Submitting the scroll of heaven and earth meant that Fang Bo successfully passed the second round of tests.

"No. 37?" A certain remote reincarnation stretched and muttered to the side: "There are quite a few people left."

After several rounds of fighting, I thought there wouldn't be too many reincarnations left, but I didn't expect that I rushed slowly and quickly, and in the end I didn't even make it into the top twenty.

"There's no way, there are bastards everywhere." The girl with long braids smiled and glanced at the confused Yaoyao beside her.

She just likes teasing this little guy, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to like her appearance.

Glancing at the stalwart figure on the woman's chest, Yaoyao rolled her cute eyes and unconsciously distanced herself from her.

Just be a gangster, at least we made it to the end.

Just thinking about those few good friends who died, the little girl couldn't help but feel depressed again.

Seeing this, Honglian hurriedly walked over to comfort him. She also liked this lively little guy.

At this time, Fang Bo suddenly saw the figure of Team 7, especially Uchiha Sasuke. He could see the excitement and struggle in the other person's eyes.

He suddenly gained unimaginable power. Even though he knew that using it was risky, how many people could refuse it for the sake of ambition.

At least Sasuke most likely wouldn't refuse.

Now he only needs one reason, and Uchiha Itachi's return soon will be the trigger.

Thinking of that man, Fang Bo couldn't help but recall an incident. He seemed to have spent a lot of money to invite a member of the Xiao organization.

Now that the second round of assessment is almost over, I don’t know if Kakuzu has come to Konoha Village.

If he comes, can he get some tasks from the other party?

Fang Bo didn't want to waste the one-month gap period, at least he didn't want to complete some low-level tasks.

While he was meditating, another group of reincarnators returned, and their leader was none other than the mysterious Evil Eye Master Black Soul.

He had not seen this guy since the beginning of the battle.

I thought it was in someone's hands, but now it seems that he has gone to lead another team.

Looking at the white strip of cloth on the other person's forehead, Fang Bo was very curious about what kind of function the so-called evil eye had.

After a simple greeting, Black Soul looked around and said calmly: "Looking at everyone's expressions, it seems that the harvest is not bad."

The camp did suffer heavy casualties, but those who survived would more or less gain something.

This is the original intention of the reincarnation space, to constantly select the stronger ones.

Those who died are like nutrients. Without their supply, we would not be as strong as we are today.

"Fortunately." Yoder nodded and said with a regretful expression, "It's a pity that we still couldn't kill those two guys."

Of course, one of the people he was talking about was the Quincy Ryuxian, and the other was the Dragon Slayer Mage from the Kumo Hidden camp.

After several battles, he has never been able to determine the winner. This is also the most disappointing thing for him so far.

But fortunately, everything is not over yet, and the upcoming second selection is a good opportunity.

In a one-on-one fight to the death, the loser will completely lose the opportunity to continue fighting. No, no one will allow their opponent to leave alive.

If he met those two people, he would definitely be able to kill them with his own hands.

"I can't wait any longer."

After a little tidying up, the Samsaras of the Sunagakure camp headed to the rest area together.

There are still many candidates staying in the forest, and the only thing they need to do now is to wait.

At night, the Samsaras of the Sunagakure camp gathered together.

A more cruel test is about to begin, and everyone unanimously decides to exchange resources with each other first.

Some people are short of medicine, some want to replenish their equipment, and some reincarnations want powerful ninjutsu scrolls.

Especially the gunners and healers, everyone is worried because their abilities are not suitable for the ring.

Without good offensive means, you can only spend a lot of money to buy one-time items.

For example, someone took out a one-time scroll of "Great Fire Ball" and sold it for a sky-high price of 600 plot points.

Even the skill of Fireball itself may not be sold at such a high price, let alone a scroll that can only be used once.

It can be seen how much everyone attaches importance to the next battle.

No matter how good the plot is, it is not as valuable as your own life.

As for Fang Bo, he took a few glances and found that there was nothing he needed yet, so he took out all the items for sale in his pocket.

Mark the price and take the items you like directly. No counter-offers are allowed.

List of items for sale:

Power Dragon Jade: 1200 plot points

Eyes of the Demon: 280 plot points

Earth Dragon Bullet Scroll: 400 plot points

Invitation letter for admission to Tongdao Academy: 300 plot points

Detailed explanation of Xinyi Liuhe Boxing: 500 plot points

Unopened commission letter: 200 plot points

Psychic Contract: 400 plot points

Latent Shadow Snake Hand: 400 plot points

The pile of things is dazzling, but fortunately everyone has gained a lot, and he is actually not the most outstanding one.

In about ten minutes, all the items for sale in Fangbo were sold.

Some low-level skills can be combined with other skills. He knows little about this aspect. Anyway, it is always a good thing to have people buying things.

This transaction directly brought him profits worth 3680 plot points.

Xiaofang finally achieved his small goal and successfully broke through the 10,000 plot point mark in his hand.

Plot points: 10667 (3000 foreign debt)

"I am considered a household worth ten thousand yuan."

Fang Bo, who felt he was wealthy, began to wander around.

"We don't want to buy it, we just take a look."

But as luck would have it, among the items for sale was something he liked very much.

It was a heavy hammer, and Yaoyao couldn't take her eyes away the moment she saw it.

I don’t know why the little guy likes hammer-type weapons so much.

Arriving in front of the man, he inquired about the specific information about the weapon.

Name: Elemental Shatter

Level: Epic

Category: Two-handed weapons

Attack power: 12-15

Durability: 160/160

Attribute enhancement: Strength +4

Conditions of use: Strength 30, Constitution 12

Equipment effect: Elemental Reaver

Place of Origin: OVERLORD

Equipment evaluation: I can't call it a mage killer. At most, it is a spell that is more suitable for dealing with turtle shells.

Elemental Reaver (passive skill): It can absorb surrounding elements, including energy-based attacks used by enemies.

Perhaps because he was in a hurry to sell, the stall owner only marked a selling price of 1,400 plot points.

You know, it is a magic weapon to deal with spiritual enemies.

Especially the kind of reincarnation with defensive skills, as long as it is thrown out, it will definitely hit it.

The actual value far exceeds its own attack power.

If sold normally, it would probably sell for 1,600-1,800. There are definitely violent people who are willing to spend this money.

"Actually, it's not expensive. It's only one thousand and fourteen. You can make it back by killing just two people."

"The King's Treasure requires the accumulation of weapons. Whenever there is an opportunity, you must fill it with weapons, otherwise the skills will never have real effects."

"Okay, let's buy it."

Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, Fang Bo bought this elemental shattering hammer from the Bone King's world on the spot.

Plot points: 9267 (3000 foreign debt)

"Look, there's so much left, I can't spend it all."

At this time, he completely forgot about his numerous unupgraded skills.

Sometimes it’s easy to get a headache if you think too much, so it’s better to seize the opportunity and enjoy the happiness in front of you.

He directly transformed the big hammer into a noble phantom, and his wealthy appearance attracted a lot of envious eyes.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that he purchased A-level skills. There was no point in hiding it, so why not show it openly?

However, he still overlooked one thing. The leakage of financial resources may cause a different kind of trouble.

Sure enough, an epic weapon soon appeared in front of him.

Name: Shadow Moon Fork

Level: Epic

Category: Throwing weapons

Attack power: 10-14

Durability: 120/120

Attribute enhancement: Strength +2, Agility +2

Conditions of use: Strength 18, Agility 15, Constitution 12

Equipment effects: light shielding, automatic recycling

Place of Origin: Jobless Reincarnation! When you get to another world, you have to show your true skills

Equipment evaluation: Don't let the enemy discover your throwing action.

Light Occlusion (passive skill): Throwing it out will automatically create a visual invisibility effect.

Automatic recycling (passive skill): After a throwing action, it will automatically return to your hand after ten seconds.

This is a weapon that can be "invisible", and it is also a rare throwing weapon. It is especially suitable to become a royal treasure.

The most important thing is that activating its invisibility does not require the consumption of mental energy. As long as the movements are concealed, the enemy can definitely be caught by surprise.

"Good stuff."

Seeing the micro-expression on Fang Bo's face, the seller said kindly: "Brother, look, selling such a good thing for 1,350 is not too much."

Why are there still zeros and wholes?

He wanted to pretend not to care, but his previous actions completely exposed his needs.

Considering the upcoming battle, Fang Bo no longer hesitated and handed over the money happily.

Weapon storage capacity: 4 (Great Sword "Ximena", Yanyue Qinglong, Elemental Shattering Hammer, Shadow Moon Fork)

After he transformed the Shadow Moon Fork into a Noble Phantasm, his weapon storage was finally slightly expanded.

That's the cost

Plot points: 7917 (3000 foreign debt)

"There are still eight thousand points, which seems like a lot."

Perhaps it was because of his enthusiasm for shopping that Fang Bo looked particularly energetic.

However, when he saw the sellers gathered around him, he suddenly realized that he could not continue buying.

Developing A-level skills is a time-consuming and labor-intensive matter, and it requires a lot of time to improve bit by bit.

If my head gets hot, I directly buy ten or eight epic weapons.

It does seem to be a lot stronger, but in fact the improvement to him is far less than upgrading his skills.

"Just accept it when it's good, otherwise you'll become a pauper again."

Rejecting other people's browsing requests, Fang Bo was afraid that he would not be able to resist the temptation of good weapons.

He hurriedly left the trading place and returned to the temporary residence assigned to Konoha alone.

According to the official statement, the assessment will be almost over at noon tomorrow.

A little later, after everyone has finished resting, the second round of play-offs will begin immediately.

“Hopefully we’ll get some interesting opponents.”

It cost a lot of plot points, so of course we have to find a way to make up for it.

To be able to live to this day, every reincarnation person has a lot of money in his pocket, and the thought of Fang Bo makes him feel a little itchy.

On the other side, the disappearance of Anko's team finally aroused the vigilance of Konoha's top brass.

"It's a little strange." The Third Hokage's face showed a little solemnity as he gently touched the pipe in his hand.

Regardless of the previous imposter and now the death of Mitarashi Anko, everything is full of the atmosphere of a storm.

"Alas, is peace going to be broken after all?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but recall that rainy night.

If it hadn't been for Itachi's decisive decision, Konoha might have been dragged into the quagmire of war.

Looking back at the application form in his hand, his eyes gradually focused on the investigation of the scene.

"Spider Silk, it seems that the other party has an extraordinary psychic beast."

After picking up the candidates' information one by one and comparing the confessions and interviews, Konoha finally successfully identified the suspect.

Yinyin Village, candidate Hiroki.

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