Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 145: Phosphorus: I have the advantage this time

Using her mind to send commands, Soon the New Lady sent a newly hatched ghost spider.

"Stand still and don't move." Fang Bo took aim slightly, and then the treasure house slowly opened, and the golden sword appeared in front of him.

After silently calculating in his mind, he roughly estimated the time it would take to summon the weapon.

"Five seconds is a bit slow." Xiao Fang sighed.

The perception attribute determines his efficiency in connecting to the treasure house.

It currently takes five seconds. When the perception breaks through thirty points, the time can be shortened to four seconds. If it can reach forty points, it will be shortened to three seconds again.

To be honest, the speed was not that slow. At this moment, Fang Bo finally understood why B-level skills were the main dish in the first-difficulty world.

It’s not that no one can learn A-level or higher S-level.

The real reason is that while you can learn them, you can’t tap into their true power.

Just like Fang Bo's current situation, the five seconds to open the door makes the King's Treasure almost unable to play a surprise role.

Of course, this skill was not originally used for surprise attacks, but to use endless numbers to crush the enemy.

That is to say, Fang Bo didn't have enough inventory, so he thought about how to use it more effectively.

"Forget it, let's not worry about it for now." If you can't increase your attributes in a short period of time, don't even think about using a weapon repeatedly.

The wishful thinking failed, so Fang Bo wants to try its offensive performance a little bit.

Following his command, the golden sword immediately shot through the air at a speed of one hundred meters per second.

To ordinary people, this was already a high speed invisible to the naked eye, but from his current perspective, the speed was actually just average. At least Fang Bo was very confident that he could complete the block.

The poor ghost spider definitely couldn't do it, so its body was severely pierced by the sword.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 27 points of damage to the Spider Engineer]

Strength attribute + weapon attack determines the strike strength of the "Noble Phantasm".

He currently has 11 points of strength, plus the maximum weapon attack value of 16 points, which constitutes the 27 points of damage shown in the battle report just now.

If the strength attribute can be further improved, the power may be improved a lot. If it can exceed 40 points, it will be very good.

Is there less attack at 27 points?

In fact, it seems to Fang Bo that it is already quite a lot. Don’t forget that King’s Treasure relies on quantity to win.

The attack of one Noble Phantasm is very inconspicuous, so what about the damage caused by the stacking of ten or twenty pieces?

Theoretically, its damage can even surpass S-level skills, but it only needs to meet two major prerequisites.

First, the user must possess a sufficient number of Noble Phantasms.

Second, make sure that most of the Noble Phantasms can hit the enemy.

As long as these two points are met, there is no BOSS in the world that Fang Bo cannot defeat within seconds.

After waiting for a moment, the Great Sword Noble Phantasm was reloaded and he could now use it again.

"Reloading also takes five seconds."

Taking into account the usage scenarios, including the flight time of the Noble Phantasm, the second opening time of the treasure house must be longer than the reloading of the weapon.

Instead of continuing to torture the poor ghost spider, Fang Bo ordered it to return to its post on its own, and then aimed at the distance and activated the Noble Phantasm Great Sword.

In the blink of an eye, the big sword approached the big tree in the distance, but when it was about to attack, it disappeared out of thin air.

"For my current mental attributes, sixty meters is the ultimate attack distance."

Referring to the specific flight speed, it can probably attack the enemy in a little more than one second.

If the agility continues to improve, the attack speed of the effective range can be reduced to less than one second.

"Not bad. As long as we create the right opportunities, our hit rate can probably be guaranteed."

For example, the new wife controls the enemy, or he uses the degradation skill to successfully slow down the enemy.

Then at this time, you can experience the pleasure of a sword piercing the heart.

As for when he can penetrate the heart with ten thousand swords, it depends not on Fang Bo, but whether his enemies are powerful enough.

If he could contribute a few more epic weapons, he wouldn't be so picky as to stab someone with a sword.

"Speaking of which, the world of Naruto also has many good weapons."

I thought of a few randomly, and they were all probably at the epic level.

If you can get a few of them, I believe the lethality of King's Treasure will be greatly enhanced immediately.

There is no doubt that this A-level skill is a very resource-intensive growth ability. If he wants to reach the level of Gilgamesh, he will not be stingy with the investment of resources in the future.

No matter what level of weapons, all of them are invested in it, even if they get mythical weapons.

The sooner you enrich your treasure trove, the sooner you can unleash the true power of your A-level skills.

As for the plot point, the worst he can do is sell off useless props as much as possible, which I believe will be enough to sustain his daily expenses.

"Damn it, so many skills haven't been upgraded yet, why is there another big money maker?"

Thinking of the current lack of funds, Fang Bo's eyes glowed green.

"Someone, come quickly and hunt me down." He roared in his heart.

Perhaps God sensed Xiao Fang's obsession. Soon, he received a special signal from the ghost spider.

The teammates on the other side encountered the enemy.

"Great." The excited student Xiao Fang directly activated the suspension acceleration and started driving from the top of the treetops very arrogantly.

Can't stand his behavior?

Okay, please come here quickly.

However, Fang Bo found that he was happy too early.

When he landed next to Zhongwu, he found that except for the corpses of ghost spiders on the ground, there wasn't even a shadow of ghosts around.

Looking at the spider engineers who suffered heavy losses, Fang Bo took a deep breath and asked, "Who was here just now?"

"Kirigakure's team." Jugo explained to him what happened previously.

In his description, the Kirigakure team suddenly appeared, looking like they were being hunted by some enemy.

Following Fang Bo's instructions, Zhongwu immediately appeared to stop him, but he didn't know that the three people in front of him were all top-notch reincarnators.

If he chooses to unleash his murderous intent, perhaps Jugo can stop the three of them, but in his normal state he still cannot fight one against three.

At this time, Zuo Ming was still very young and immature, and Jugo was still a teenager, far from the terrifying strength he would have in the future.

The attempt failed and six ghost spiders caught up with him. It can only be said that Xiao Fang was in a bad year.

"Kirigakure is being hunted?" After thinking about it for a moment, he knew that this matter was probably done by the team of Dark Soul, Yodel, and Ruge.

Except for a few of them, no one else had such a strong desire to kill.

Ghost Sword Yoder appears to be cold on the surface, but actually values ​​the relationship with his companions.

The cleric was hunted by the enemy when he went out, so he must kill the enemy with his own hands to take revenge.

After finally reaching the Death Forest, I guess he would not give up until he killed the opponent with his own hands.

"Why bother? When will the injustice be repaid?"

Fang Bo has also been attacked by others, but he is very open-minded and has no intention of targeting anyone specifically.

Even if he learned that the Kirigakure team had just ran over, he was too lazy to chase them. If he had that time, he might as well continue to wait for other prey.

Who is killing but not killing?

The points of other reincarnations are not bad either.

What follows is a long wait.

Other reincarnations do not have such grand goals as him, and most of them are groping forward bit by bit.

Counting the battles and rest along the way, God knows when another wave of people will break in.

Instructing the ghost spiders to pay attention to the movements around them, Fang Bo lay on the big cobweb-woven bed, covered with a cobweb-woven plush quilt, and fell into a beautiful sleep.

What if I don’t sleep?

The second exam lasts for five days. If you are too nervous, you will be fooled.

Well, in fact, Xiao Fang's nerves were not nervous at all. He just found an excuse to convince himself to sleep.

He slept straight into the middle of the night, and it was not until Luo Xinfu sent an alarm that he was successfully awakened.

In a corner of the forest, the team from Caoyin Village was groping forward.

There was no way, the night was extremely dangerous, not to mention that the sentient ninjas in the team had already issued a warning.

"Xiang Phosphorus, are you sure the enemy is in front?"


Reaching out to hold the myopia glasses, Xiao Xianglian nodded with a solemn expression and said, "It's indeed in front, but do we really want to go?"

She could feel that the three people in front of her were not ordinary people, and the chakra in each of them was extraordinary.

Especially among the two people closest to each other, one of them felt very strange, as if the natural energy between heaven and earth was being absorbed by him all the time.

If you sense it carefully, it seems to be all an illusion, and Xiao Xiang Phosphorus, who is not yet mature enough to use it, is a bit confused.

"Nonsense, of course I'm going." The leading ninja is a bit old, which shows that his talent is not particularly high.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't provoke a strong man of that level. There must be some other reason for doing this.

After looking at the timid little girl, the man smiled proudly.

How could others understand that this girl named Xiang Phosphorus had powerful abilities that no medical ninja could match.

With just one bite, no matter how serious the injury is, you can recover quickly.

This is an advantage that no one can match. With her presence, the team is not afraid to fight anyone.

In addition, there is another important point.

"Here we come." The man raised his head and couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Under Xiao Xianglan's curious gaze, another team from Caoyin Village came to the front.

"It turns out that the captain has found other helpers." She nodded, feeling confident in her heart.

During the day, Xiang Ling accidentally got lost and encountered a seven- to eight-meter-tall brown bear. She was so frightened that her glasses fell off.

Fortunately, a boy from Konoha rescued her, otherwise Xiao Xianglan might have turned into brown bear excrement.

The fright she had received before was also the main reason why she was a little frightened now.

But with the help of another team, it shouldn't be particularly difficult to deal with the enemy.

"Strange, why are you missing someone?" The captain was a little confused.

"Forget it, that guy suddenly disappeared for some reason." Someone couldn't help complaining.

If one person was missing and their combat power was not greatly reduced, how could they beg for mercy and ask to join?

Caoyin's strength has never been very good. There are many factors involved, and educational resources are a very important point.

If individual strength is not good, it can only be made up for by quantity. This is a truth that everyone understands.

Both parties can cooperate to capture the two Earth Scrolls. The process will definitely be much easier than acting alone.

What's more, he also values ​​Xiao Xianglan's ability very much. Having her is like giving an extra life out of thin air.

The man complained about the disappearance of his companion, but little did he know that that person was the ninja of Kusugakure Village disguised as Orochimaru.

If they had not left, it is not certain whether these guys would still be alive now.

This is the principle of good fortune and misfortune.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether something is good or bad until the end.

Is Orochimaru's departure a bad thing?

Is it really a good thing that they are getting together now?

No one knows the answer at the moment, even Xiao Xianglin thinks that his side has a high probability of being able to seize the scroll.

She still didn't know what was waiting ahead.

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