Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 153 Nothing can save your life

Big Mouth Boy, a well-known reincarnation of the Kumo Hidden camp, this nickname came from the fact that he had a powerful Big Mouth Boy.

With the spirit of daring to fight and fight hard, the man has made it all the way to where he is now.

Unfortunately, in order to capture this phantom Pokémon, he took on his most important companion.

Fortunately, Ma Shaduo did not let him down. His powerful strength far surpassed all the reincarnations, allowing him to truly stand at the top of the first-difficulty world.

Today's Dakou Zai is already a master with extreme two attributes, extremely powerful in combat, and is equipped with outstanding equipment plundered from other reincarnations.

Among them, the existence of Marshado plays a big factor. He has dreamed of catching another phantom beast countless times.

Caressing Pikachu in his arms, Dakouzai turned his head and looked at the Samsaras of the hostile camp who were constantly exchanging fire.

"Today is destined to be a busy day." His smile was slightly ferocious.

Marshado is good at escaping into the shadows, let alone fighting in a dark environment.

Paired with Pikachu's lightning output, any Samsara that is targeted by him can hardly escape.

Alas! ! !

Suddenly, a piercing scream sounded, and Dakouzi subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the south.

His excellent perception ability allowed him to clearly see a terrifying-looking rag doll. It was this little thing that made a howl that penetrated his soul.

As the screams rang out, the surrounding reincarnations began to run away like crazy.

Soon, he spontaneously gave way to a passage, and then he saw a mighty team breaking into the battlefield.

"This" ghost spider with a ferocious face made Dakouzai swallow unconsciously.

Judging from the enemy's movements, it was obvious that they were heading in his direction.

The fastest big spider was already approaching, followed by a young man with black marks on his face.


"Pika pika!"

The yellow-skinned mouse jumped to the ground, and his body turned into a streak of yellow lightning to greet him.

This is a high-speed movement exclusive to Pokémon, and the rate of speed bonus is very high.

As strong as Fang Bo, you can only vaguely grasp its movement trajectory.

The Killing Spider Guard, which had previously been so brilliant, was completely inadequate in front of the real speed summoned beast.

A move of steel tail sent it flying away, and Pikachu, which had just landed, immediately rushed to Jugo's side.

However, this time it miscalculated.

"What?" Zhonggo keenly grasped Pikachu's movement trajectory, and without any nonsense, he raised his kick and kicked it away hard.

The essence of the curse seal is actually the utilization of natural energy. In terms of perception ability, Chongwu is second only to Xiang Phosphorus in the team.

No matter how fast Pikachu was, it couldn't escape his visual capture.

Pokémon are good at everything. They have many unique moves, diverse attributes, and can even complete their own evolution.

But they have the most fatal flaw, that is, their small bodies are too fragile. Even Pokémon that are good at defense can't really resist being beaten.

After being kicked away by Zhongwu, Pikachu couldn't catch his breath for a long time. In the end, the kind-hearted Yaoyao helped it escape completely.

"Hey!" With a cry, the war hammers of both hands hit Pikachu like a mountain.

If the space protection mechanism had not been triggered, its small body would probably have been turned into pulp on the spot.

Don't look at Yaoyao who is usually cute and cute, but she is really mean when she starts, but she still has an extremely excited smile on her face.

"Brother, let me help you." As she said that, she waved her war hammer and rushed into the crowd.

With the protection of the ghost spiders, nothing will happen to her, and besides, there are two plot characters, Xiang Lu and Gu Lian, by her side.

With their presence, at least Fang Bo doesn't have to worry about the enemies behind him.

He could concentrate on dealing with this summoner.

"Damn it." Dakouzi cursed angrily, glaring at the warhammer girl fiercely.

As a trainer, how could he not feel sorry for his Pokémon.

Pikachu is so cute, how can you bear to be hammered? Little girl, don’t you have any sympathy?

Taking out the third elf ball, Dakouzi was clearly the reincarnation of the third summoning route.

The stronger you are, the stronger you are, but once the enemy gets close, you are basically doomed.

"It seems that he has full confidence in Machado."

Under Fang Bo's gaze, a large eagle suddenly appeared on the field. Dakouzi sneered and jumped on the Pokémon's back, not forgetting to wave in his direction.

"Goodbye, you idiots."

Seeing Ma Shaduo's strength, the enemy dared to rush straight towards him.

Either he is a fool, or he is confident that he can kill him.

Judging from the many helpers and summons, the visitor didn't look like an idiot. Therefore, Dakouzai decided to make a tactical retreat first.

Anyway, there are plenty of reincarnators. Killing anyone is not killing, so why do you have to compete with such a ruthless person?

Bi Diao flies very fast and is the top flying summoned beast in the world on difficulty level one.

Dakouzai is very confident that the enemy cannot catch up with him.

Fang Bo really can't catch up, but don't forget, Bi Diao hasn't taken off yet.

No matter how fast you are, it only counts if you can fly.

Golden ripples rippled, and the big sword and Yan Yue Dao shot at the enemy almost simultaneously.

Jugo next to him jumped up, trying to knock the target off the big bird's back with brute force.

But all these methods failed in Bi Diao's "storm".

With nowhere to draw on, Jonggo was blown away. As for the two Noble Phantasms he released, they were completely unable to withstand the oncoming storm due to insufficient strength attribute added value.

If the strength attribute could reach thirty points, he would probably be able to penetrate the strong wind in front of him and directly attack Bi Diao who was about to spread his wings and fly high.

"Goodbye, just play here slowly." Dakouzai's laughter came from above, and he and the Pokémon had already started preparing to take off.

At this moment, a black shadow silently fell on Bi Diao's back.

That was the Yinyouyuan 10-style that escaped Fang Bo's control and turned on the "training mode".

As soon as the body landed on the ground, the puppet immediately used high-speed twisting and turning, and in an instant burst out a terrifying movement speed that far exceeded the standard.

It seemed as if it had disappeared from sight.

The Breath of the Sun Picks Up the Pattern·Magic Sun Rainbow!

With Da Kou Zai's ability, it is impossible to see through Po Yuan Yi Zero's moves, but don't forget that this guy still has a trump card at his side.

Marshado emerged from the shadow, his whole body turned into a star falling at high speed, and he just knocked the puppet out of the disappearing state.

Without waiting for the puppet to adjust its state, it activated malicious pursuit, appeared in front of it in the blink of an eye, and completed a series of heavy punches.

"Scared me to death." Dakouzi breathed a long sigh of relief. He almost peed in fear at that moment.

As a melee black hole, he has no way to engage in close combat with the enemy, even if the opponent is just a puppet that can act autonomously.

Fortunately, Marshado was powerful enough, otherwise he would have been beaten down.

At this moment, Dakou Zai suddenly heard the warning from Bi Diao.

Turning his head hurriedly, he immediately spotted the man hurtling straight into the sky like a rocket.

On the ground, Jugo enlarged his arms and used his powerful strength to complete a perfect throw.

The throwing object in his palm was naturally Fang Bo himself.

Previously, he threw Yuan-Zero into the sky just to block it for a moment, but the second wave of self-throwing was the real killer.

Because the speed was so fast that even Bi Diao didn't react, Fang Bo had already reached almost the same height.

Without a word of nonsense, the two Noble Phantasms reappeared and pierced both sides of Bi Diao's body one after the other.

Among them, the Yanyue Qinglong also turned on the equipment special effects. In the air, it seemed to really transform into a Qinglong, biting the bird's neck.

Taking this opportunity, he activated the suspension acceleration and used the reaction force to jump onto Bi Diao's back.

Ignoring the reincarnator who was retreating crazily, Fang Bo gently placed his hand on the thick feathers.


Orange-red flames rose up, turning Bi Diao into a "flaming bird" in an instant.

That wasn't the end yet. He took out the Dragoon and pointed it at his feet, activated the Ammunition Master skill, and once again fired a powerful and heavy armor-piercing bullet at it.

Suffering heavy losses one after another, Bi Diao finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Under the protection mechanism of the space, it was sent back to the Pokémon world with a set of silky combos.

Then the guy who was originally on his back can only fall downwards in a free fall state.

Staring at the panicked Summoner, a friendly smile appeared on Fang Bo's lips: "Thank you for your help, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with Marshado."

With each other in the air, even powerful fantasy Pokémon are useless.

Without the ability to fly, it cannot even sneak into the summoner's shadow.

The mere distance of a few meters, which Ma Shado would not pay much attention to on weekdays, has now become the boundary between life and death.

Without giving the opponent any chance, Fang Bo first shot out the cooled down Noble Phantasm, letting the two sharp blades pierce Da Kou Zai's body.

Then he activated the suspension acceleration, and instantly arrived in front of the opponent, stuffing an alchemy bomb into the man's collar.

"This time is the real goodbye."


Amidst Machado's angry roar, a firework lit up the sky above the forest.

Dakouzai was lucky enough to survive, but he lost the ability to resist and finally fell heavily to the ground from a height of 100 meters.

Fall injury was the real culprit that killed him.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 5 battlefield points]

"I got another 5 points." Fang Bo was very happy.

In addition, the second war mission is about to be completed, and another amount of points and plot points will be recorded.

[War Mission 2: Kill 15/20 enemy village ninjas]

"Looking at it this time, my harvest this time is likely to exceed expectations." Xiao Fang had a dream of getting rich overnight.

After quickly picking up the opponent's treasure chest, he turned around and planned to retreat first, but he saw seven or eight ghost spider corpses lying on the ground.

In just a few moments, the ghost spiders were swept away by the reincarnations from Kumogakure's camp.

Even if there is no concentrated fire, they simply cannot withstand the brutal destruction of the reincarnations.

If he didn't leave, he might even have to deal with the bride's mother's body here.


There was a gunshot in the distance, and the Killing Ghost Spider's head exploded instantly. The poor little guy was killed instantly by the enemy.

In the other direction, two talismans were attached to the body of the guarding spider general.

The human shield, which was originally fierce and unafraid of death, immediately showed an extremely sluggish state, and was then pierced through the body by a peach wood sword.

Even if it hasn't hung up yet, it looks like it only lasted seven or eight seconds.

If it hadn't been for Guren's ninjutsu crystallization, which created walls to block the damage, the current result might have been ten times worse.

Seeing that the situation was extremely critical, Fang Bo didn't care about saving at all, so Yang Shou threw out a ninjutsu scroll.

That was the scroll of Doryubei, a defensive ninjutsu he exchanged for just in case in the past.

Soon, a seven or eight-meter-high earth wall rose from the ground, finally separating them from the enemy's line of sight.

Got a little bit of breathing space.

"I can't hold on anymore." The bride waved her hand tiredly, indicating that her summoning time was about to end.

Looking at the countdown with a few minutes left, Fang Bo directly lifted the summons, allowing her to return to the Onmyoji world with her remaining brothers.

Without the presence of the ghost spiders, the combat power has indeed been reduced a lot, but the presence of Fang Bo and others will not be so conspicuous.

Taking advantage of the current chaotic situation, it should be easy to escape from the battlefield.

"Everyone, be careful, there are a lot of people coming over there!!!"

Suddenly, a shout attracted everyone's attention.

Both camps turned their heads in unison and looked at the dust rising in the forest.

At the end of the line of sight, a large group of reincarnations appeared out of nowhere.

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