"Damn it!"

The death of her companion made the blonde female warrior completely angry.

She finally stopped holding back and added the remaining attribute points to the strength attribute.

"I want you all to die without a burial place!"

[Strength has reached twenty points, please choose the characteristics you want to improve! 】

Gathering Strength: In the next 10 seconds, gain a temporary bonus of +5 Strength.

Female Boxerism: Damage to the opposite sex +5%.

There were only two options for her to choose from when it came to an attribute promotion, which made the female warrior even more angry.

Originally, she had the opportunity to challenge a higher level, but in the end, she had to advance her strength in advance.

Because she knew that if she didn't do this, she would definitely die today.

"Choose to focus."

The blonde's talent can enhance her strength, and swallowing special secret medicine will further improve her attributes.

When she activated the Gathering feature and combined it with the epic weapon in her hand, the strength attribute value instantly increased to 36 points.

The big sword swept across with overwhelming force, instantly cutting off the bodies of the two ghost spiders.

After taking a deep look at the gunman in the distance, the blonde suddenly turned around and hit the plot character Guren from high altitude like a bomb.

The heavy sword was filled with blood-colored aura, as if it was going to tear the earth apart completely.

Mountain collapse!

The fatal blow came in an instant. Honglian was shocked and could only use crystals to condense a pink wall in front of him.

The hasty attack prevented the ninjutsu from exerting its full power. After a brief stalemate, the crystal wall was chopped into pieces by the enemy's sword.

The defense failed, and Honglian was suddenly in an extremely dangerous situation. The power of the epee in front remained undiminished, while the mage behind him raised his Zen staff to concentrate the final attack.

Being attacked from two sides by the enemy, she could only choose to grit her teeth and resist the heavy sword that fell from the front.

Once again, she gathered crystal defense and finally avoided the fate of being killed by a sword, but she couldn't use the fireball technique behind her.

With a bang, there was a big explosion all around.

When the smoke cleared, Hong Lian was lying on the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"This woman's strength." Fang Bo was a little confused and didn't understand why the enemy's combat power suddenly soared.

But it doesn't matter, victory belongs to him after all, and a little accident can't change the outcome of this battle at all.

Imitate the art of breaking the crystal and subduing the dragon!

The crystallized dragon roared past, crushing the female warrior beneath her without any explanation.

The strength attribute skyrocketed?

No matter how much the price rises, she will not be able to withstand the impact of such a behemoth.

The strong impact outlined a long chasm on the ground, pushing her all the way into the distance.

Before the imitation crystal dragon disappears, the threat of the blonde female warrior can be ignored for the time being.

Looking at the mage who was about to kill him, Fang Bo raised his gun and fired a bullet into his head. The protective shield was finally shattered by him.

Seeing this, the woman didn't care about finishing Honglian's attack, and hurriedly wanted to temporarily evacuate from the scene.

In her mind, as long as the captain comes back, she will be able to defeat the enemy. The problem is that the long-awaited Yuan-00 will not give her a chance to make a comeback.

The Breath of the Sun - Shape of Qi·The setting sun turns around!

Flashing into the air in an instant, Yuan Yi Zero used an inverted posture to slash horizontally. The blade was wrapped in flames as hot as the sun, and the woman's head was chopped off in one blow.


The painful wails stopped abruptly. Before she died, the woman looked in the direction where the captain disappeared, her eyes full of attachment that outsiders could not understand.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 1 battlefield point]

"very good."

Ignoring the roar coming from a distance, Fang Bo knelt down and put his hand on Hong Lian.


He spent a hundred points of health and successfully brought her back from the serious injury. Then let her slowly deal with the injury on her own.

"Ahem, damn, I must kill her with my own hands." Honglian said and was about to attack the other party.

Obviously, she couldn't swallow this breath at all. If the incident hadn't happened suddenly, she would have been seriously injured and fell to the ground by that kind of thing.

The woman wanted to rush forward for revenge, but Fang Bo would not give her such a chance.

The Nichirin Sword was lying in front of him, and the sinister aura made Honglian couldn't help but shiver.

"I said, just leave this to me."

Looking at the black marks that gradually spread to the man's body, Guren nodded silently, and then jumped to the tree trunk aside to watch the show.

Seeing that she was very knowledgeable, Fang Bo turned around and looked at the female warrior who kept swallowing food.

At this moment, his whole body exuded an ominous aura, and black marks covered his cheeks, giving him an eerie look.

Cursed Seal 1 form: Spirit +4, Agility +2, HP reduced by 2 points per second.

There happened to be a suitable opponent who wanted to try the curse seal state fighting method.

"This feeling of suddenly enhanced attributes is really good."

Activating the suspension acceleration, Fang Bo rushed straight towards the enemy in the distance like a bolt of lightning.

Dou Qi Sense, turn on!

With his powerful perception ability, he can see almost every detail of a woman's body.

On the other side, seeing that he dared to rush over as a gunman, the furious female warrior immediately decided to kill the opponent with a sword.

She will not kill the opponent easily, she will torture him to death bit by bit with her fists, otherwise it will not be enough to eliminate the hatred in her heart.

However, she never expected that the man, a remote reincarnationist, would have noticed the trajectory of her sword swing in advance.

Germa's shoes sprayed out a shock wave, causing Fang Bo's body to move a certain distance in mid-air, just in time to split the epee that fell in front of him.

Taking this opportunity, he placed his sinful palm on the woman's shoulder.


[The target is affected by the broken tendon state, and its movement speed is reduced by 80%, and the state lasts for 10 seconds. 】

Leaning down to avoid the second sword that came back, Fang Bo took out the dragoon, and with one ice bullet, the woman's movement speed was completely reduced to a crawl.

Seeing that she was not ready to give up, Xiao Fang moved his left index finger slightly, and Yuan-Zero suddenly appeared behind the enemy, and the flames of the Sun Blade completely covered the woman.

"Be smarter in your next life and don't choose the wrong opponent."

These were the last words the woman heard. No matter what ambitions or dreams she had, they completely disappeared at this moment.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get your own personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 3 battlefield points]

Because one attribute reached the extreme value, the blonde female warrior directly provided him with three battlefield points.

Calculated, Fang Bo directly gained five merit points from this battle.

"As expected of a space battlefield, the difficulty of obtaining merit points has been reduced many times."

Fang Bo, who finally saw the benefits, certainly didn't intend to end the hunt just yet.

After finding a place to rest for a while, he ordered the spider who came to deliver the three corpses to the mother body so that she could replenish the troops she had just lost.

As for the body of the blond female warrior, it will be handed over to the first evolved second-level ghost spider, so that it can successfully evolve to the third stage as soon as possible.

After dealing with the battlefield, he ordered Honglian to go to the rear to recuperate, and Xiaofang would be responsible for garrisoning this area.

By the way, open the three boxes you just harvested.

The first is the guy who wants to assassinate him. I wonder what kind of objects he can contribute.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 12501]

[You get 158 ​​plot points]

[You get agility potion (small)]

[You get secondary constitution secret medicine × 2]

Agility potion (small): After taking it, you will gain agility +3 effect, which lasts for 30 minutes.

Secondary constitution secret medicine: After taking it, you will gain constitution +5 effect, which lasts for 30 minutes.

No equipment was revealed, but he was given two very good potions.

Judging from the attributes, they are all ones that Fang Bo can use.

Now that I think about it carefully, several people were taking drugs during the battle. If I guessed correctly, one of them should have the ability to make medicine.

Put the things into the mark, and the next thing is the female mage's.

[You are opening the killing chest number 13318]

[You get 205 plot points]

[You get secondary essence mysterious medicine × 3]

[You get gold lace shorts]

Secondary Essence Mystic Medicine: After taking it, you will gain a mental +5 effect that lasts for 30 minutes.

Medications that increase energy are extremely rare, and this item alone is enough to open the box in vain.

As for those shorts, they were really just ordinary clothes. It looked like they might have belonged to the woman with the big sword.

Most of the mage's health is consumed by Red Lotus, so he can understand that the box is not valuable.

Then throwing away the dirty things, Fang Bo came up with the most anticipated harvest of this battle.

The blond woman has extraordinary strength, and she is also a reincarnator that he killed with his own hands. I believe she will be able to gain a lot of rewards.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 12463]

[You get 644 plot points]

[You get the great sword "Ximena\

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