Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 149 Legendary Weapon “Yan Yue Qinglong”

On the other side, the alchemist had to give up the ultimate move he had been preparing for a long time.

"That damn guy, she must have done it on purpose." The man's eyes were full of panic.

Due to the constant pressure of the Bridesmaids and the Ghost Spiders, he could only use alchemy bombs to push back the opponent.

As for the ability to condense diamonds, Alchemist's current use is immature. To put it bluntly, he doesn't have so many plot points to upgrade.

I thought I would improve slowly, but as long as Guan Yun Chang's assistant was not lacking in combat power, who knew I would encounter such a terrifying enemy in the forest.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have grabbed those points.

"Damn it, if that guy hadn't gotten lost, how could we be in this situation?!"


Soon after, Fang Bo shot the man in the knee, indicating that the other man had completely lost his ability to resist.

"Do you want to pay to save your life?" he asked.

Seeing that the other party had a sullen face and did not answer, Fang Bo was too lazy to continue talking. Both of them knew that no matter how much money they paid, they would never let him go.

Death is inevitable anyway, so why let the enemy be happy before death?

"Don't kill him yet."

After stopping Luoxin's devouring, Fang Bo gave priority to opening the treasure chest that Guan Yunchang had dropped.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 16205]

[You get 850 plot points]

【You get Yanyue Qinglong】

【You gain the power of dragon jade】

Seeing what came out of the box, the little depression that had accumulated earlier disappeared.

As expected of a powerful follower, each item in this box is better than the last.

The first was 850 plot points, which instantly boosted his meager savings.

The reason why there are so many is probably because too many reincarnations died at the hands of the female warrior saint.

Even if everyone habitually clears their inventory before entering the space battlefield, as long as they kill enough people, they will accumulate plot points over time.

It's a pity that she hasn't had the chance to use it yet, so now it's all taken advantage of by Xiao Fang.

The plot points are worth a lot of money, but they are far inferior to the next two pieces of equipment.

Name: Power Dragon Jade

Grade: Extraordinary

Category: Necklace

Durability: 60/60

Attribute enhancement: Strength +3

Conditions of use: Strength 15, Constitution 10

Equipment effect: Dragon Qi

Place of Origin: One ride is worth a thousand

Equipment evaluation: Take it easy, it costs more than you think.

Dragon Qi (active skill): Consumes 2 points of spirit to add special damage to the next attack.

Necklace-like accessories are a very rare type of equipment.

It is also a top quality product that can add strength attributes, which is simply a treasure for reincarnations who are close to the battle route.

It's a pity that he already has a "hometown he can't go back to." The third brother is very useful. He can replenish his blood and stop the enemy for him at critical moments.

No matter how you look at it, it is much better than this piece of equipment, and Fang Bo's attributes do not meet the wearing conditions.

Then its ending can only be sold to other reincarnations.

"The necklace is so scarce that the specific valuation can probably be increased by one-third out of thin air."

"If it is sold in the space battlefield, maybe the price will increase slightly."

After the second round of exams is over, Fang Bo will sell it to reincarnations in the same camp, and I believe it will be sold for a high price.

Next, there is the most valuable item in the treasure box, which is the big sword Yanyue Qinglong in Guan Yunchang's hand.

Name: Yanyue Qinglong

Level: Legend

Category: Two-handed weapons

Attack power: 15-20

Durability: 180/180

Attribute enhancement: Strength +5, Spirit +1

Conditions of use: Strength 28, Constitution 18

Equipment effect: Sword Qi Dragon Slash

Place of Origin: One ride is worth a thousand

Equipment evaluation: There is no enemy that cannot be killed instantly with one sword. If there is, please use the second sword.

Sword Qi Dragon Slash (active skill): Consumes 4 points of spirit to create a dragon soul attack with 140% strength attribute.

The female warrior saint was holding a weapon, but she didn't expect to be able to explode it.

"What a good thing." As he said that, Fang Bo stretched out his palm and gently stroked its surface.

In a burst of faint golden light, Yanyue Qinglong was taken into the king's treasure house and became his exclusive attack weapon.

Weapon storage capacity: 2 (Great Sword "Ximena", Yanyue Qinglong)

When he makes the female martial saint into a human puppet, he can equip the Yanyue Qinglong on it. I believe it will definitely be a being with explosive combat power.

To this end, he must seek more plot points, and the current harvest is far from enough.

Turning to look at the ashen-faced alchemist, Fang Bo looked at him with indifferent eyes and said, "Do you know why I haven't killed you?"

The man knew that he was going to die, so he simply didn't bother to talk nonsense and lowered his head to himself, waiting silently for death to come.

"Because I'm going to kill you with its weapons."

As soon as he finished speaking, a little ripple appeared above his head, and the golden moon green dragon reappeared.

"No, I don't want it." The man finally had some reaction and seemed to be very dissatisfied with the way he died.

Unfortunately, Fang Bo ignored his pleas and cut off the man's head with the golden Yanyue knife.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 32 points of damage to the enemy]

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 5 battlefield points]

Another five points were recorded, and this battle directly provided Fang Bo with a full twenty points.

"For the sake of points, I will forgive you for robbing people."

After bending down to pick up the treasure box, Fang Bo chose to open it on the spot.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 10720]

[You get 1420 plot points]

[You get alchemy bomb × 8]

[You get alchemical gas bomb × 3]

Alchemy Bomb: A one-time item that will cause high damage in a small area when exploded.

Alchemical gas bomb: a one-time item that will create a large poisonous cloud when it explodes.

The items exploded by the Alchemist are relatively average, but the plot points he gives are real.

Fang Bo secretly guessed that it might be related to the fact that this guy needed to perform alchemy from time to time, as if he always needed to leave spare funds for summoning shikigami.

Plot points: 4747 (3000 foreign debt)

"Ah, we finally landed." Fang Bo let out a not-so-hearty laugh.

There is no way, there are too many places that need to spend money. Other reincarnations would be ecstatic, but for him, four or five thousand plot points are simply not enough.

Looking at the spider soldier that was devouring the alchemist's body, Fang Bo looked forward to it being able to complete its evolution, but unfortunately it felt like it was still a little short of the mark.

In desperation, he could only order everyone to set up defenses on the spot, while waving his hand to call Xiao Xianglan to him.

The enemy might appear at any time, so it was better to replenish the state first. He would also try to repair the doll's durability later.

"Come on, lift up your clothes." Fang Bo looked like a big bad wolf.

The fragrant phosphorus in front of him was like Little Red Riding Hood waiting to be swallowed.

"Yes, can you please stop biting there?"

"How about leaving you here?"

"Then you should be gentler."

"rest assured."

After gently comforting the restless girl, Fang Bo slowly moved his head towards her and bit her on the shoulder.

Pure chakra continued to pour into his body, and his consumed health and mental energy began to be quickly restored.

In just a moment, Xiao Fang returned to his full strength, and then he ruthlessly threw Xiao Xiang Phosphorus aside.

This battle was a great reward, especially the acquisition of legendary weapons, which greatly enriched his king's treasure house.

It's a pity that the current strength attribute is too low, and it is completely unable to exert the weapon's due power.

If the power can be raised to the extreme and the Yanyue Qinglong's equipment special effects are turned on, it can cause close to 70 or 80 points of damage in one blow.

If the bonus of equipment on attributes is included, the final damage may be even higher.

"This is in line with the effect of A-level skills."

Looking at the large group of people around him, Fang Bo, who had tasted the sweetness, was ready to take the initiative to see if he could find more enemies.

Again, no matter what kind of plan the man in the dark has, he can break the situation as long as he kills everyone he meets.

In the forest, a little girl who didn't seem to have enough weapons was running for her life.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Yaoyao's eyes burst into tears, and her dirty face looked very pitiful.

She was also one of the victims of the changing terrain. As soon as the team landed on the ground, they encountered a long-planned siege by the enemy.

If it weren't for the props given by her sister, she would have died by the enemy's knife right now.

Holding the war hammer in her hands as tall as a human, Yaoyao looked back from time to time. She could clearly feel that the enemy had not given up chasing her yet.

Putting the war hammer on her shoulder, she put her hand into the front pocket of her clothes, fumbled carefully for a long time, and finally took out something that looked like a propeller.

He carefully installed it on his head, and soon the little girl was flying into the sky.

"We can almost get rid of the enemy." She thought.

Bamboo Dragonfly: A special prop that can carry the user into the sky after use.

This is a precious tool that can be used to escape. Unfortunately, it is a little slow and must be out of sight of the enemy before it can be used.

After finally running out, Yaoyao couldn't wait to take it out and use it.

"Slip away."

Soon, she rose to a height of 100 meters, thinking that no one could hit her here.

Finally out of danger, the previous grief surged into her heart again, and the little girl couldn't help but start wiping away tears again.

At this moment, a sense of danger that made her hair stand on end came, and Yaoyao was so frightened that she immediately turned her head and looked behind her.

At the far end of the horizon, a slender man appeared.

The opponent had a single black wing on his back, and was rushing towards her at a speed several times faster than her.

"Oops." Yaoyao knew that the situation was not good and immediately began to try to lower the height.

She really didn't expect that the enemy actually had the ability to fly, and his speed was slightly faster than her bamboo dragonfly.

Putting away the propeller on her head, Yaoyao jumped onto the huge tree trunk, reached into her belly pocket and kept groping for something.

Soon, she took out a transparent paper crane.

This little thing cannot help defend against the enemy, nor can it allow her to escape the enemy's pursuit. Its only function is to guide the direction.

A hope for a solution to our current predicament.

Seeing it start to move, Yaoyao immediately jumped to the ground, kicked off her legs and chased after Qianzhihe.

A few seconds later, the man with one wing landed on the ground, holding a single-edged sword with an astonishing length in his hand.

After a little observation, he immediately discovered Yaoyao's footprints.

"You can't run away." With a slight flap of his wings, he quickly chased in the same direction.

With his excellent perception ability, the man firmly locked the target, and no matter what kind of deception method he used, he could not completely get rid of him.

"This guy has so many props." After once again avoiding the bomb trap, the man sighed sincerely.

Of course, this is not disgust, but admiration caused by excitement. The more good things in your pocket, the higher the gold content of your goal.

Once he kills the little girl, I believe the plot points alone will be enough.

At the end of the road ahead, you can vaguely see the figure of the little girl running away crazily.

But this time he didn't rush forward in a hurry, because there was a person standing there.

A man wearing a black cloak

A man full of danger.

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