The 284th chapter is the timid Dream Eater?

The morning sun came into view, but the air was the same as before, filled with an unpleasant smell of desert.

Hu You subconsciously raised his hand to shade, but found that own arm could not be raised at all.

He looked down, his brows frowned!

This is…vines?

No, it’s not right.

It’s not so much a vine, it’s a thorn!

The withered yellow branches are almost the same color as the desert underfoot, and the branches are full of tiny barbs, which actually pierced the flesh of Hu You’s body, thirsting for his blood…

It is logical to say that after the plants are watered with a certain liquid, the branches should be contaminated with the components of the relevant liquid.


This thing sucked so much blood from Hu You, it just couldn’t see the appearance of being moisturized at all!

There is no difference from other plants in the desert, the same withered, and the same without life…

Even when Hu You watched it, it was like a frightened little beast, and it began to slowly recede from him.

The barb was pulled out a little bit, like a gust of wind that came and went without a trace, and gently stroked him.

If Hu You didn’t see it sucking his own blood with his own eyes, he would still think he was in an illusion…

Because of the pain!

From beginning to end, he didn’t feel the slightest pain.

Had it not been for raising his hand to shade, it is estimated that Hu You would not have found this kind of thing on his body.


The illusion that I fell into was brought by this guy!

As the vine slowly receded, Hu You’s eyes followed it.

Since he didn’t want to enter the illusion again, he did not reach out to touch the vines, but only used the Appraisal Technique from a distance.


[Advanced Appraisal: Dream Eater (Epic Plant):

As an extremely rare intelligent plant, Dream-Eater can view the dreams of any creature through binding and construct the most frightening scene.

To hunt and kill creatures in dreams to achieve the purpose of hunting.

Tip: This plant can only construct scenes below the epic level, and the existence above the epic level will not appear in the dream.

But… who said that fear has something to do with grade?

Warning: Meng Meng Teng is extremely blood-loving and sensitive to the blood of various creatures, and secretes a neurotoxin during the blood-sucking process, which paralyzes the central nervous system of most creatures.

Remarks: Use a piece of topical when you can’t sleep, it’s much more useful than sleeping pills! 】


Hu You watched this guy dive into the yellow sand and disappear without a trace.

He didn’t stop him either, but frowned.

It’s not that Hu You didn’t want to, but…

He dare not!

Don’t even think of only such a small section. If everyone has such a small section, there will be more than 600 people…that Hu You will face a huge monster!

If you bring it in yourself, it’s okay to get it done all at once, but if you can’t get it…

That’s really just covering it with a white cloth, blowing a suona, and the whole village is waiting for the food.

Since it doesn’t provoke itself now, there is no need to clean it up now!

Gather first, find Luo Jin Shangyun Han Ruier and talk about it!

Steady hand!

It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

Besides, it will not take ten years, only ten hours at most.

Can’t wait!

Hu You looked away from the sand and began to look around.

Only then did he discover that the surrounding area was not all desert.

Just around him, there are four towering earth walls, like a room specially built, trapping Hu You here.

By visual inspection…

His current position should be in a cube with the same side length, and the length, width and height are more than ten meters.

Hu You thought for a while, walked to the edge of an earth wall, and leaped on his knees!

Before he could jump very high, an invisible force came from above his head and shot him back!

It is forbidden to climb over.

These four words immediately appeared in Hu You’s mind.

That being the case, there should be other outlets here!

He cast his gaze on the surrounding walls.

From a normal point of view, if you can’t get out from above, the exit must be all around.

Before he started to look for it formally, a system notification sound exploded from his ears!


[It has been detected that you have served as the full server administrator, and the regional administrator authority has been shifted down. The current regional administrator is Luojin! 】

[Do you hide information from the area administrator? 】

It’s eight o’clock.

This was the first thought that came to Hu You when he saw this reminder.

He clicked ‘No’ easily, and the next prompt came out immediately!

The content… is much more horrifying than just now!

[Detected that you have accepted the task-rescue.

The current number of survivors is: 634.

Among them, the number of endangered persons is…633, please help in time! 】

The number of survivors is 634 and the number of endangered is 633?

You can tell me directly, I am the only one who escaped from the mouth of Meng Mengteng!

But then again…

Hasn’t even Luo Jin escaped the tiger’s mouth yet?

This shouldn’t be. With her small head, even if it wasn’t the first to come out, it shouldn’t have been so long.

Hu You frowned, and soon realized what was going on…


The level of Dream Eater is only epic!

But what level of existential crisis and fear do I face?

Let’s not talk about the far ones, the nearest one is the Dragon Lord! Mythical level!

It’s strange that this thing can build such an illusion.

It should be its limit to be able to get a Shian out, but it is a pity…

Shi An can’t scare him at all.

“It seems to be scared a lot, but there are still so many benefits.”

Hu You vomited helplessly, and continued to look for a way out.

What else can I do?

He can neither find people’s words, nor can he see Meng Meng Teng now. He can’t just find a phone booth, just take off his underwear and put it on the outside, and then fly to the sky to save people, right?

Don’t say he doesn’t have a cloak anymore, we don’t like this one here!

Hu You walked a full circle along the earth wall in front of him, putting his palms on it.

Don’t talk about secret roads or institutions, even the own option prompt did not appear!

He walked around and saw that he couldn’t find any clues, so he simply sat on the ground, watching the tangled earth walls in front of him.

This thing…

The way is evil!

There are no institutions, no secret roads, and even option prompts. The only thing there is Restrictions above the head.

It’s like trying to trap people alive and dead in it.

But… will the system really construct such an area?

Even in the barren land I met on the third day, if I had to go to my mouth, I could still hunt sand lizards as food and add a little protein.

now what?

The same is the desert, but there is only a timid and fleshless dream-eating vine.

If you really can’t get out, even if Hu You solves the problem of dream-eating vines, other people without food may not be able to survive!

do not forget.

There are strict standards for food intake in the barren land!

If a normal person is under the blessing of gluttony, he can at most insist on not drinking water for one day and not eating for two days.

In the barren land, this time may have to be halved!

The pressure hits like a tide.

Hu You sat on the ground, entangled whether or not to use Jixi to blow up a shot!

After all, there is no problem, it can’t be solved by the equivalent!

If there is, then the equivalent is not enough!

Just as he was about to get up and take out the nirvana to try, his hand naturally pressed on the ground…

With this, a prompt popped out!


[Tap three times on the underground channel, it may trigger…]

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