Chapter 275 The Evil of Human Nature


When Luo Jin heard this word, he looked at the goblin tied up in front of him into a zongzi, and suddenly remembered a humanity experiment he had seen a long time ago, and he understood what he wanted to do!

That is a video circulating on the Internet.

After anesthetized himself, a performance artist lay in a public place and left a slogan.

Indicate the people around to come and visit, they can do anything to her without any legal responsibility.

Even tools such as marker pens, daggers, guns, etc. were left beside…

It was an experiment on human nature.

In the beginning, some people just hugged, shook hands, and kissed. Later, they wrote insulting sentences on her with a marker, and some people used a dagger across her body. In the end…

Someone even picked up a gun!

But in the end it was stopped by secretly observing staff.

And the solitaire that Hu You said should be magically changed in this experiment!

He wants Balluff to experience the evil of human nature in a sober state!

Luo Jin looked at Hu You, and at the same time Hu You also looked at her…

When the two looked at each other, they knew that both sides understood their own ideas.

Luo Jin frowned slightly to express his own attitude.

No objection, but no agreement!

Hu You smiled back and blinked twice.

This is to make Luo Jin believe him.


Luo Jin sighed softly, expressing that he had compromised.

no way.

She didn’t know the whole story at all, nor did she know what the secret hidden by this goblin meant to Hu You.

If it is to save his life, let alone this kind of experiment, even if Hu You repeats the punishment that he has used against Shi An, what counts?

“It’s just a little game.”

Hu You smiled, turned his head to look at the crowd, and rubbed Balluff’s head: “If I were the first person to visit the goblin, I rubbed the goblin’s head.

Then when the next person who visits the goblin comes up, I will tell him a behavior… For example, Luo Jin, can you come up for a while? ”


Luo Jin hesitated, but he stepped forward and came to Hu You’s side, looking at Balluff not far away with some pity.

I don’t know how this guy got Hu You.

What he wants to know, just tell him, why bother to suffer this…

“at this time.”

Hu You stood next to Luo Jin: “I will tell the next person an order to make her perform a specified action on the goblin.

This instruction is only known to the two of us and can only be executed after the last action I did.

After finishing the instructions, the second person will pass the first two instructions to the third person, and so on…

If someone makes a mistake halfway, we will have a small punishment, such as truth or dare, and then start again.

Of course, where there is punishment, there are rewards.

I will pick out some things and reward them to the person who is punished before, that is, whoever makes a mistake will be punished, and whoever is before the punished will be rewarded!

Do you… understand? ”

The rules of the game are simple, and Hu You did not hide Balluff.

Or in other words, he just wants Balluff to know the purpose of his own!

Only in this way can Balluff’s fear be maximized!


Balluff’s mouth was blocked, and he could only make two whimpers of inexplicable meaning.

Although Hu You didn’t understand, he vaguely heard some ridicule in his voice.


I hope you can laugh later.

Hu You leaned close to Luo Jin’s ear and moved his lips while watching, but he didn’t say anything.

After doing this, he stepped back half of his position and let Balluff out: “Okay, now you can start.”

This is his right to give Luo Jin a choice.

Just now Hu You could see that Luo Jin seemed to be a little disgusted with this method, but due to the urgent situation, he could not analyze the pros and cons of Luo Jin before acting.

Only the first thing is urgent.

Allowing Luo Jin to choose what to do is already his last concession.

It doesn’t matter anyway.

This is the first few links, the behavior is naturally simple and gentle, and often the tormenting is in the back!

Especially when someone fails and Hu You throws out a reward, the imagination of those guys will be completely liberated!


A clear sound!

Luo Jin first rubbed his head following Hu You’s technique, and then slapped Balluff’s face with a slap!

Everyone was dull for a moment, even Hu You looked dumbfounded!

He originally thought that Luo Jin was only pulling the meat, or patting her face… He didn’t expect that she would round her arms and slap her face!

“Your name is Balluff, right?”

After Luo Jin slapped him, Balluff wanted to do it, but found that he was still in a state of being silenced, so there was no room for resistance.

He knows to stand up and want to pounce in front of him!

But before his knees were straight, Shang Yun, who was guarding him, pressed his shoulders and pressed him to the ground again!

“Mmm! Mmm!”

Balluff’s struggling voice rang.

Luo Jin didn’t understand what it meant, but he didn’t want to understand.

She just said the second half of her own words: “Balluff, I don’t know what Hu You wants to ask you, but I would advise you.

Speak earlier, don’t suffer…”

In a sense, this is for the good of Balluff.

If she did not slap that slap, but chose to pat her face, or other softer means, then…

Balluff will face a long period of torture!

But now…

Whenever someone touched his head, there was a slap waiting for him in the back!

This is like a critical illness notice!

What is really frightening is not Death itself, but the psychological anticipation of knowing that Death is about to arrive!

Especially when the black cloth covered his eyes, the fear of unknown to everything around him overlapped with this First Stage fear…

Balluff began to tremble!

“Mmm! Mmm!”

He struggled, seeming to want to express something.

Hu You saw it, but knew that the fire hadn’t arrived yet: “Next.”

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Jin turned back to Hu You and looked at Mina in the crowd: “Mina, come on.”


Hu You watched Mina trot forward, then turned to look at Luo Jin: “This is a good trick.”

Luo Jin knew that he was talking about the slap, so he chuckled and glanced at him, “It’s still not as good as you.

But having said that…what’s the secret of this goblin? ”

“I’ll talk about it later in the small courtyard.”

Hu You turned his gaze to Mina again, and she had already come to Balluff at this time…

Touch your head and slap!

These two actions are simply not too simple.

Then she squatted down and reached out and pinched Balluff’s sharp ears…

“Mmm! Mmm!”

Balluff suddenly began to struggle!

He has a bad premonition, next… his ears may be gone!


Mina was shocked by its actions, and immediately jumped back half a step, looking at Shang Yun in surprise: “Miss Shang, this…”


Shang Yun replied indifferently, but kept pressing her hand on Balluff’s shoulder: “Next.”

“…Oh, I’ll call someone.”

Mina obviously didn’t see enough, but she turned and left, looking at another eager guy in the crowd: “Forsi, come on.”


Forsi replied and began to walk slowly.

He stood still in front of Balluff, and as soon as he raised his hand to touch his head, a burst of fire ignited!

But this time it was not in Balluff’s hands, but in his mouth.

The fire ignited, burning a part of the cloth stuffed in his mouth, and then he vomited it out!

Before Shang Yun stuffed the second cloth ball in, Balluff began to roar, “I said!

I said it’s not enough! ”

This is only the third person, and there will be more than six hundred people…

He can’t stand it! I really can’t stand it!

“Ken said?”

Hu You asked back, with a trace of regret in his tone: “But it’s a pity that my words have been released.

If we don’t go through to the end, my comrades will be disappointed…”

“Then what do you want? I promise you! As long as… as long as you let me go!”

Balluff is really scared!

If he is a stupid goblin, maybe he doesn’t know what it means next, maybe he can resist a few more people.

But he is a smart goblin.

A glimpse and knows the whole leopard, what will happen next, he just thinks about it and knows, how can he still feed the tiger with his body?


Hu You turned his eyes, walked a few steps forward, and came to Balluff: “You goblins…should have a unique delivery system?

It is not impossible if you want me to end this exhibition, but you need to buy the right to visit the remaining 631 people as compensation.

Of course, you can also understand this as a transaction! ”


Balluff instinctively raised two pointed ears: “Then…what do you want?”

This special lady is unscientific!

I, Balluff, has been in the world for so many years, and I have done countless transactions. I have never seen anyone who would tie up people to torture before making a transaction!


Hu You stepped forward and posted a few words to Balluff’s ear: “I want…”

Before he straightened up, Balluff immediately screamed: “Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

What you want is impossible… Um! Uhhh! ”

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