Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 157 The Second Stage of the Curse Seal

In the forest, Hongdou led his men towards the central tower.

Not long ago, she discovered the body of a suspected Grass Ninja member.

The poor guy's face was peeled off, and his body was randomly discarded in the wilderness. If it weren't for luck, he might not have been found.

After careful investigation and comparison, the identity of the body was finally confirmed by the representative of Caoyin Village.

This person is a member of the Chunin Examination this time, which means that someone entered the Forest of Death through imposter.

As the examiner of the second session, Anko Mitarai should go and investigate in person.

Another thing she cared about was that the way the intruder peeled off his face was very similar to someone she remembered.

"Is he back?" Hong Dou's mood suddenly became complicated.

She has very complicated feelings towards Orochimaru, she hates him for his betrayal, but she is also grateful for her teachings back then.

Vaguely, Hongdou still felt very aggrieved.

Why didn't he take her away with him back then?

The curse mark on the back of her neck began to pulse, which meant that her judgment was correct. The person lurking in the forest of death was indeed Orochimaru.

With a slight gesture, the team immediately stopped in place. Anko ordered very quickly: "You go and report to the Sandaime, and then I will go forward alone."

"But Captain."

"Execute the order!"

After saying that, Anko continued to move forward, but she soon discovered that something was wrong.

Why are there so many cobwebs appearing around for no reason?

She stopped very alertly, the woman's sleeves moved slightly, and several venomous snakes crawled along her body and onto the tree trunk.

After observing it carefully, Anko raised her hand and threw out a kunai with a detonating talisman that was about to burn out.

"Get out of here."


In the thick smoke, Fang Bo's figure was looming.

After estimating the route, he finally blocked Mitarashi Anko here.

Now that he has come, he will naturally not let go of the head that is delivered to his door.

【Mitarashi Anko (Special Jounin)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit]

[Feature: Curse Seal of Heaven]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

"The highest attribute exceeds mine by at least five points."

This means that the enemy will move extremely quickly, and the encirclement of the ghost spiders will probably not have much effect.

Sure enough, facing the army of ghost spiders coming out of the shadows, Hongdou remained extremely calm from beginning to end.

With the help of a kunai tied with a wire rope, she was forced to move a certain distance in the air.

She dodged the spider's shot and dodged the dragoon's bullet by tilting her head. The woman acted extremely calm and calm throughout the battle.

"If I remember correctly, you should be a candidate from Yinyin Village, right?"

He threw his hand and fired several shurikens, accurately hitting several ghost spiders around him.

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing no reaction from them, Anko knew that her poison had no effect.

"It is very resistant to poison." He stepped aside to let the attacking spider engineer pass, and conveniently attached a detonating talisman to its body, and then kicked it toward the group of ghost spiders below.


The powerful ghost spider swarm, which made the reincarnations suffer so much and was even completely unmatched, was as weak as a group of newborn babies in front of Hongdou.

This is related to the opponent's combat experience, and is also a huge gap in absolute attribute values.

A swarm of ants may kill an elephant, but not a dragon.

Even though Mitarashi Anko is at the bottom of the jounin hierarchy, to the ghost spiders, she is just a female tyrannosaurus.

"Stop using these boring methods." Hongdou threw the kunai up and down in his hand, looking at the man with eyes full of teasing: "Do it yourself, if you dare to attack me, you must have two brushes in your hand. OK."

"Or are these little things your biggest support?"

He bit his finger, formed a simple seal, then slapped it hard on the tree trunk, and then a huge python appeared in front of him.

Psychic art!

"Then let it destroy your self-confidence."

The body length of the python is so astonishing that in front of it, the ghost spiders are no different from the potato chips in your hand.

The skin was too rough and the flesh was too thick, so I couldn't send it back for a while.

Just like Hongdou said, the pythons summoned at random are enough for the ghost spiders to play with. If they want to kill her, they have to come up with more things.

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy." Fang Bo activated the suspension acceleration and quickly rushed over the enemy.

Golden ripples rippled, and the two Noble Phantasms rushed in front of the enemy like lightning.

Anko is very powerful, she can even catch bullets, so a Noble Phantasm that doesn't shoot fast enough will naturally not be able to cause effective damage.

However, the attack power of these two weapons is not low, and it is not that easy to resist. At least it will prevent her from maintaining her original defensive posture.

If your body skills are messed up, it will not be so easy to dodge the next attack.

Yuan-Zero landed from the air and happened to get stuck at the point where Anko had difficulty adjusting her posture.

After so many battles, Fang Bo's experience and vision are also growing rapidly. The woman in front of him is the best touchstone.

The Breath of the Sun is in the shape of Shisan·The scorching sun!

The blade was wrapped in flames and was about to slash down on the woman below. At this moment, a small poisonous snake suddenly sprang out from the side and wrapped around the doll very dexterously.

It used its body to get stuck on several important joints, and stopped the slashing Nichirin Sword.

Latent Shadow Snake Hand!

Before the puppet could break free, Anko used Orochimaru's ninjutsu.

Not only did he tie up Yuanyi Zero, but he also cut off Fang Bo's mental power thread.

As a plot expert in Konoha Village, how could she not understand the secrets of the puppet master's manipulations.

Discarding the immobile doll aside, Anko clapped her hands and said with a smile, "Okay, if you have nothing else to do, can you come with me to Konoha's interrogation room?"

"No way." The golden ripples rippled again, and the big sword and Yan Yue Dao slowly appeared beside him.

"I still have a very important task, and I can't continue to waste time here." With that said, Fang Bo jumped down from a tree trunk dozens of meters high.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he was ready to run away.

Dodging the incoming Noble Phantasm, Anko chased after it without thinking.

She was very curious about the mission mentioned by the other party. Even without this matter, she would not have let the man leave.

"The Otogakure Village looks suspicious."

Hongdou, who was falling rapidly, had no idea that a dangerous predator was waiting on the way.

By the time she realized something was wrong, the new bride's attack was inevitable.

"Did you just say that my children are not a threat?"

Heart-eating and marrow-eating!

The energy spider hit Hong Dou's chest, causing blood flowers to explode. Unfortunately, it failed to trigger the most critical stun effect.

Even so, it still caused a lot of damage to the enemy.

Ninja is a profession with high attack speed and high magic damage. It can be used at long range, close combat, and can also act as a summoner. It can be said that it is a very versatile existence.

The only disadvantage is that their bodies are too weak, and a single kunai may kill them.

It's not like the strong men in the pirate world, who always resist the devastating ultimate move, as if anyone who avoids it is a low-level pirate.

There is no such thing as a ninja's battle, which is why Gaara's absolute defense is so famous.

He dared to resist the attack without even moving, and apart from the "iron" there was only Gaara's sand.

Hongdou was accidentally attacked by an enemy, and Hongdou immediately felt shocked, knowing that he had fallen into a trap.

The latent shadow snake used its hands to try to tie up the psychic beast that was charging towards her. She never thought that its spider blade was extremely flexible and could easily cut off all the venomous snakes.

Seeing this, Hongdou knew that there was nothing he could do, so he simply gave up dodging and concentrated the chakra in his body to the maximum extent.

Since you can't dodge, let's give the enemy a hard blow.

Fire Escape·Dragon Fire Technique!

At the same time that the spider blade stabbed her, a ferocious fire dragon suddenly swallowed the bride.

[The bride was attacked by dragon fire, causing 165 points of damage]

[The attack triggers the "scorching" effect, and in the next 18 seconds, it will cause 2 points of additional damage every second]

Taking into account the negative effect of blood reduction, Hongdou's fire dragon directly knocked out a full 200 points of Luoxin's life.

The damage is very explosive, but unfortunately it is not enough to kill the powerful ghost mother Yin Ji instantly.

Regeneration: Restores 1% of health per second.

It only takes a moment for the bride to return to her intact state, and she should not treat it as an ordinary psychic beast.

Falling to the ground in some embarrassment, Hong Dou frowned and subconsciously covered the wound on her waist.

"Hey, why does the wound hurt so much?!"

She didn't know that the new wife had the ability to aggravate the pain, and the poisonous needles of the ghost mother Yin Ji were not attacks that ordinary people could withstand.

Looking at the man retrieving the puppet not far away, and the psychic beast who was quickly repairing his injuries, Hongdou's heart gradually sank.

The captured doll was lost, and a powerful fire escape move failed to kill the psychic beast instantly. Her combat operation undoubtedly failed.

Then next, you should try to change the goal slightly.

Make men the priority to kill.

At this point, Hongdou no longer had the intention of interrogating for information. She wanted to fight with the intention of killing the opponent.

Ninja Technique: Instantaneous Body Technique!

The speed of more than forty points exploded, and he arrived at Fang Bo's side in an instant. His speed was completely beyond the scope of what he could sense.

He wiped his neck with a knife and pierced his chest with a knife. Before leaving, he didn't forget to leave a special gift for him.

Those are two special venomous snakes, and Red Bean spent a lot of energy and time cultivating them.

I thought that one day, I could use this technique to kill Orochimaru, but I didn't expect that it would be used on a genin candidate now.

Ninja Technique: Two Snakes Killing Each Other!

There was only a roar, and a huge explosion suddenly drowned the man.

Seeing this, Anko subconsciously thought that the battle was over.

She can use it as a means to kill Orochimaru, which shows how powerful this attack is, at least it cannot be resisted by the reincarnations in the first difficulty world.

Even with the bonus of Heart Steel, Fang Bo may not be able to withstand the horrific damage caused by the two snakes killing each other.

Fortunately, he has other means of defense.

When the dust and smoke cleared, a man covered in charred black lay on the ground.

Gray hair was casually draped over his shoulders, and his palm-shaped wings were now broken at the roots. He looked very miserable, but Fang Bo still stood up tenaciously.

This is the second form of his curse seal, which can be adjusted according to your heart when you first release the power of the curse seal.

Considering practicality, Xiaofang shamefully plagiarized the shape of the second pillar.

Putting aside flying, at least the defensive power of those fleshy wings was really good, and it had just helped him withstand at least a hundred points of damage.

Coupled with the fact that he had taken the secondary constitution secret medicine (Physique +5) in advance, Fang Bo was finally not blown to death by the enemy's secret technique.

"It's too dangerous. You really can't underestimate the well-known plot master." He put a hemostatic bandage on himself, slightly increased the blood volume, and then Fang Bo released the giant summoning technique without thinking.


Putting his hand on Tutu's body, his health began to rise rapidly.

The other two giants were guarding it like a mountain of meat. Hongdou, who was confused about the situation, did not dare to attack easily.

By the time she realized something was wrong, Tutu and Dazui had already turned into bones, with all their health points dedicated to their summoner.


The huge python was sent back by the ghost spiders, and unknowingly it surrounded the enemy.

Even the bride came back with full health, which meant that Hongdou's previous efforts were all in vain.

Looking at the crawling giant charging towards her, a trace of despair flashed in the woman's eyes.

Even though she tried her best to resist, she was still overwhelmed by the swarm of ghost spiders with no room to dodge.

Imitate the Dragon Fire Technique!

The fire dragon, which invested a full eighteen points of spiritual power, roared and engulfed the enemy, sending seven ghost spiders away with it.

[You killed Mitarashi Anko]

[You get the plot treasure chest (gold)]

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