Chapter 239 The eighth day, Monday, sunny, waking up from a dream

early morning.

The moist tongue licked Hu You’s face, and the thin, tough burrs scratched his facial muscles, causing bursts of itching.

“Don’t make trouble.”

Hu You raised his hand and patted Xiaobai’s head twice: “Hey, let me sleep a little longer.”


Xiaobai whimpered twice, with some surprises and excitement!

Without a word, it hugged Hu You’s face with two short hands, and licked his head!

As for what Hu You said just now… I think I didn’t hear it!


In the face of the enthusiastic face-washing ceremony, Hu You could not fall asleep no matter how drowsy, he picked up the cute guy in front of him with both hands and stared at it fiercely: “How many times have I said it! No! No! No! No! Licking my face!

Especially when I am sleeping! ”


Before Hu You could teach this cute guy, his door was pushed open roughly!

Shang Yun, dressed in a light blue Hanfu, hurried to his bed, looked at him anxiously, and said precisely…

Is looking at the top of his head: “You finally woke up!

how do you feel? Is there any discomfort in your body? ”

Faced with the sudden concern, Hu You was taken aback first, and then immediately reacted!

last night!

What happened last night!

Memories pop up in my mind, just like a new waking person recalls a dream in the middle of the night…

Hu You sorted it out and found that the memories before he plunged into the sea were very clear, including the conversation with the conch, but what happened after he entered the sea…

He doesn’t remember much!

I just remembered what option I had touched, then eliminated one of them, and after that… there was no memory.


Gluttony! If something happens, binge eating must be recorded!

Hu You immediately raised his hand to send Appraisal Technique to himself!


[Advanced identification: name: Hu You, gender: male, race: human.

Physical Strength: 143/143, Intelligence: 294.2, Strength: 298.5, Agility: 297.6, Truth Unit: 0

Mastering skills: advanced identification (perfect), proficient shooting (excellent), falcon structure (excellent), chopping (junk), elementary cooking (ordinary), gambler (excellent), gluttony (mythology), riding expert (excellent) ), Cooking Soul (Epic).

Title/Achievement: Dragon Slayer (Mythology).

Tip: The first gene chain has been unlocked: 19.87%

Warning: You have not eaten for a long time, and your energy in your body will be exhausted.

Remarks: Humans who have become less like humans. 】


Gluttony (myth)!

Hu You watched it three times before confirming that gluttony had evolved from a legendary skill to a myth!

He fixed his gaze on the gluttony, and a line of prompts popped out directly.

[Advanced Appraisal: Gluttony (Mythical Skill): In the name of one of the seven original sins, this skill has been given a power that did not originally belong to it, and it has gradually emerged.

Master the glutton, everything swallowed will be turned into nourishment for their growth! Whether it is air or microorganisms!

Tip: After the unknown creature is strengthened, the skill has undergone the first evolution, and the completion degree of the next evolution: 0.02%


Remarks: After mastering it, you no longer need Jianweixiaoshi tablets! 】


Why is the warning column a string of garbled characters? Could it be that the system intentionally hides something from itself?

Hu You frowned.

In any case, gluttony has evolved, and his ability to obtain attribute values ​​has also increased a lot.

However, he could not identify the specific increase, and only by practice can the result be obtained.


Just rice!

It’s not a human being to quit a meal!

Hu You got out of bed, carrying Xiaobai’s nape in his hand, turning his head to look at Shang Yun: “By the way, last night…nothing big happened again, right?”

Although I don’t know how long I slept, judging from the sunlight outside the window, it must have been morning.

“No, the beast attack was interrupted by you, and the night walk is normal, no one is dead.”

Shang Yun replied, but her expression was still a bit strange.

His eyes…have been hovering around Hu You’s head, seeming to be looking at something.

Seeing Hu You walked out of the room, she followed behind silently, planning to observe carefully before talking.

“It’s fine if no one is dead.”

Hu You didn’t want to do so many things on his own. As a result, he didn’t survive.

He was about to walk down the stairs, suddenly turned his head to look at Shang Yun: “What about the dragon meat? Have you given it to them?”

This is about own credit!

If you want to be a leader, in addition to giving both kindness and power, your credit value is also an extremely important part.

“Yes, according to your ratio.” Shang Yun replied again, and then lowered her head.

“That’s good……”

Hu You replied and continued to walk downstairs.

It seems that everything is developing in a better direction, but why… always feel something is wrong?

As soon as he reached the first floor, Hu Youqing twitched his nose twice.

He smelled the scent of fried dragon steak, which was mixed with a hint of rosemary, butter, and cheese.

This should be the breakfast Xiaohong prepared for him.

The materials had been prepared long ago, and as early as the day Xiaohong took over the warehouse, she had stocked up for Hu You.

The warehouse is big enough anyway!

“Xiaohong, how long will I have to wait for breakfast!”

Hu You walked straight to the kitchen, but before he could take the second step, Shang Yun held his arm.

“Wait! I… I have something to tell you.”

He looked back at the female sword fairy, frowning slightly.

Was it true that I had guessed it right, Shang Yun… what else hasn’t I told myself?

But those guys were okay last night, Xiaohong was not dismembered by her without authorization, and she woke up, what else could happen?


A possibility emerged in Hu You’s mind!

She…couldn’t she just want to confess to herself! ?

“Hu You…”


Hu You immediately interrupted her: “Shang Yun, you are a good person, but…we are not suitable!”

Shang Yun: (ŏ_ŏ)?

“Who told you this! I meant to talk about your body…”

“You just want my body! Even if you are strong, you can only get my people, not my heart!

We will not be happy like this! ”

“That was not what I meant!”

Shang Yun flushed anxiously, so he took out a mirror and pointed it at Hu You: “Look for yourself!”

“Look? I’m not still so…”

There was still a “handsome” word that didn’t come out, and Hu You was stunned on the spot!

The mirror is not big, but the distance between him and Shang Yun is considered far, the mirror barely illuminates his upper body…

The original clothes fell into the sea and got soaked. He is now wearing a jacket that Shang Yun got it from, with black short sleeves inside.

But these are not the main points, the main point is…

Two horns!

At both ends of Hu You’s forehead, a pair of horns identical to those of the dragon clan drilled out. The length was about two centimeters, and the arc was slightly upward.

Said it is Dragon Horn, but in fact it is more like Devil.

Hu You held his breath, facing the mirror, raised his hand and touched the tip of the lower horn…

Cold, hard, and slightly sharp.

These characteristics are exactly the same as all the dragon horns he has seen!


Hu You spit out a foul breath, barely squeezed out a smile, and looked at Shang Yun in front of him: “Okay…

Will I be successful next time I listen to you? Never take your own life to risk, let’s get rid of Illusion Art. ”

Shang Yun closed her lips tightly and did not speak.

“Hey… Talk to you.”

The smile on Hu You’s face froze, and he pointed to his forehead: “Don’t say that you didn’t do this, except you… who else would make this kind of joke to me?

Don’t scare me, will you succeed? ”

Shang Yun still didn’t speak, but buried her head lower and lower.

“say something!”

Hu You was completely angry.

He stretched out his hand to hold the dragon horn on top of his head, and wanted to break it, but the pain was already deep in his heart, and the horn still didn’t react at all.

Take it off! Break it off!

These two horns cannot be left on his head!

He is a human, not the kind of flying lizard! It will not become the next Shi’an!

Hu You simply took out the silence, put the muzzle against his scalp, aimed at the horns, and put his fingers on the trigger: “I still don’t believe it…”

“do not!”

Shang Yun finally spoke, and immediately held the barrel of the gun: “Don’t worry!

It’s just that there is a problem with the gene chain. You have not completely unlocked the first gene chain. There is still a way! ”

“Then you mean it!”

“Harris! Find Harris!”


This name… sounds familiar!

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