Chapter 282 Aren’t you happy to see Dad?

Dragon horns, dragon scales, and a dragon tail standing high behind him, but his body is a human figure.

Hu You has seen so many people, only one guy is like this…

Shi An!

The stone dragon man Ann who was stripped of scales and skulls by his own hands!

But isn’t that guy already turned into white light? How could it appear here! ?

Even if it’s a corpse…

You shouldn’t swindle from here!

Just as Hu You was tangled, the figure slowly turned his head, exposing the delicate scales on his face to his sight…

The corners of the mouth slowly aroused.

It’s like ridicule, more like sarcasm.

Hu You frowned, picked up the VIP notebook in his hand, and wanted to summon the nirvana, but found that there was no reaction at all!


There was a soft sound, it was the sound of the dragon’s tail sliding across the sandy ground.

Shi An stood up from the pit, dragged the dragon’s tail behind him, and began to walk in the direction where Hu You was!

Those eyes stared directly at him!

Silence doesn’t know where it is!

But it’s okay…

Without dying, wouldn’t there be authority?

Now that he had killed Shi An once, Hu You wouldn’t mind killing him a second time!

As long as he dares to come.

Hu You slowly stood up from the pit, and put the two notebooks and pocket watch into his arms.

He raised his eyes to Shi An, only to realize that this guy had arrived in front of own…



Hu You raised his hand and slapped it over, hitting him in the face, slapped Shi An on the head.


Judging from the feel, it should be a real person, not something illusion or fiction.

But this is a big problem!

How could a guy who had turned into white light appeared in front of him?

“Hu You!”

Shi An was angry. He stared at Hu You in front of him and roared: “I want…”


Hu You raised his left hand, not wanting to talk so much nonsense to him.

After all, what he wanted to ask…

I asked it clearly before, but now it’s just that he experimented with the particularity of this area.

This may be the most special area he encountered after crossing the wilderness.

Not only the base area has disappeared, even people are buried in the pit, but there are also horror items for experience…

The only drawback is that the last horror project did not achieve the frightening results. Hu You even looked at it and even wanted to laugh.

The word order falls.

The corner of Shi An’s mouth evokes a curve: “Hehe, Hu You, do you think the same move will take effect for me a second time?”


Hu You let out a nasal sound.

The situation…it seems something is not right!

Before he could react, Shi An grabbed his wrist and pulled his whole body out of the pit with force on his waist and abdomen!


There was a loud noise, and Hu You was thrown to the ground!

It’s still the kind of face on the ground.

“I… Damn! What kind of saint are you a saint?”

Hu You spit out a word in his throat, frowning and feeling the pain from his bones.

He guessed it right!

The situation here… is really not as simple as he thought.

If the opponent is really just Shi An, how could he be immune to the influence of authority and dictum on him! ?


Hu You thinks about it, there is only one possibility: “Don’t play! Whatever you want to say, just tell me no!”

Only the manager himself can offset or cancel the word order.

Except Tianjiu…

Hu You couldn’t think of anyone else who would do this to himself!


Shi An spit out two words and turned to look at Hu You lying on the ground: “What? Hu You, boss Hu, boss Hu!

Is your head broken? Can’t even remember my name?

My name is Shi An!

Shi An, who peeled off the scales and took the treasure by your own hands!

Don’t you remember! ! ”

Hu You felt a lot of drool on Own’s face, and immediately frowned and began to think about how to break the game.

Since the vocabulary is useless, you can only use your skills to try to break the game…

Wild ball punch!

These three words immediately appeared in his mind.

No matter if the opponent is Shi’an in disguise of Tianjiu, or the real Shi’an, with this punch… you will see the difference!

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember.”

Shi An spit out a word, buried his face in front of Hu You, and slowly spit out a few words from the teeth: “I, will help you remember…”


Hu You seized the opportunity, raising his hand and hitting him in the face with a punch!

It just happened to be the wild punch that I got yesterday!


The blood bar does not appear!

How can this be!

Even if Shi An’s resurrection is in the system’s regulations, even if he may have been disguised by Tian Jiu, even if…

No matter what the situation!

This wild ball fist can even see Shang Yun’s health bar, why can’t he see him!

Hu You’s hand froze in front of Shi An’s eyes, and he didn’t know for a moment whether he should put it down or give another punch…


Shi An smashed his mouth and looked at Hu You again: “Hu You, I remember you once said…

It is very rude to interrupt someone else’s speech casually.

Have you forgotten it yourself?

but it does not matter. ”


Shi An raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A familiar table and dagger appeared on Hu You’s left, on the table…

There is even a pair of finger tigers!

With a smirk on his face, he raised his hand to lift Hu You from the ground, and gently placed it on the table, as if he were treating a piece of art: “Let’s…you can remember it slowly.

Just from the last time we met, okay? ”


Luo Jin woke up from a deep sleep, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the clod of soil in front of her slipping from the top of her head, all of which was scattered on her face.

Where am I?

After the night walk last night, I should have returned to the own base, right?


Why is it in a pit?

Regardless, get up and have a look first.

Luo Jin cleaned the dust off his face, supported him with both hands, and got up from the pit.

The surrounding light is very dim, and I can only see the sights about one meter in radius.

She looked around, and soon saw a figure like her, standing up from a dirt pit.

The man was wearing a black suit and a crimson tie around his neck, turning his head and slowly looking at Luo Jin.

Luo Jin’s eyes widened suddenly, and he felt a current passing from the top of his head to the back of his head, numb along the spine behind his back to the tail vertebra, slowly spreading to his whole body!

This person… she knows it!

She will never forget this person when she dies!


Isn’t this person dead? Just die before her eyes, or die before crossing! Why does it appear here again!

“Little Luo Jin.”

The thick voice sounded, as if there was a magnet in the throat.

There was a smile at the corner of the man’s mouth.

He stepped on the leather shoes without a trace of dust under his feet, and walked slowly towards Luo Jin. The heels of the shoes collided with the ground, and he kept making dull knocks: “Seeing Dad, you…

Are you unhappy? ”

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