Chapter 283 Shi An: “It’s delicious!”

“No! You can’t be alive!”

Luo Jin stood up from the pit and hurriedly backed away.

But before he took two steps back, he hit a wall and could only watch the man in the red tie approach her!


She did call this name to this man, but it was after she was 6 years old!

That is, he and another woman took themselves out of the orphanage!

That day…

Luo Jin really thought that he had returned to heaven from The Underworld.

But before the car left the street of the orphanage, the woman who had taken herself from The Underworld with him got out of the car.

Before leaving, he took a handful of banknotes from the man.

Later, the man took her to a place where all the girls were the same as her, different from Luojin back then…

The girls have chains and iron handcuffs on their hands.

At that time, the man squatted in front of Luo Jin, touched a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to her, rubbed her head and asked, “Do you know what to call me?”

Six-year-old Luo Jin hesitated, and slowly tore the candy paper from the lollipop, and put it in his mouth: “Sister Big Sis said, I will call your father in the future.”

“so what?”

“I just want to call you Uncle.”


The man laughed wildly, rubbing Luo Jin’s head: “Very good! But…you will soon regard me as your father.”

After talking about the man, he left, and Luo Jin…lived in another The Underworld for the next ten years. Like those girls, she also wore chains and iron torture.

Ten years later…

She stuffed the barrel of the gun into the man’s mouth and called him the first ‘Dad’.

Of course, there was a gunshot before that.

“How is it? Surprised, isn’t it!”

The man was in front of Luo Jin, less than one meter away from her: “I have also come to this world, but…

It’s more than ten years earlier than you. ”

Over ten years?

Time goes along!

In other words… he came here after I killed him?

Judging from the existence of Han Ruier and Shang Yun, it is not difficult to infer that this is possible!


How did he find me?

“eight days!”

The man’s voice continued to sound: “Eight days ago, no, it should be said that before Nine Heavens, I received news that a new group of survivors came here.

For so many years, I have been paying attention to the traces of new survivors, just to see if one day my favorite daughter will come here.

More than ten years!

I finally waited! Luo Jin, I finally waited for you! ”


Luo Jin let out a foul breath and forced himself to calm down: “So what? What do you want to do?”

“do what?”

The man sneered twice, then took a step closer: “Or… guess what?”


The dagger fell on his face, and the cold touch stimulated Hu You’s cheeks.

All this seems to tell him…

I am real!

I exist!

This is not an illusion, let alone a dream! Everything you experience here, although fantasy and illusion, is real!

But the more so, the less Hu You can understand!

This is not logical!

The word order is invalid, and the wild ball boxing is useless…

None of this seems to happen under normal circumstances.

Especially this dagger on his face…

“Hu You…”

Shi An took the dagger and slid on Hu You’s face, as if looking for a place to cut the knife: “Do you remember where your first knife was cut?”

Where do I remember this?

I am not obsessive-compulsive disorder, of course I just found a scale and opened it…

“It’s the lower abdomen.”

As soon as Shi An uttered three words, the dagger fell down, and he cut off a piece of flesh on Hu You’s lower abdomen!


It’s almost the same as the scales on Shi An’s position.


Hu You took a breath, and the pain came to his heart!

He has been in the wilderness for eight full days, and today is the Nine Heavens, he has not suffered more injuries than this!

A half-slap-sized piece of meat, about half a centimeter thick, was swayed by Shi An in his hand, as if he was appreciating the best sashimi…

and many more!


Isn’t he thinking…


Shi An stretched out his tongue, rolled the meat in his hand and sucked it into his mouth, and even sucked the two fingers with the meat…

Say it’s like a pervert…

Not very accurate, he is a pervert!

“It’s delicious!”

Shi An commented on the four words and put the dagger against Hu You’s throat, and a blood stain was drawn from top to bottom: “I won’t eat such a delicious thing all at once.

Leave half!

I want to save half of it for later! ”


The sound of blood dripping to the ground constantly sounded in Hu You’s ear, which was exactly the same as the sound in his ear when he Ling Chi Shi’an.

Even the smell at that time was…

and many more!

Hu You suddenly lit up!


Why is the smell the same! This is impossible!

When he was Ling Chi Shi’an, he was standing next to Sanyang Hot Spring and moved his hand, and Luo Jin and Mina were beside him…

He remembers clearly!

The smell of blood at that time was still mixed with a hint of sulfur and the unique scent of Luo Jin.

Now…the same!

At that time, Luojin was very far away, and the fragrance was very light. It was not easy to distinguish the smell of blood, but the smell of sulfur was strong!

It tastes exactly the same as it is now!

Although he couldn’t see the surrounding environment clearly, Hu was still sure… there could be no hot springs around!

How did the sulfur smell come from?


Shi An suddenly squatted down and placed his head next to Hu You’s head. A burst of heat from his nose and throat hit Hu You’s face: “Are you afraid?

Hahaha! If you’re scared, come and beg me!

As long as you beg me, I will give you a happy one! Don’t worry, I am very accurate! ”

The dagger was placed on Hu You’s neck.

The cold touch reminded him, as if as long as he nodded his head, a sharp blade would pass between his neck and let him leave this world.

“Ha ha……”

Hu You sneered twice, and the corner of his mouth curled up: “I know what’s going on.

Lord of Yellow Dragon! ”

“I do not know what you’re talking about.”

Shi An replied, turning the dagger slightly, and moved it from Hu You’s neck to the lower abdomen: “Since you don’t want to…

Then I will make a second cut. ”

“Fuck you.”

Hu You looked at the dagger as if watching a play, “Come on, let me see how many knives you can cut!

If you have the ability, don’t let me out all the time, otherwise…

The dragon lord’s body is so big, I am afraid that it can be cut for a long time, right? ”

Shi An’s hand trembled, the dagger never fell, but his eyes returned to peace: “How did you… find out?”

“You should be able to spy on my memory?”

Hu You didn’t answer directly, but quietly stared at him: “You can snoop again and you should know the answer.

However, I suggest you take a peek at my current thoughts by the way.

for example……”

Hu You deliberately dragged a long tone, got up from the table, raised his hand and landed on the shoulder of’Shi’an’: “After I go out, what will I do with you.”

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding scene instantly cracked!

illusion, broken!

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