Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 156 The Big Crisis of Team 7

"Damn brat."

In the thick pool of blood, a reincarnator struggled to get up.

I saw him taking out a piece of chocolate and eating it, then staring at Gaara with resentful eyes.

"Aren't you going to give up?" Temari's tone was helpless.

Kankuro on the side was even planning to take action directly. He didn't want to let Gaara be stimulated anymore, otherwise the terrifying monster would probably be completely awakened.

Facing the figure carrying the gourd, the two siblings had a deep fear hidden in their eyes.

After landing on a tree trunk not far away, Fang Bo waved his hand to signal everyone not to act rashly.

During this period, Gaara was really murderous, and even a dog passing by would be kicked by him. Fang Bo didn't know whether his identity would play any role in the eyes of the other party.

As for the reincarnation person who survived by chance, he didn't want to fight for his life. The way his eyes were darting around showed that he wanted to run away.

"." Gaara crossed his arms on his chest and glanced at the group of people who rushed to the scene.

Due to Fang Bo's changes to the plot, the alliance between Sunagakure and Otogakure became closer, and the Gaara trio learned the specific action plan in advance.

There is also an order not to harm members of the alliance.

Therefore, Gaara quickly withdrew his gaze, otherwise he would have already taken action at that moment.

On the other side, the reincarnator suddenly took action, using the cover of trees to try to hide his figure.

Fang Bo's judgment was correct. This guy had no determination to fight to the death.

Previously, the three of them couldn't do it together, but now they are even more afraid to do it alone.

Escape becomes the only option.

It's just that he underestimated his opponent. In the forest environment, Gaara's combat effectiveness was several times stronger than in his normal state.

The reason for this is simply because he can crush rocks and turn them into sand, allowing him to use some kind of wide-area ninjutsu attack.

Seeing the enemy gradually running away, Gaara remained calm and calm, but he lowered his hands that were wrapped around his chest.

With his hands quickly forming seals, he instantly set off an extremely terrifying wave of sand in front of him, almost all of which was within his strike range within a radius of dozens of miles.

Quicksand waterfall!

This is the real Gaara. The half-tailed beast state may not necessarily make him really strong.

The environment of the entire area was changed in an instant. Such a powerful operation made several friends around him stunned.

Even Zhonggo's face couldn't help but look serious. He was thinking about how he would deal with it if it were him.

After thinking silently for a long time, the conclusion I finally reached didn't seem optimistic.

Putting his hand on the sea of ​​sand, Gaara's eyes narrowed, and invisible waves suddenly crossed the entire desert.

Sand Falls Burial!

In an instant, all the material covered by the sand was shattered. Apart from the reincarnator, it was unknown if there were any other unlucky people.

When everything settled, Gaara left without looking back, completely treating the few people beside him as nothing.

Kankuro, on the other hand, nodded to him in a friendly manner, perhaps because he knew that this person was also a puppet master.

After watching the other party leave, Fang Bo and others chose to move on.

The remaining reincarnations have chosen to act in groups, which means that it will be difficult to have large-scale battles in the future, otherwise it will be easy for others to take advantage of them.

The battle between the reincarnators is over, and then it's Fang Bo's own business.

"Let's go check out the situation over Orochimaru first."

On the other side, the legendary Team 7 encountered a big crisis.

Naru Sasakura encountered a strong enemy, but the opponent was not Orochimaru as she imagined, but the Samsara team from Sunagakure Village.

The opponent's ability was very strange, and the immature Naruto was no match at all. Fortunately, Sasuke's performance was consistent, and he finally defeated the enemy with the advantage of Sharingan.

However, Sunagakure's Rinnegan would not surrender so easily.

The Sharingan is equally famous in the reincarnation space. As a descendant of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sasuke has always been the target of many people.

Although there are rumors that the boy has been blessed by fate and cannot be killed by ordinary means, there are always people who want to try.

In order to seize the Sharingan, the opposite team of Samsara did not even participate in the battle.

When the effect of the terrain card ended, they immediately rushed out desperately, and in the end they succeeded in blocking the target person.

The first attack failed, but it also succeeded in injuring Uzumaki Naruto, and the second attack will be launched soon.

It didn't take long for the reincarnations to replenish their status and intercept the opponent again with the help of some kind of perception ability.

Nazuo is too immature at the moment. Without external help, his true combat ability may be the lowest among the twelve strong ones.

Not to mention top players like the three Sunagakure siblings and Kaiban, they might not even be able to beat the combination of Kiba, Hinata, and Shino.

With such a crotch-stretching strength, there is no way to compete with the scheming reincarnation.

Not long after, Team 7 was forced into a desperate situation by the enemy. At the critical moment, Naruto was the first to activate the plug-in.

"Ah!!!" With an angry roar, Naruto exploded with the power of the nine tails and knocked down several reincarnations on the spot.

However, he was kind-hearted and never fought with a deadly hand. In the end, he snatched the scroll and let the opponent run away.

Both Sasuke and Sakura understood this.

During this period, Team 7 had just experienced the Battle of Wave Kingdom, and their understanding of the "enemy" was not clear enough.

So when the Samsara came back and kidnapped Haruno Sakura, Nazuo finally realized that he shouldn't be too kind to his enemies.

"Cut off your own arm, or I'll kill her."

In order to show the other party his determination, the man stabbed Sakura directly in the abdomen with a kunai.

The blood continued to spurt out, instantly making the two teenagers across from him have red eyes.

"Sasuke, Sasuke, do it." Naruto gritted his teeth and decided to let his friend cut off his arm.

He couldn't watch something happen to Sakura. This was the bond he had finally obtained, and he would risk his life not to let others destroy it.

"No, you can't do this." Sasuke forced himself to calm down. Compared to that idiot, his mind was more flexible.

It's not that he doesn't care about his companions, but he understands that even if he kills Naruto, those three guys still won't choose to let Sakura go.

He gently touched Naruto with his hand, and the two of them looked at each other inadvertently, and they both understood each other's thoughts in an instant.

"I've never tried it before, so I'm taking a gamble." Sasuke took out the scroll and put on a surrender posture.

Just as the reincarnator was about to taunt, he suddenly saw those scarlet eyes.



The wind demon shuriken whizzed away, and the sharp blade instantly cut across the man's neck.

Taking this opportunity, Sasuke stepped forward to catch Sakura, and the crazy shuriken took the form of Naruto.

The two reproduced the classic tactics of the past and undoubtedly won again.

He beat away the two reincarnators and tied up the severely injured man after his limbs were broken.

"Huh, it should be fine now."

"Damn, that's so careless."

The two reincarnators escaped far from their target, and now they finally know how powerful each other is.

Fortunately, the characters in the plot are kind-hearted, and the companion can only be injured at most, and he can be rescued if there is a chance.

Because the reincarnation person responsible for perception was captured, they did not realize that there was a python approaching quickly behind them.

When the giant python opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the gunman directly into its belly, the remaining man reacted belatedly.

"What the hell?!"

However, Orochimaru would not talk nonsense to them, and killed both Samsaras with a wave of his hand.

This is the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse. No matter how many people the reincarnator takes at this stage, it will be in vain.

As for whether the two camps are in alliance, to be honest, Orochimaru has never looked down on the bullshit Sunagakure from the beginning.

A village that was invaded by the enemy and everyone except the Kazekage could only serve as the atmosphere team was not worthy of the attention of a Sannin-level master.

Using them is just to distract Konoha.

After he kills the Third Hokage, he can completely destroy the Leaf Village with the help of several Kages reincarnated in the dirt.

At that time, if he wanted to, he could easily wipe out Sunagakure's troops.

Orochimaru may not have had such a radical idea originally, but things are different now. He is confident in completing this plan to collapse Konoha.

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank Hiroki-kun." Orochimaru turned around and looked at the group of people walking in front of him.

As direct subordinates, Jugo and Guren immediately fell to their knees, while Fang Bo had no such idea at all.

After silently accepting Orochimaru's thanks, Xiao Fang asked very curiously: "Is that guy easy to use?"

In the previous hidden mission, he used the function of the destiny token to successfully capture Yamato who was thousands of miles away.

Although his actual combat power is not very good, he is a genuine Hashirama cell carrier.

A Fei regards him as a source of energy and can stop the ninja alliance by himself.

If Orochimaru uses it as a medium for the reincarnation of the dirty land, I believe that the power of the first Hokage will be greatly increased.

"Very good." Uncle Snake nodded, and said with a playful expression: "Hongshu-kun came here specially, what's the matter?"

The perception ability of shadow-level experts is terrifying. Although it is not as good as Xianglan, Orochimaru can still feel the movements of this team.

He didn't believe that it was some bullshit coincidence that he found this place on his own initiative.

In this regard, Fang Bo naturally refused to tell the truth. He couldn't say that he had to lock Orochimaru's position first before he could reversely track Anko's possible route.

No matter what Orochimaru's opinion is, he will definitely kill this person.

In particular, a Jonin is also a Jonin. Such a being is not easy to find. All the targets he can know are more difficult to deal with than Mitarai Anko.

For the war mission, how could Fang Bo let go of the fat meat that was brought to his mouth.

"I'm here to give you a gift." After pushing Xiao Xianglan out, Fang Bo briefly described the other party's abilities: "As expected, he should be a descendant of the Uzumaki clan."

"Oh?" Orochimaru's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The descendants of the Uzumaki clan must be perfect experimental subjects, especially since the girl has abilities that even the well-informed Orochimaru has never heard of.

It is worthy of careful study.

Poor little Xiang Phosphorus was sold by Fang Bo. As for the price of betraying his conscience,

"If possible, I would like Kimimaro to do me one more favor."

After the debt of gratitude is used up, the Ghost King Kimimaro, as the top strong man, will naturally not continue to obey his orders.

For a certain goal, he still needed the help of a strong person, so he just took this opportunity to exchange for a promise.

As long as Orochimaru is willing to nod, there will be no problem even if Kimimaro goes up the sword mountain and down the frying pan.

"Okay." Without much hesitation, Orochimaru nodded immediately in agreement.

This guy has an indifferent temperament and only cares about personal gains and losses.

Everyone is a tool in his eyes, including Kimimaro, who regards him as his faith, and Yakushi Kabuto, who devotes everything to helping him.

Faced with such people, there is nothing that cannot be bought and sold as long as the price is right.

Taking away the tearful Kosovo, Orochimaru hurried to plant strawberries for Uchiha Sasuke.

As for Fang Bo's team, they changed their goals and prepared for the arrival of Mitarai Anko.

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