Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 148 One Rider Can Become a Thousand Passes of Clouds

Squeezing the dragoon in his hand, Fang Bo stared at the person in front of him with gloomy eyes.

He rushed all the way, but he didn't catch a single head, and he felt a little bad.

No matter how weak their strength is, everyone is worth a few points, and nothing can be given away to others in vain.

If you steal his head, you can only pay with your life.

[No. 10720 (Alchemist)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendency: spirit, perception]

[Feature: Alchemy of Carbon]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

Carbon Alchemy: It allows the user to condense the hardest substances in the world.

A slightly inferior evaluation is at least a reincarnation with at least one attribute reaching the extreme value, starting with 3 points.

"If you swallow something from me, you must pay it back twice as much."

[You activate the skill Ammunition Master, which consumes 2 points of spirit. The next bullet will cause additional fire damage. 】

As soon as the gun was pointed at him, Fang Bo's expression suddenly changed.

The body moved backward crazily, trying to avoid the large sword slashing in the sky.

With his strong perception ability and already very good agility, Xiao Fang successfully avoided the frontal slash of the broadsword.

However, the ensuing sword strike still tore a bone-deep wound in his chest.

[You were attacked by sword energy numbered 16205, causing 188 points of penetrating damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Steel of the Heart" is activated, restoring 98 health points]

Fortunately, the Steel of the Heart was still powerful and greatly reduced the damage, but the sword still caused 90 points of terrifying damage.

If hit directly, the weaker reincarnation would be killed instantly.


When a flaming bullet hit the enemy, the plump woman holding the sword immediately groaned, and her entire upper body was burned by the flames.

With a slight movement of his fingers, Yuan Yi Zero followed closely behind, intending to kill the woman holding a big knife on the spot.

However, as soon as it landed on the ground, a strange round object was thrown in front of it.

With a loud bang, the doll was blown away, and its durability instantly dropped by nearly 200 points.

"What the hell?" Fang Bo looked at the man who snatched his head.

The opponent has a characteristic called Carbon Alchemy. If you guessed correctly, this ability should come from the "Stigmata Alchemist".

An excellent drama that he researched very carefully.

Once this is clear, it will not be difficult to guess the methods used by the other party.

"Alchemy bomb?" Fang Bo pulled the puppet in front of him, feeling slightly distressed when he saw the scorched black body.

These are all money.

The two sides have nothing to say. As long as they are not in the same camp, there is no possibility of communication between them.

No matter what the reason for the terrain shift just now, Fang Bo's idea was simple: kill every enemy that appeared in front of him.

"Do it!"

The alchemist was slightly startled, and subconsciously looked at the mentally disturbed plot character next to him.

It was quickly discovered that this person had no immediate intention to take action, so the danger should come from someone else.

As for his teammate, he was previously responsible for conducting reconnaissance outside. Unexpectedly, the terrain of the Death Forest suddenly changed, and the two parties lost contact.

I wanted to search slowly, but as soon as I walked out, I discovered a battle in the distance.

Seeing the head in front of him, there was no reason to let it go in vain, so he immediately used alchemy to kill the fleeing man.

Of course, this move will definitely anger the pursuer. Now it depends on who is stronger.

With a slight wave of his palm, the man activated alchemy and arranged a protective wall as dark as ink around him.

He couldn't help but block the golden sword fired by the enemy, and also stopped the half-length spider sneaking up from behind.

"Doll + Shikigami summoning?" Alchemist has no detection ability, but he can roughly judge the quality of the enemy.

Any reincarnation of this type must be afraid of the enemy's close combat entanglement.

"Yun Chang!"

"Leave it to me."

Looking at the woman charging towards him, Fang Bo's expression was slightly strange.

What did you call her just now, Yunchang?

This girl's name is very domineering.

He used the Yuan-Zero style to confront him, preparing to use the sword move of Breath of the Sun to push back the enemy.

As a result, the plump woman swung the ozeki sword in a circle, and the sharp sword energy swept away everything around her in an instant.

The doll's waist and abdomen were almost broken, and its durability was reduced by more than a hundred points on the original basis.

"This girl is so strong." Fang Bo's eyes darkened, knowing that he might not be a match in melee combat.

While retreating crazily, he threw a detection skill at her.

[No. 16205 (Five Tiger Generals)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, constitution]

[Characteristics: Martial Saint (Seal), Martial Heart]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

Martial heart: You have the determination to aspire to the highest level of martial arts. The cost of plot points for upgrading skills is -60%.

The meaning of characteristic seal is that this effect cannot be used temporarily. The reasons are various and cannot be generalized.

I just didn't expect that the sealed ability would not allow me to query information.

"Perhaps it could have been a legendary feature before it was sealed?"

Staring at the title of the woman's Five Tiger General and the title of Yun Chang just now, Fang Bo had a bold idea in his mind.

The plump woman with wheat-colored skin and a muscular figure in front of him should be the Guan Yunchang in his memory.

It's just that she doesn't come from history, but a character from a certain plot world.

If you guessed it correctly, it should be the plot world of "one horse can equal a thousand".

In other words, she is a rare follower.

Fang Bo already understood the situation, but he didn't understand a little bit about what methods the other party used to make the woman rebel against Liu Bei.

Even if they are animated characters, some essential things will not change.

He glanced at the alchemist hiding behind him, and recalling the details of the other party's abilities, he probably had some guesses in his mind.

"It must have been a disgusting method."

Stigmata Alchemist was one of the comics he focused on studying in his previous life, and he knew exactly what the world in it was like.

Normally, there is absolutely no possibility of Guan Yunchang being recruited. It can only mean that something happened that forced her to surrender.

"kill me."

Suddenly, Fang Bo heard a woman's murmur.

Looking up slowly, he clearly saw the blood and tears flowing down his opponent's cheeks, proving that he was not hallucinating just now.

"Okay." Fang Bo didn't say much, but silently waved his cloak, and black marks began to spread crazily on his body.

The second form of the curse seal is activated!

Generally speaking, Fang Bo's appearance change after activating Curse Seal 2 is not particularly drastic, except that his skin color becomes dark gray, his hair becomes longer, and sharp nails grow on his hands.

What really changed the most was agility and mental attributes.

Agility: 20 (+7)

Spirit: 39 (+20)

"I will help you end your pain." This was Fang Bo's promise to her.

Hearing these words, the woman nodded silently, then swung the Yanyue Sword and slashed at him from a distance.

The terrifying slash struck through the air, but was successfully avoided by Fang Bo, who had turned on his fighting spirit perception.

Now his agility has reached twenty points, which is enough to be called agile. Of course, it depends on who he is compared with.

In terms of speed and explosive power, the woman in front of him was obviously above him.

After slashing away the incoming Noble Phantasm sword, Guan Yunchang silently stepped forward and successfully caught up with the fleeing target in one step.

The golden light flickered, and the Yanyue Sword struck hard on the energy shield of the memory armor.

Due to her attributes being suppressed by space, her sword failed to break the shield, but it didn't matter, it would only take two more strikes at most.

Dragging the knife with her backhand, she used her waist to launch a whirlpool of sword energy from the bottom up. Her target with this blow was not Fang Bo, but the murderous Jonggo who was screaming crazily from behind.

The original intention was to make a sneak attack, but the result was that he was sent flying with a backhand. The woman's open and closed fighting mode was quite difficult for Zhongwu.

After temporarily repelling the powerful enemy, she turned around and continued to attack Fang Bo, making it clear that she wanted to quickly deal with him, the summoner.

Seeing this, Fang Bo did not continue to dodge. He concentrated his mental power frantically and quickly completed the uncomplicated seal with his hands.

"I'll help you get out now."

Imitate the art of breaking the crystal and subduing the dragon!

After investing a full 25 points of mental power, Fang Bo created a crystal dragon that even Hong Lian found beyond his reach.

As strong as Martial Saint Guan Yunchang, he couldn't repel it from the front, so he could only use the Yanyue Sword to resist the dragon's bite.

Calling Xiao Xianglan who was hiding in the distance, Fang Bo bit the girl's shoulder, and the consumed mental power began to recover rapidly.

The enemy is very strong, but it's a pity that they chose the wrong opponent. At least no one can defeat this team in this forest of death.


The crystal dragon landed, and Fang Bo felt the ground beneath his feet shaking slightly.

However, he still failed to receive the prompt to kill the enemy, indicating that the woman was not dead yet.

"Life is so tough." Fang Bo jumped slightly and used the levitation skill of his shoes to fly into the air.

He had to rush to finish the attack. An opponent of this strength must not let her recover.

Even if his attributes are suppressed by space, Guan Yunchang is still an extremely powerful follower.

Just as he was approaching the dragon, a golden light suddenly pierced the sky, as if some terrible creature was gradually awakening.

In the shattered ruins of the crystal dragon, the woman held the Yanyue Sword and raised the blade high above her head.

The awe-inspiring aura exuding from his whole body made everyone present change their expressions.

"Hahaha." The alchemist hiding in the diamond wall couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "You actually activated her Martial Saint's Heart. That's great."

"My little Yunchang, kill them quickly, and I will give you the reward you want when the battle is over."

However, his words could no longer sway the woman. How could Guan Yunchang, who had regained his heart as a martial arts saint, be manipulated by others?

"Take the move, this is the strongest blow that will overdraw my life!"

After saying that, she swung the Yanyue Sword and released a golden crescent slash that split the earth.

Guandi Baguayang style·Dou Shenyan cuts through!

Forcibly overdrawing her mental power will eventually lead to brain death, but it doesn't matter, her desired goal has been achieved.

The golden crescent moon rushed towards Fang Bo crazily, but he stood motionless, as if he didn't feel the fatal attack.

Guren in the distance raised her hand in fear, but she saw the crescent moon passing by her teammates, and continued to rush towards the dumbfounded alchemist behind.



The seemingly solid diamond barrier is as fragile as tofu in front of the Dou Shen Rock.

As a follower, Yun Chang was indeed unable to cause harm to the man, but that didn't mean he couldn't break the strongest defense the other party had.

"Yeah, I missed it." The woman smiled slightly, her eyes filled with the joy of getting revenge.

Then she slowly lowered her head and lost her life.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 15 battlefield points]

Guan Yunchang, who had been promoted to three attributes, directly gave him fifteen points, which was definitely a generous statement.

But for some reason, Fang Bo always felt that something was wrong with his emotions.

He stopped the ghost spider that wanted to come up to prey, but he was unwilling to let the woman's body be destroyed.

It can be regarded as a kind of reward for her helping him.

Fang Bo bent down to pick up the dropped box, paused for a moment, and then used a clumsy technique to perform the sealing technique he had just learned.

After finding a blank scroll, he sealed Guan Yunchang's body into the scroll.

The woman's last sword was stunning, far more powerful than his Crystal-Subduing Dragon. If it could be made into an adult puppet, it might be even more terrifying than the legendary Yuan-Zero.

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