Chapter 274 The goblin is risky, you need to be cautious when you play!

What is the main reason for a person to keep a secret?

will? Interesting?


Like the interrogation that is often used in film and television dramas, it is nothing more than physical torture to break the mental line of defense.

If it is related to interest, then high-ranking officials are allowed to pay generously. As long as the price is reached, no one will conceal it anymore.

But Hu You both disdain to use these two methods…

After all, Balluff is not Shi’an, he is a wealthy goblin merchant, and he shoulders the heavy responsibility of saving the plane.

Regardless of the former or the latter, the effect is not optimal when used.

Since it is a spiritual line of defense, it naturally has to be breached with spiritual power.

Looking at Hu You’s face, Balluff faintly felt a little bad.

But I can’t tell where it is. It just feels similar to when he promoted “Holy Water” to Own.

Hu You cleared his throat and suddenly said, “Ahem, don’t miss it when you pass by!

The first mythical creature exhibition has started!

Comrades who want to see, all have moved out to sit on a small bench, let me explain the species of goblin to everyone in person! ”

Balluff’s pupils suddenly quaked, and his voice trembled slightly: “You…you…”

“Don’t talk about the exhibits! Be quiet!”

Hu You knocked on his head and handed him to Shang Yun: “Here, help hold it, and I will give you a chance to show your saints personally later!”

“Sacred in front of people?”

Shang Yun didn’t know what kind of medicine it was sold in Calabash, but he still listened to him and took Balluff into her hand.

Although she didn’t know if the order he had gotten to the sky was the one she was looking for, she had to guarantee Hu You’s safety before she was falsified!

It is better to manage dangerous items like Balluff.


The exhibition is the exhibition. Does this have anything to do with the appearance of the saints?

Hearing Hu You’s call, those guys who were lying in the base area started to walk out the door, still carrying a small bench in their hands.

Some really want to see the goblins with their own eyes, and some… just for Hu You Face.

But the effect is enough!

“Mina, take people to maintain order, arrange them neatly in groups, and it’s almost five meters outside the small courtyard.” Hu You ordered.


Mina moved her curious eyes from Balluff, turned her head and ran towards the crowd, Chen Nuo and Forsi followed her.

“Luo Jin…”

Hu You turned his head and looked to his side: “You will be the first to be on stage later.”


Although he still couldn’t see what Hu You wanted to do, Luo Jin nodded.

The first one to be on stage…

Isn’t it just a care after all?

Seeing more and more people, Hu You stepped forward and came to Balluff.

He knelt down and repeated it again in a very soft tone: “Baluf…you have one last chance.

I would like to know how to verify the connection between the Ascendant Order and the plane, and the usefulness of that black token.

Can you tell me? ”

“You…you dream!”

Balluff didn’t know what this guy wanted to do, but he had a vague premonition in his heart.

But it was just an exhibition. Wouldn’t he think that this would make Balluff succumb?

The most important thing for us as businessmen is to have a thick-skinned face!

Not to mention being regarded as an exhibition, even if Hu You let himself pose in front of everyone, he would not hesitate at all.

Just don’t tell those secrets!


Is it really that simple? This trick is probably better than taking out feathers and scratching the soles of the feet.

Balluff was a little uncertain, in his mind Hu You was not such a hasty person.

“Mr. Hu.”

Almost everyone came out and sat down, Mina ran all the way: “Everything is ready, look…”

“Well, I got it.”

Hu You replied, and raised his hand to rub Balluff’s head: “Sorry, you have no chance.”

After that, he got up and looked at Shang Yun.

The two walked towards the stage one after the other, while Luo Jin followed Mina into the crowd.

It is not yet time for her to take the stage.


Hu You led Shang Yun to the crowd and cleared his throat: “I think you should have seen it too…

That’s right.

Shang Yun Miss is carrying a creature in Western fantasy—the goblin. ”

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd in the audience immediately boiled!

Especially those who see a strange shadow can imagine the crooked nuts of the existence of elves.

When they heard that Hu You confirmed that the creature was really a goblin, they were already eager to try, and wanted to come up and take a closer look!

“Is that really a goblin!”

“Will there be elves? I’ve long wanted to touch those white ears with my hands!”

“Hey! Upstairs, did you use the wrong adjective? It should be pointed ears, right?”

“No, he should be using the wrong description of the object…”

“Mr. Hu! There are goblins and dragons, what about the dwarves?”

“Yes! There are also Elf, Cat, Snake and…”

“Be quiet!”

Hu You frowned, interrupting the noise of the crowd.

If you continue to talk in this posture, I am afraid that you will get a 404 after a few more paragraphs…

“I know what you are thinking, but there are only large lizards with wings on this plane.

As for the species you think about, I can tell you responsibly…”

Hu You dragged a half-long tone and replied as everyone watched: “Yes! But not in this plane.

And their danger is even higher than that of the dragons on this plane! ”


The noise swelled again, and everyone began to discuss the creatures they were interested in…

Hu You no longer interrupted, but let the incident ferment.

What he needs now is the curiosity of everyone in front of him.

There is a saying that it is endless fun to fight against the sky, and endless fun to fight against people.

But in Hu You’s opinion, neither of these two kinds of fun are more fun than making people’s hearts in person!

About half a minute passed.

The voice gradually became smaller, and some people in the audience began to notice that Speaker Hu was watching them, so they began to converge.

And this time is the time in his plan.


Hu You sighed and shook his head slowly: “This is what I worry about you most.

It’s just a goblin. After you see it, you are so surprised.

If you go to another plane in the future and see elves, catwoman, etc… can you calm down and find someone else to contact you? How do you know the depth, the longer and the shorter? ”

There were bursts of laughter from the audience.

“In order not to make you shame me…”

Hu You raised his hand to Balluff: “I decided to hold the first exhibition of mythological creatures!

All of you have the opportunity to meet goblins with your own eyes and hands!

By then, even if you encounter other mythological creatures, you should know that they are like you, with two hands, two feet, two eyes and one mouth! ”

“Hu You!!!”

Balluff knows now, he… he treats himself as a beast, a beast for fun: “You… don’t want to humiliate Balluff!”

The fire suddenly appeared, and a ball of fire appeared in his hand again.


Hu You shook his left hand and spit out the newly learned order.

The fireball in Balluff’s hand disappeared instantly, and he only used 5 points for the truth unit.

“Now, you have seen it too…”

Hu You raised his hand and patted Balluff’s head: “Goblin is risky, you need to be cautious when playing.

So when I visit later, I will cover his eyes with a black cloth…”

With that, Shang Yun handed over a piece of black cloth.

Even Hu You hadn’t expected this operation.

How much do you hate this goblin? Hey!

He just froze for a moment, then took the black cloth from Shang Yun’s hand and blindfolded it to Balluff’s eyes!

“Hu You! Hu You! You…”

“By the way, stop his mouth again…”

Another cloth group appeared from Shang Yun, but this time she didn’t hand it to Hu You, but instead stuffed it into Balluff’s mouth by herself!

“Tie hands and feet.”

Seeing that she was so neat, Hu You didn’t intend to intervene. He simply turned to look at the people in front of him: “So when you visit, there won’t be any accidents!

Of course, just for a dry visit, it’s not interesting.

I thought of a small game that would add a touch of fun to our visit.


Do you know Solitaire? ”

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