Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 152 Ghost King? The fantasy Pokémon appears!

Biting the back of Xiao Xianglan's hand, Fang Bo looked up the information he had just obtained.

[Number 11119 (Second Generation Dragon Slayer Mage)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, spirit, physique]

[Feature: Dragon Heart (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Evenly matched]

"Another legendary talent."

Focusing on the man's title, he roughly understood the source of the enemy's power.

The Dragon Slayer comes from the world of Fairy Tail. If I remember correctly, the second generation Dragon Slayer should have the dragon's magic crystal implanted into his body.

Maybe this is the origin of Dragon Heart’s talent?

Since he couldn't find any specific information, Fang Bo couldn't draw a conclusion directly. He only knew that the enemy in front of him was very strong.

He reached out and touched his mouth, then gave the little Xiang Phosphorus to Yaoyao to take care of, and told them to stay as far away from the standing circle as possible.

"I may not be able to take care of you in the next battle."

With the group of ghost spiders around, the safety of several girls can be guaranteed, as long as they don't get involved in the fighting range of those big guys.

It doesn't matter to others, but he must ensure the safety of the fragrant phosphorus. He can't bear to throw away this kind of mobile treatment kit easily.

Zhongwu took the lead, followed closely by Fang Bo, followed by Luo Xinfu and her two third-level ghost spiders, as well as five first-level spider engineers.

The mighty team plunged straight into the battle zone ahead like sharp knives.

Facing such a menacing enemy, all the Samsaras in the Kumogakure camp know what to do, and they basically retreat crazily to avoid wherever they go.

If you really can't avoid it, just drop a smoke bomb or grenade. You would rather be affected than let the scary big spider get close to you.

However, the speed of the third-order spider guard is too fast, and the flexibility of the body is far greater than that of the reincarnation.

Freely moving through the hail of bullets and countless poisonous smoke, he raised his poisonous spider blade in front of a certain gunman.

[The poisonous needle of the Killing Spider Guard hits, causing 22+18 points of puncture damage]

[The target is affected by poison, causing 2 points of damage per second, lasting 10 seconds]

Not taking medicine recovery into account, the shooter will suffer a total of 60 points of damage.

This is the power of the third-level troops, and it is also the best embodiment of the effect of poison flow.

Each attack will add 10 seconds of poisonous damage. If you are stabbed seven or eight times in a row, the reincarnator who has not added physical fitness points will basically be poisoned to death.

For reincarnators whose attributes are less than the extreme value, the Killing Spider Guard can definitely be regarded as a fast little BOSS.

It's the kind of being who doesn't concentrate on dealing with it, and may even be killed in one-on-one.

The injured gunman is an example. He saw a group of menacing people and dealt with them carefully. The only exception was that he did not take an inconspicuous little spider seriously.

Unexpectedly, he got close so easily and took the opportunity to deal a high amount of damage.

After taking out a bottle of alchemy potion and taking it, the gunman's legs began to twist irregularly, and he quickly moved away from the spider guard in a very weird posture.

This is obviously a mobility skill, a must-have ability for gunners, and it can help them escape from danger successfully every time it is used.

The spider guard tried to use spider silk to restrain the opponent, but unfortunately the accuracy was not enough, and in the end he could only watch the opponent go away helplessly.

Fang Bo, who had just arrived here, could only sigh helplessly when he saw this. He really wanted a teammate with long-range attack capabilities.

"When the new bride turns into a follower, the original shikigami summons will disappear."

"At that time, I can look for a summoned beast again, preferably one with long-range attacks."

Considering the remaining number of followers, Fang Bo was wondering, should he continue to choose humanoid summoned beasts?

At least to outsiders, they look more like a normal team of reincarnators.

"Speaking of which, what should we do if those beasts turn into followers?"

"I don't think I've seen anything similar."

Just when Fang Bo was confused, the figure of a yellow-skinned mouse suddenly came into view.

"Huh?" Xiao Fang stared at the vivid Pikachu not far away with his eyes widened.

He had heard about the existence of the Pokémon world for a long time, but he had never been able to see it. This was the first time he had seen a real Pokémon.

"Xiaoqiu, one hundred thousand volts!"


The dazzling golden lightning fell like a divine punishment, breaking away from Zi Gongxiang's painting style. The Pokémon finally showed the lethality they should have.

There is no doubt that this person should be the reincarnation of Kumogakure, so the target of his attack is naturally one of his own.

When the golden thunder fell, the target person was immediately knocked to the ground and fell into an abnormal state of paralysis.

Before anyone else dared to rescue him, Pikachu, who was as fast as lightning, used his signature steel tail to cut the enemy's throat.

"The third one." The summoner smiled happily, looking at his own camp with a look full of teasing.

With such a calm posture, I guess I knew the man hadn't used all his strength yet.

Little did he know that a master of the Assassin style had long since set his sights on him.

Relying on the ability to escape into the shadows, outsiders will not be able to detect the assassin's presence as long as they do not jump out.

By the time the enemy saw him, the dagger coated with poison had already cut the opponent's throat.

Moving slowly along the shade of the trees, the assassin stared at the man who was getting closer and sneered in his heart: "This is what happens when you show off on the battlefield."

At this moment, he suddenly saw a squirming movement in the shadows underground, and then a cute-looking little thing emerged.

"Uh." The assassin reacted quickly and immediately knew that his existence was exposed.

Just when he was about to give it a try, he didn't expect that the little guy's attack speed was actually faster than him.

A punch hit the assassin hard in the abdomen, and the intense pain caused him to come out of the invisible state.

[You are attacked by Marshado's shadow fist, causing 64 points of shadow damage]

"What the hell?!" He gritted his teeth secretly and glared at the other party unwillingly.

It was obviously almost successful, but I didn't expect that such a little thing would see through it.

The figure flew through the air as fast as running water. The assassin activated his movement skills and planned to temporarily retreat to the rear to rest.

Without any physical bonus, the punch just now had knocked out more than half of his health.

If he accidentally gets hit like that again, I'm afraid he will turn into a treasure chest for the enemy.

About two seconds later, the assassin successfully escaped from the standing circle. He thought he was safe, but unexpectedly, the shadow under his feet suddenly began to shake violently.

"Oh, just talk and leave?" The Summoner stroked Pikachu in his arms and looked over with sarcasm in his eyes: "My Marshado, you won't give up so easily."

Emerging from the shadow of the assassin, Marchado raised his small fist filled with electric light and struck at him.

Thunder fist!

This circle dealt another sixty points of damage, and the poor guy was electrocuted on the spot before he could fight back.

"The fourth one." The summoner smiled happily. He liked this kind of dark battlefield so much.

Give him a few more days, maybe he can kill the Samsaras of Sunagakure camp alone.

The reason is that ghost-type fantasy beast, Marshado.

A powerful Pokémon that can hide in the shadows and has terrifying power beyond imagination.

"What a powerful summoner." Fang Bo, who witnessed everything that happened, had an idea in his mind unconsciously.

As a ghost/fighting-type fantasy Pokémon, does Marshado meet the devouring conditions for Flesh Ascension?

[Number 14552 triggers the mission of destiny: flesh and blood ascends! 】

[Mission Introduction: Devour more powerful men to sublimate the flesh and blood of the bride]

[Task requirement: Hunting 0/9 ghost king and big demon]

[Special Tip: Missions can be completed in multiple plot worlds]

Ghosts can also be regarded as ghosts. I believe that with Machado's strength, he should be enough to be ranked as the "Ghost King".

The only problem now is that if the summoned beast is seriously injured, the forced protection mechanism will be triggered, and the space will transport them to the plane where they originally existed.

How to keep it is the big question.

As if she had read his thoughts, Yaoyao on the side couldn't help but came over and whispered: "Kill the summoner, there is a certain probability that their summoned beast will be released."

"Really?" Xiao Fang's eyes lit up.

"That's right, but you can't get it directly. You have to get their approval."

Speaking of this, Yaoyao hesitated and added: "Generally, there is a strong bond between the summoned beast and its owner. The probability of taming it is low, and it is possible to suffer from their crazy backlash."

The implication is to advise him not to try.

Marsha is cute, but it doesn't look like it can be physically tamed.

Don't waste your time trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket, and then have to fight with this powerful Pokémon.

Yaoyao's reminder was indeed correct, but she didn't know that Fang Bo was not trying to tame him from the beginning.

He wants to use the "taming" mechanism to remove the protective measures of the space, so that the network bride can devour the opponent's flesh and blood.

The difficulty of hunting the nine ghost kings can be imagined, but he would never miss the opportunity.

The battle has progressed so far, and Xiao Fang has gained enough benefits.

Not to mention, he also completed a battlefield mission.

[War Mission 1: Kill 10/7 enemy reincarnators (completed)]

[You get 10 points]

[You get 1000 plot points]

Counting these ten points of income, he currently has forty-three points in hand, and there is no need to search like crazy anymore.

Taking into account the subsequent battles, there should be more points recorded, and now I can be a little busy with other things.

For example, hunting Machado, or going to see what's going on over there with Orochimaru.

Maybe you can also look for the sexy female examiner in fishnets.

"It's decided, kill the summoner first." After hesitating for a moment, Fang Bo made up his mind completely.

This matter is quite difficult, but considering the final benefits, it is worth taking a little risk.

There were a lot of Samsaras fighting around, and the summoner had companions beside him, so he had to use all his strength.

"Come with me, be careful." He looked at the weak duo in the team.

Xiao Xianglan was naturally a little scared, but still said that he would fight together.

As for Yaoyao, maybe she has a backer. At this moment, she raised her sledgehammer as if she wanted to avenge her companions: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you kill a few more people."

"." Fang Bo ignored him, but turned to look at the figures fighting crazily on both sides.

"If you want to kill the opponent, you must create a suitable opportunity to get close."

"Ghost spiders can be used to block damage, but they can't resist for long, and they can't make me the target of enemy fire."

The violent soldiers are indeed powerful, but there is no way to compare with so many reincarnations.

If your actions are too outrageous and people turn around and focus on you, you may be completely beaten to a pulp in a few seconds.

To break the situation, the most important thing is to divert the enemy's attention.

Before the opponent wants to focus the fire, if you successfully break into the core battle circle and there are people around, there is no question of whether to focus the fire or not.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Bo took out a scary rag doll with a wide mouth from his arms.

"Whether you succeed or not depends on you."

Screaming Rag Doll: Everyone around is forced to enter a mental judgment. Those who fail the judgment will enter a state of fear that lasts ten seconds.

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