Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 155 Money, no matter how much money you have, it’s not enough.

By the time Fang Bo finally got out, Luoxin's wife over there had finished eating.

[Task requirement: Hunting 1/9 Ghost King and Great Demon]

Seeing the changes in Tianming's mission, he couldn't help but smile with relief.

As long as the mission conditions are met, at least everyone's work has not been in vain. They just don't know where to find the remaining eight ghost kings.

Looking at the few remaining health points, Fang Bo pulled the poor Xiao Xiang Ling over and bit him on the neck amidst Yaoyao's exclamations.

"Ah, what are you doing?" The little girl covered her eyes and peeked at the two of them through her fingers.

After looking at it for a long time, she realized that things seemed to be different from what she had imagined. Yaoyao couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

She had seen Fang Bo secretly biting people before, and she thought it was some kind of special habit, but now it seems that it might be some kind of treatment.

Didn't you see that his injuries were starting to heal?

"Is it possible that he is a vampire?" Yaoyao became excited again.

Glancing at the little girl with a red face, Fang Bo said he was too lazy to pay attention to her thoughts.

After his condition was restored to full condition, he slowly stood up and signaled Xiang Ling to help Chongwu, who had transformed into a child.

"I don't need it." Zhongwu rejected his kindness, because the loss of internal organs cannot be repaired by simple treatment.

He needs to find a living body, or a complete corpse that has not been dead for a long time, and extract the other party's internal organs to truly recover.

Nodding to show his understanding, Fang Bo briefly glanced at Honglian's condition.

"I'm fine." Moving her shoulders slightly, she said she didn't suffer any injuries from beginning to end, but she was really a little tired mentally.

From the start of the operation last night, until now, the battles, large and small, have basically been non-stop.

Even if your body can bear it, your tense mind still needs to rest.

Not only her, but several others also looked tired, but everyone saw Fang Bo's eagerness, so they all tacitly agreed not to show it.

"I'm worried. Let's find a place to rest first."

In about ten minutes, they built a shack in a remote place.

It's not the kind built with dead branches and leaves, but a complete small camp, with plenty of food and beer beside the campfire.

"Hey, don't be polite, I'm treating you today." Yaoyao happily gnawed on the chicken legs.

To be honest, watching her keep taking things out of her pockets, Fang Bo became even more interested in the little girl's belly pocket.

What he feels now is not that Yaoyao is fully prepared, but that she can take out whatever she wants.

He couldn't understand the specific principle, and when he asked, the little girl started to talk about him.

"Forget it, who doesn't have a secret yet?"

Unceremoniously occupying a plush chair, Fang Bo lay down comfortably, and soon fell asleep successfully.

The good thing about knowing hypnosis is that you can fall asleep whenever you want, and you no longer have to worry about insomnia.

As for safety issues, there is a passive exploration radar called Xiang Phosphorus on the surface, and there are also large groups of ghost spiders scattered around secretly.

From an investigative perspective, there is basically no difference between him being awake and sleeping.

As the saying goes, combining work and rest, how can you continue to fight if you don't have enough energy?

After wiping the grease on the handle, Yaoyao turned around and looked at the sleeping man, the bright light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

After finding a place where no one was around, the little girl slowly curled up into a ball, pulled the quilt and wrapped herself in it.

"Sister, I'm so scared, wuwuwu."

As if she heard Yaoyao crying, her belly pocket trembled slightly, as if she was silently expressing something.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

I don’t know what exactly happened, but Yaoyao stopped crying, and soon a slight snore came from the quilt.

The three plot characters also found a place to rest.

After meeting the Genin of the Five Great Hidden Villages, the two strong men no longer had the leisure they had at the beginning.

"As expected of a big village, these genin are very strong." Jugo recalled the woman who slashed him away with a sword.

"It seems that I used to sit in a well and look at the sky." Honglian recalled the man who was completely burning with flames.

As for Xiao Xianglian, she secretly hid under the quilt, and all she could think about was the handsome young man who saved her.

"I don't know what his name is."

The next day, when she lazily sat up and put on her myopia glasses, she realized that everyone else had already gotten up and washed up.

Looking at the washbasin next to the reclining chair, she knew that Yaoyao must have helped fetch the water. That annoying guy would not treat her so kindly.

Just as he was thinking this, Xiang Ling felt something hit his head.

When he looked down, he saw that it was a scroll with the word "天" printed on it.

"When you get to the central tower, remember to use it to hand in the mission." As he said that, he threw another one at Yaoyao's head, but unfortunately the little girl raised her hand to catch it.

Ignoring her triumphant smile, Fang Bo slowly stood up, his peaceful eyes suddenly becoming extremely sharp.

Everyone knows that a new battle is about to begin.

Continue to rush forward, searching for traces of the enemy along the way.

During this period, she found three waves of people.

The first wave of people fled all the way away, giving them no chance of contact.

The second and third waves were all from his own people, so it was impossible for Fang Bo to attack the reincarnations of the same camp.

The enemy was not found, but he heard a lot of news.

In that big melee, the Iwagakure camp that had been planning for a long time finally won.

Of course, they also paid a heavy price for this, most of which came from the hidden weapons of the Sunagakure camp.

In addition, there is one more thing that is also important.

In order to consolidate their rankings in the standings, all the camps have started to form a group. Especially Iwagakure, who is at the top of the standings, has at least seven or eight reincarnations whenever he appears.

I heard from this person that Iwagakure also has some kind of special team communication method.

No matter where it is attacked, nearby Samsaras will rush to provide support.

Other camps followed suit and started teaming up one after another. Teams of six or seven people often made everyone dizzy just looking at them.

In other words, Fang Bo can no longer hunt freely.

No matter how confident he is, he can't fight against multiple reincarnation teams on his own, not to mention that Zhongwu is still seriously injured and unable to recover, and the ghost spiders who have captured the bride have also suffered heavy losses.

The seemingly ordinary team might contain some kind of strong person, and he might not be able to withstand even if multiple people attack him.

"Hey, is this about to end?" Xiao Fang was obviously unwilling.

Plot points: 6587 (3000 foreign debt)

Personal points: 48

After taking a look at the current income, he felt much better.

If you include the items for sale in the package, you may not be far away from having a deposit of over 10,000 yuan.

"With so many people passing the customs, there will definitely be a second selection, and the harvest by then should be quite big."

Most of those who can survive in the cruel forest of death are powerful reincarnators, and everyone's hands are inevitably stained with the blood of others.

There must be a considerable number of plot points in these people's boxes.

Fang Bo's requirements are not high. While paying off foreign debts, he can make the plot points in his hand exceed 10,000.

His requirements don't seem to be high, because even so, he can't upgrade all his skills to full level.

Look at where he needs to upgrade now.

The three major active skills, including shikigami summoning, all need to be upgraded.

Although after becoming a follower, the upgraded skills will disappear automatically, but don't forget that the special effects attached to the upgrade will always be with the bride.

Level 3 effect: Tough spider silk, enhances the toughness of the spider silk, and has high resistance to fire and slashing.

Level 6 effect: Poison sac, toxins can corrode cells and inhibit the target's life recovery.

Both the spider silk and the poison sac played a decisive role in the battle. How could Fang Bo give up the two unknown effects?

Now that she has evolved into the Ghost Mother Yin Ji, I believe the effects will be even more improved after the upgrade.

Maybe, special abilities can be born that affect the ghost spiders?

Nothing can be saved on this expense.

Not to mention the other two active skills, all of which must be upgraded to full level. I believe that Fang Bo's combat power will be even more powerful by then.

There are also many basic skills that need to be upgraded.

You can ignore the basic shooting for now, it is enough for him for now.

Basic melee skills and basic sword skills must be upgraded to the full level, so that the Yuan-Zero type's lethality can be even more powerful.

Mastery-level puppet drama, a necessary skill for dual puppet control, but Fang Bo has not been able to find a second suitable puppet yet.

Doll making and repair also need to be upgraded. This skill will virtually save him a lot of money.

So far, it has saved Xiao Fang at least four to five hundred plot points.

When there are more puppets in hand, the consumption of materials will be even more terrible. If you don't upgrade, you will lose your life.

If you learn how to make puppets in the future, there will be more things to upgrade.

Prerequisites for learning human puppets: basic puppet production MAX, puppet repair MAX, machine parts learning MAX.

With three full-level skills, just looking at Fang Bo makes him dizzy.

Is ten thousand plot points a lot?

It's not enough to invest all of it. To be precise, it may not be enough to just upgrade the A-level King's Treasure.

Upgrading B-level skills will cost you 200 plot points each time.

For example, he needs 200 plot points to learn scrolls, then 400 to level 2, 600 to level 3, and so on.

If the target were to use A-level skills, the increase would jump to 400 plot points.

Just to upgrade the skill from level 9 to level 10, 4,000 plot points will be consumed at one time, which shows how much resources he has to invest in it.

Unless he meets a few heroes, it will be difficult for Fang Bo to collect all the plot points he needs based on this space war alone.

I thought of continuing to harvest a wave, but the reincarnations all started to act collectively.

Once there is no advantage in numbers, Fang Bo's battle will become extremely difficult, and a team that doesn't handle it well may suffer attrition.

Forget about mass killings, just find a few lone guys to bully them.

This is what Fang Bo really thinks now.

Soon, Xiang Phosphorus successfully locked onto the target, but looking at her trembling appearance, she knew that the enemy was probably very powerful.

"How many people are there on the other side?"

"Three, three."

Fang Bo was happy when he heard this. He was not afraid of a strong single target, but was afraid of the opponent's unreasonable and crazy focus of fire.

There is no disadvantage in numbers, so no matter who it is, he will dare to step forward and make gestures.

However, he was too happy too early.

When the team hurried to the scene, Fang Bo finally understood why Xiang Phosphorus was shaking.

The boy bathed in endless blood was none other than Gaara, a Jinchuuriki Sandstorm.

Under normal conditions, he is the strongest being in this Chunin Exam.

Not far ahead, there were several reincarnations from the Konoha camp lying there. These guys obviously wanted to attack the three Sunagakure siblings.

It's a pity that they picked the wrong opponent, thinking that Gaara was the kind of ordinary genin who could be bullied by anyone.

As everyone knows, attacks with less than thirty attribute points have no possibility of breaking through absolute defense.

Even if the attributes are stacked to more than 30 points, there is only a theoretical chance of breaking through the sand shield.

Just like Lee can hit the opponent with his speed, Sasuke's Chidori can break the sand, but in the end they lost to Gaara.

Just like Fang Bo said, currently no one can defeat those T0 level masters in a one-on-one battle.

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