Chapter 238 Cause of Death: Cool

“Don’t talk about those useless!”

Hu You said silently in his heart, now there are less than ten minutes before eight o’clock: “The solution! I want the solution!”

“Sorry, master, I can tell you the plan, but only if you can’t be angry.”

Conch continued to tremble, as if he had already had an answer in his heart: “According to the rules, I can only give you an answer within five words, and it is a relatively accurate answer.

So… eh! Don’t shake me! I said, is it still impossible? ”

Hu You stopped his shaking arm and let out a cold snort!


Can’t cure Shang Yun, can’t cure you?

Conch calmed down for a while, and slowly uttered four words: “Gluttony skills!

This is the answer! ”

Less than five words, but Hu You also understood what it means…

“I say……”

Hu You took the conch in front of him: “Are you trying to kill me and then inherit my ant flower?”

“You have to believe me~”

Conch replied in a humble manner, sounding a little familiar: “I can’t tell you exactly why, but you have to believe me!

Only this way can solve your dilemma, and… that’s it! Can’t say any more! ”

As soon as the voice fell, the conch became an ordinary conch, no longer vibrating.

It’s like…dead!


Hu You called him: “Speak! If you don’t speak, I will sink you again!”

It’s a pity that the threat this time didn’t work. Even if Hu You squatted down and brought the conch close to the water, it didn’t react at all.

It seems that I can’t say any more…



Is this thing really useful?

According to Eve, this skill is forcibly given to own by modifying the rewards of the system, which is full of uncertainties in itself!

Now Conch also allows him to use this skill to eat another uncertain factor!

Head iron!

Even Sun Wukong doesn’t take such a lead!


Shang Yun said behind him again: “Why don’t you go? That conch is not very reliable!”

Keeping the life of the world master is her goal, leaving is the safest way!

“I… I want to try.”

Hu You manipulated Zhan Lu to approach the sea gradually, and there was still a trace of luck in his heart.

This fluke was not because he wanted to save those guys, but because the conch…

Getting along for so many days, no matter how the attitude of this conch changes, the core is the same…arrogant!

Even if life and death are controlled by itself, it is still arrogant!

But after this question, it became the owner of Hu You’s address, and his attitude was minimized.

If he guessed correctly, what may happen after solving this problem is the key to the transformation of Conch!

And what it says is developed… will never be aimless.

“Yes, Cham…”

Shang Yun still wanted to persuade, but she could see Zhan Lu approaching the surface of the water. She knew…Hu You could no longer persuade.

Then stop him!

But before Shang Yun could spit out Zhan Lu’s full name, she was sent to the shore by Zhan Lu!

This is the power of habit!

Shang Yun can manipulate Zhan Lu even without spitting out the sword name, but she is still used to shouting first.

But Hu You didn’t have this bad habit!

After he knew there was a simpler operation method, he naturally learned it.

This doesn’t…Zhan Lu sent her back before Shang Yun could speak.

And Hu You…

He lost Zhan Lu’s support, and his whole person instantly sank to the surface of the water, immersed in the blood!

Gluttony, start!

Hu You didn’t even open his mouth, he felt the countless pores on his body had been opened, greedily sucking all the nutrients around him!

It feels like…like…I steamed in a sauna for half an hour, and then fell into an ice cave!

(The fighting nations sometimes play this way.)

Except for a cool word, he couldn’t find other adjectives, and he didn’t need to find other adjectives!

Because…there are even better things to follow!

As he surfaced and kept treading on the water, a prompt box popped out!


[Start binge eating, it may trigger: skill evolution, skill upgrade, gene chain collapse, you can exclude one of the options! 】


What is this called?

This is called the little lover of the goddess of luck!

Hu You smiled under the surface of the water. If it weren’t for the fear of choking, he would have laughed loudly.

Rule out the collapse of the gene chain!

The prompt box just disappeared, and a feeling of comfort that was several times stronger than before suddenly hit!

Hu You twitched, not because of cramps, but because he wasn’t quite comfortable with this feeling.

This is like the smile produced by listening to a joke, and the smile produced by being scratched…

Although all smiles, the latter is much stronger than the former, and he simply can’t adapt!


If only it could be slower!

“Hu You!”

Shang Yun’s voice suddenly sounded in the sky: “Don’t move, I’ll save you up!”

“You don’t move!”

Hu You said the same thing to her, and the speed of treading water began to increase: “I know what I am doing, I am sure!”

That’s what I said, but the feeling is getting stronger!

I used to step on the water five times before twitching, but now every time you step on the water twice, you will have a twitch!

The heartbeat… also accelerated a lot!


Shang Yun didn’t care what Hu You said, stepped on Zhan Lu and rushed down!

Hu You rolled his eyes.

You are just fooling around! Change my name blindly!

But he also knew that he couldn’t hold Shang Yun, so he had to compromise: “Don’t move! You are on it, if I have any problems, you can save me!

If I can still talk to you, don’t move!

This is my chance! Can you understand the chance? ”

Shang Yun paused.

She just stopped less than half a meter above Hu You’s head, and she could reach him with her hand.

But when he said so, it seemed to make sense.

After all, it’s almost eight o’clock now, and if this beast attack can’t handle it, she will face a nightmare again!

To expel the nightmare, or to protect the lord…

Only a child made the choice, she is now an adult, so…I want it all!

That being the case… Then listen to Hu You once!

“Okay! If you have any discomfort, just say it!”

Seeing Shang Yun finally sensible once, Hu You smiled with satisfaction.

But before the corners of his mouth were raised, a cloud of blood stains that were hundreds of times thicker than normal blood stains appeared in front of him!

This…this is…

That ball of heart!

What a special thing! It turns out that you kid brought the devil here!

Hu You now knew why the sense of pleasure became stronger. The closer he was to this ‘heart’, the higher the concentration of blood he absorbed!

If you really swallow this mass of blood…

That ‘shuang death’ may no longer be an exaggerated adjective.

Seeing this group of ‘heart’ gradually approaching, Hu You choked, watching it quickly absorbed by his own body!

With a twitch of the body, everything became dull…

He fainted gloriously!

“Hu You!”

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