Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 151 Use a little force, I can still do it!

Looking around, there are Samsaras from the Sha and Yun camps fighting each other everywhere.

The battle situation looks very tragic, and from time to time, reincarnations will die in the hands of the enemy.

As long as you get out of the vortex of the fight, anyone will know that this situation is definitely not normal.

No one is a fool. If you think about it for a while, it is not difficult to guess that someone is leading all this behind the scenes.

The key question is, who is willing to calm down and think about it?

Faced with the temptation of points in front of you, you must take it first and then talk about it. Even if there is something fishy in it, that will happen later.

If you don't do it yourself, won't the points be snatched up by others?

It's not clear to others yet, but at least Fang Bo looked furious.

"Don't touch my points!"

Instructing Guren to take care of the two little girls, he left half of the Ghost Spiders as guards, and then led Luoxinfu and Jugo to rush to the battlefield.

He habitually turned on his fighting spirit perception, but the chaotic flow of energy made him almost fall to the ground.

Shaking his somewhat swollen head, Fang Bo knew that the atmosphere here was too chaotic and he could not make full use of his sensory abilities.

Threat warning?

Just standing here, he felt a strong shudder that he might die suddenly at any time.

The attacks flying everywhere in the air include bullets, psychic bullets, fire, thunder and other elements, many of which contain terrifying energy.

One or two attacks may be nothing to him with a rich health bar. If multiple attacks fall on him, even Fang Bo may encounter something unexpected.

"Don't be too frivolous, just be as low-key as possible."

Looking at a spear passing in front of him, he knew that this thing was not coming for him, but his perception still reminded him that he needed to avoid it.

For the first time in his life, he felt distressed that he was so sensitive.

Fang Bo, who was searching for the target, did not notice that the soil under his feet was covered with a layer of six-pointed stars at some point.

By the time Xiaofang realized something was wrong, they could no longer escape and could only watch the five magic circles slowly rising above their heads.

"They all hid behind me."

He recognized this magic, so he took off his cloak and set up an energy shield.

In the distance, the man sitting cross-legged in the shadow of the tree trunk frowned in surprise. He did not expect that his ability would be easily seen through.

"It seems that he is also a reincarnation who has been to the world of magicians." The man didn't seem to be particularly concerned.

No matter what if you see through it, the other party will still be hit by your own magic.

This move has been prepared for a long time and can severely damage the enemy without dying, making the next battle much easier.

"Take the move."

Five-fold magic circle·Mikagura!

A powerful laser dropped from the sky and hit the energy shield of the memory armor firmly.

This type of attack often takes a long time to arrange.

However, once it is successfully activated, the energy gathered will be earth-shattering.

Feeling the pressure coming from above, Fang Bo gritted his teeth and pushed through.

Shield energy: 86/500

"It was so close, I was almost crushed."

Fortunately, the memory armor is an armor for the second difficulty world, and it is of a high level. Otherwise, he would never be able to defend against this unique skill from "Mist Gang".

Five-layer magic circle·Mikagura: Level C, consumes 10 points of spirit, casts a beam of light to seal the opponent, and the laser falling from the sky will completely crush the opponent.

This is a unique move from the Fairy Tail world, with very powerful destructive power.

The higher-level seven-fold magic circle, Void, and even terrifying moves that reach A-level power.

The move is strong and powerful, but unfortunately the user has obviously not practiced it to the full level, not to mention that he chose Fang Bo as the opponent to test the move.

If he could invest more mental energy, he might just be able to break the energy shield and cause real damage to the two people and one spider inside.

The same opportunity could not appear a second time. Before the energy aftermath completely disappeared, Jonggo's figure rushed up the tree trunk like a cannonball.

Zhonggo, who entered the cursed seal state, knocked the man to the ground with one explosive attack, creating a large deep hole in the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Bo stepped forward and was ready to go over and strike, but he didn't know that an assassin had already quietly approached him.

The chaotic battlefield completely deprived him of the perception ability he needed to survive.

When the danger warning appeared, he thought it was a man from the same camp who was shooting with a gun not far away.

Unexpectedly, a black shadow appeared behind him.

"Your reaction is too slow." Along with the pleasant female voice, his hands hit Fang Bo hard on the back.

Xinyi Liuhequan·Double-moving palms!

Terrifying force shot through his body, knocking his body three inches off the ground.

This is obviously a restricted skill, because at this moment, Fang Bo cannot control his body at all, even if he moves his little finger slightly.

"Hehe, can't you move?" The woman pressed her hands on the other person's body without stopping.

As for the bride who wanted to help, she was already entangled by another of her companions.

It was a MT holding a large shield. Its attack power was not high, but its blood volume was astonishing. The shikigami could not break through the opponent's entanglement in a short period of time.

This gave her a perfect opportunity.

Kill the summoner in front of you, and then go to support another companion in trouble.

Xinyi Liuhe Fist·Double-action six-hit combo!

Every time a palm is struck, terrifying force will penetrate the enemy's body.

As a special move that she has refined for a long time, Xinyi Liuhe Fist has reached level 10, and the additional characteristics of the skill can cause real damage.

Level 9 effect: Internal damage. Each attack can cause 5% of the real damage. For each additional hit in the combo, the damage will be superimposed on the original basis.

Six consecutive hits will cause a full 30% additional real damage.

What is this concept?

Including the "internal injury" effect, her combo of punches is estimated to cause more than 160 points of horrific damage.

Not counting equipment bonuses, the limit of a difficulty world is 190 points of life.

Even if one or two pieces of equipment increase attributes, it is impossible for him as a summoner to give priority to adding physical fitness.

Not to mention a mere summoner, not even the MTs in their team dared to engage head-on.

It is with this confidence that she will raid the enemy's rear.

If you hurt my teammates, then I will kill your summoner.

Let’s see who has the greater loss.

"It's over." Letting the man's body fall freely, the woman moved to rush over to support her companions.

But she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to hear the killing prompt from the space.

"What did you say it's over?"

Hearing the sound so close at hand, the woman felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. Just as she turned around, a Yuan-Zero figure appeared behind her.

The hot slash tore her back, and the intense pain almost made her scream.

But at the critical moment of life and death, the female assassin didn't care about screaming. She waved her fists and wanted to repeat the action just now.

Unfortunately, the man's palm was on her shoulder first.


The intense flames suddenly enveloped her, and the woman finally couldn't help but scream in pain.

He instinctively wanted to take out the potion, but as soon as he moved his palm, it was completely penetrated by the oncoming bullet.

Amidst waves of unwilling roars, the woman's body was burned into a ball of coke.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 3 battlefield points]

The enemy's attack was indeed sharp, but it was a pity that she met Fang Bo.

With the talent of Heartsteel, he began to recover his health as soon as he was attacked.

In the end, Heart Steel restored 50 points of life for him, and the six consecutive hits actually only caused 108 points of damage.

Life: 242/350 (+160)

It's pretty good, but unfortunately it's still far from the excellent level. I can handle another round of Fang Bo.

After picking up the fallen treasure box, Fang Bo turned his head and saw the MT Samsara running wildly at a glance.

The opponent has some kind of acceleration ability and can rush 100 meters in just a few seconds.

By the time he picked up the box, his figure had completely disappeared.

".Spineless thing."

As for the last person, he died tragically in Chongwu's hands.

Of course, Fang Bo couldn't get any benefits and could only hand over the two corpses to the ghost spider closest to evolution to devour.

This time, I had good luck, and it finally met the evolutionary requirements.

Ever since, the first killing spider guard appeared.

[Name: Killing Spider Guard (Summon)]

[Level: Level 3]

[Health value: 120]

【Strength: 16】

[Physique: 12]

[Agility: 20]

【Spirit: 12】

[Perception: 18]

[Characteristics: Devouring Evolution, Violent Poison, Light Body]

[Skills: Poison Needle, Bloody Tracking, Killing Mark]

Light body: greatly improve flexibility and enhance jumping ability.

Mark of Killing (Active Skill): Cast a tracking mark on the target, and the attack will cause 10% additional true damage.

Compared with other ghost spiders, its body is obviously several times smaller.

The sharp spider blade exudes a faint light, and it is very sharp at first glance.

With 20 points of agility and 16 points of strength, he is even more powerful than Fang Bo as a summoner.

If you put it outside, it will definitely be a very terrifying killer.

"Next, just follow me." Fang Bo decided to take Spider Guard with him.

After looking at how much life and energy he had consumed, he wanted to go back and replenish his health first.

Anyway, there is fragrant phosphorus, but it only lasts for a few seconds.

Only when he is in good condition can he hunt more reincarnators.

While walking in the direction he came from, he opened the reincarnation's treasure chest.

[You are opening the killing chest number 11831]

[You get 420 plot points]

[You have received an invitation letter for admission to Tongdao Academy]

[You get the detailed explanation of Xinyi Liuhe Fist]

"Tongdao Academy?" He vaguely remembered that it seemed to be a school in some anime.

I really can’t remember which one it is, because there are so many academies in various dramas.

As for the boxing spectrum of Xinyi Liuhe Quan, it is currently of little use to Fang Bo.

It's still the same as before, find an opportunity to sell two things and see if you can find a suitable buyer.


Feeling the heat wave behind him, Fang Bo turned around subconsciously and saw a man wearing a dragon claw arm guard at a glance.

Orange-red flames surrounded the body, making the man look as majestic as the god of fire descending into the world.

He was fighting someone, and his target was the strongest man in his camp, Ghost Swordsman Yodel.

Even though his body was covered with sword wounds, the man still looked at his opponent with arrogance in his eyes: "What's wrong? Your sword seems a little slow."

As he spoke, white flames suddenly rose from the dragon claw arm guards, which was the result of highly compressed energy.

It has nothing to do with any skills, this is just a manifestation of a man's efficient use of energy.

Waving the flames to form wings, the man swooped down in an instant, and the white flames cut straight down towards the enemy like a sharp blade.

Flame Dragon's Wing Strike!

Seeing this situation, Yodel instantly entered the state of "flowing heart without self".

There are no distracting thoughts in my heart, and there is only that figure in the whole world that is rushing towards me.

Holding both swords behind his back, he rushed forward to face the falling figure.

The sharp blade is lifted up like a giant dragon roaring across the river.

Breaking the Army and Rising Dragon Strike!

The two figures collided fiercely in mid-air like sparks hitting the earth. In an instant, all the eyes of everyone around them were focused here.

Including Fang Bo who was preparing to replenish blood.

"So strong?" His eyes showed a little solemnity, and he couldn't help but throw a detection skill at the enemy.

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