head nervously: “That’s right!

You are also a demon spirit, is there any way to deal with this situation in your hometown? ”

After this, Hu You regretted it.

He was really ill and went to the doctor, he was just a panda, even if he had some local methods, he could tell himself in words no…

Before Hu You could react, he saw Xiaobai jump off him.

It stared at Xiaojin twice, and even reached out its claws into the glass, wanting to reach into the water!


Hu You took a breath, didn’t dare to hesitate, and picked up Xiao Bai again: “Are you crazy?

The whale below is not a fish, and your panda is not a cat! Do you still want to fish it up and add meals!

Just your head, it eats you just like snacks, you actually go fishing for others! ”


Xiaobai whimpered twice aggrievedly, his right paw pointed at own left paw in a cut gesture, and then pointed at Xiaojin under the water.

What does it mean?

Could it be… Xiao Bai wanted to cut meat and feed the eagle like a Buddha? Can Xiaojin evolve successfully after eating bear paw meat?


Hu You immediately refused: “Absolutely not!”

He is not a Sage, Xiao Jin has helped him a lot, but in terms of his position in his heart, he can’t even compare to Xiao Bai’s half of his fingers!

Let Xiaobai cut the meat and feed it?

Xiaobai agrees, I will not agree!

“Woo, woo…oooo~”

Xiaobai kept whimpering, as if trying to explain something.


Hu You can’t understand it!

The simple meaning is that he can understand a little bit, but this…a panda breeder with 30 years of service is not easy to come!

At this moment, Hu You really wanted Shang Yun to put a language pack in his mind, or ask Eve to help him get an animal language translator…

This reading comprehension question is… harder than Latin reading comprehension!

“What the hell are you doing?”

Hu You was a little helpless.

Looking at the troubled Xiaobai and the fluttering Xiaojin, I don’t want to have a third pet in this life…

To raise, also raise a self-sufficient mechanical pet that can recharge oneself and help the owner hold slippers by the way.

Biological pets…too irritable.


A deep cry sounded under the feet!

The surface of the water gradually subsided a lot, and Hu You looked intently and could already see some things clearly.

The red blood floated from below the surface of the water, faintly with a hint of gold, and Xiao Jin quickly swam around in this water quality.

Every time you swim for a certain distance, there will be subtle changes in your body, until now…

It shouldn’t be a whale anymore…

Xiao Jin’s original short double fins had been cracked, and bones with pale golden patterns were drilled out of them, some of them looked like wings.

And its round head also began to deform, with two pointed ends on the left and right.

If Hu You guessed correctly, this should be its dragon horn!

But there is one part he didn’t understand…

Dorsal fin!

This is a unique physiological characteristic of fish, but dragons do not.

It stands to reason that if Xiaojin wants to transform into a dragon, this part should be degraded, but now…

Is it still growing for hair? There is even a trend to cover the entire back!

Ding Dong~

There was a clear sound.

Not the system prompt, but… the sound of liquid dripping into the water!

Hu You turned back abruptly. He was busy observing Xiao Jin’s changes just now, and he didn’t even notice that after Xiao Bai jumped off him, he pulled out half of the green bamboo!

The bamboo forest disappeared, this guy even pierced a small mouth in Own Fatty’s hand with the bamboo tip!

A drop of dark purple blood dripped into the water, instantly turning the entire underground water world into light purple!


Xiaobai looked at Hu You’s eyes, and immediately put away his painful eyes.

It put the injured chubby hand into his mouth and held it in his mouth, holding the green bamboo pestle on the glass in the other hand, which actually seemed a little proud.


Hu You really broke his heart for these two guys. He stepped forward and tapped Xiaobai with a thump, “Didn’t I tell you not to move!”

Why are you not obedient! ”


Xiaobai was wronged for an instant, pressing his head with one hand, and shrank not daring to look at Hu You.

Looking at it, how could Hu You still get angry?

But as soon as I knocked my head, I hushed coldly and asked warmly, does it seem that I am too dignified?


In order to prevent this guy from messing around in the future, we must not let it go easily!


Hu You snorted coldly, raised his hand and rubbed Xiao Bai’s head: “This time, the small punishment and the big admonition!

You remember, next time you mess around, I will grill your bear paws to eat! ”


Xiaobai whimpered twice, with a hint of joy at the corner of his mouth.

It seemed to know that Hu You was pretending, and turned around and ran towards the own bamboo forest.

Hold the bamboo to sleep~

Seeing that there was nothing serious about this guy, Hu You didn’t care about it, but continued to squat on the ground, watching Xiaojin swimming around under the water.

By the way, it has been several laps, when will the evolution be finished…

Wouldn’t the evolution in those novels and animations be just a bit of Biu’s? Why did you get stuck in your turn?

Hu You just waited and didn’t know how long he waited…

Anyway, the light purple water was about to turn pink, and the stupid whale didn’t mean to stop.

When he was tired, he just squatted directly on the glass, staring at the water intently.

Anyway, they are all in their own house, and there is nothing strange in their actions!

Hey, don’t you say it!

This high-tech glass is really cool, the heat dissipation function is also very good, and there is no airtight feeling!

Even if you lie on your stomach in summer, you don’t need to turn on the air conditioner!

Bang, bang!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Hu You stood up, a little surprised.

Is it because Shang Yun is back?

It shouldn’t be, this girl is a sword fairy, how could she go to the front door? Didn’t they all fall from the sky?

Or is it that someone has completed the task and returned with 21 people?

But just those guys… who would dare knock on his door like this?


It is estimated that she is the only one left.

“I’m coming!”

Hu You got up from the glass, and did not shy away from anything. Instead of closing the groundwater world, he went straight to open the door.

Passing through the white jade corridor, went straight to the wooden door.

He did not ask who was at the door, but directly opened the door…


The sound of the bullet being loaded sounded, and the dark barrel was directly aimed at Hu You!

“do not move!”

William held Shaying with both hands and aimed at Hu You’s head, at least one meter away from him: “Let me see your hands! Hurry!”

At the same time, the guy named Forsi also held Sand Eagle, but he was facing him in another direction that was at least 45° apart.

It is probably to prevent him from taking the gun.

Hu You: (눈‸눈)?

Are you guys sent by the legendary monkey?

Seeing my nervousness, came here to help me relieve stress?

Hu You rolled his eyes and didn’t listen to what he was saying at all, but took a step forward.

That’s it!

He stepped out of the courtyard and walked into the beach.

Almost at the same time, a huge fishing net was immediately lifted under the beach, lifting him up!

Hu You… was captured!

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